Португалия инвестирует 150 миллионов евро на укрепление сети экстренной связи

Португалия инвестирует 150 миллионов евро на укрепление сети экстренной связи

Согласно сообщению на сайте Telecompaper в июне 22, officials of the Portuguese Interior Ministry recently announced that the Portuguese Integrated System for Emergency and Safety Network (SIRESP) will receive 150 million euros (о 3.6 миллиард юаней) in investment over the next five years to improve its performance and Stability, of which 75 million euros will be raised from an international public tender.

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The SIRESP network is based on TETRA (Terrestrial Trunking Radio) технологии, which is common to all European countries and complies with existing European standards established by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). Officials in the country said: The SIRESP network is an emergency communication network used for command, control and coordination in emergency situations, and it can now respond to the needs of more than 40,000 users simultaneously. This time they plan to further improve its performance.

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