
800G QSFP-DD800 2xLR4 is designed for use in 800 Gigabit Ethernet links on up to 10km of single mode fiber.

800G QSFP-DD800 2xLR4 Product Overview

The module is compliant with the QSFP-DD MSA and IEEE 802.3bs.The optical transceiver is RoHS compliant. Navyše, it complies with the latest releases of the QSFP-DD800 MSA. Firmware supports CMIS 5.0 and newer release. We offer transceivers for DR8, 2xDR4, 2xFR4 and 2xLR4 interfaces. Our vertical integration for optical engines enables leading performance and power consumption.

In addition to the traditional EML design, it also adopts silicon-based solution to meet short-distance transmission needs. The module complies with IEE802.3ck and QSFP-DD 800 MSA standards, and support CMIS4.0. Products are mainly used in 800G Ethernet, data centers and cloud networks

The QSFP-DD800 modules introduce 8x100G and 2x400GGBASE Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable Double-Density (QSFP-DD) modulov, offering customers super-high-density pluggable transceivers along with the flexibility of 400 Gigabit Ethernet and 100 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity options for data centers, high-performance computing networks, podnikové jadro a distribučné vrstvy, a aplikácií poskytovateľov služieb. Moduly QSFP-DD800 sú novou generáciou zásuvných modulov transceivera 2x400G založených na tvarovom faktore QSFP-DD.

800G QSFP-DD800 2xLR4 Product Pictures

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800G QSFP-DD800 2xLR4 Product Specifications

Rýchlosť prenosu dát 850Gb/s
Vzdialenosť 10km
Teplota puzdra 0~70 ℃
Napätie 3.3V
Vysielač EML
Prijímač PIN
Vlnová dĺžka CWDM
Konektor Dual CS
Spotreba energie (max.) 16W

800G QSFP-DD800 2xLR4 Product Features

  • Podporuje 2x 425 Gb/s alebo 850 Gb/s
  • Jediný napájací zdroj 3,3V
  • QSFP-DD800 MSA Compliant
  • 25 Gb/s (PAM4) optické rozhranie
  • 25 Gb/s (PAM4) elektrické rozhranie
  • Teplotný rozsah komerčného puzdra od 0 °C do 70 °C
  • CMIS 5.0 alebo novšiu verziu

800G QSFP-DD800 2xLR4 and More Models

800G OSFP 2xLR4
800G OSFP DR8++
800G OSFP DR8+
800G QSFP-DD800 2xLR4
800G QSFP-DD800 DR8+
800G QSFP-DD800 DR8++
800G QSFP-DD800 SR8
800G QSFP-DD800 DR8
800G QSFP-DD800 2xFR4
800G OSFP 2xFR4

800G QSFP-DD800 2xLR4 Product Applications

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