
Huawei SSN4SLD6402 Board is Finished board unit-OptiX OSN 3500-SSN4SLD6402-2xSTM-64 optical interface board (S-64.2b, LC)

Relationship between Huawei SLD64 board feature codes and optical interface types and optical interface indicators
Bord Cod caracteristică Optical interface type description
SSN1 SLD6401SSN4SLD6401 01 1-64.1 2km STM-64 dual-fiber bidirectional optical interface
SSN1SL D6402SSN4SLD6402 02 |S-64.2b 40km STM-64 dual-fiber bidirectional optical interface
SSN4SLD6403 03 P1L1-2D2 80km STM-64 dual-fiber bidirectional optical interface

Huawei SSN4SLD6402 Board Product Overview

Huawei SSN4SLD6402 Board is 2xSTM-64 optical interface board (SLD64 for short) supports receiving and sending 2 STM-64 optical signals, overhead processing and multiplex section protection and other functions and features. The Huawei SLD64 board consists of a photoelectric conversion module, un MUX / modulul DEMUX, un modul de procesare generală SDH, un modul de control logic, și un modul de alimentare.

Huawei SSN4SLD6402 Board is a line board, which can be used to receive and send 2 STM-64 optical signals on OptiX OSN7 500 / 0SN3500 series devices. Through this board, Huawei SLD64 sends the received optical signal to the crossover side after O / E conversion, and sends the electrical signal at the crossover side after E / O conversion. SDH line boards can form a ring network or a chain network in the system.

Huawei SSN4SLD6402 Board Product Pictures

Huawei SSN4SLD64 Board YCICT Huawei SSN4SLD64 Board PRICE AND SPECS FOR OSN 7500Huawei SSN4SLD64 Board YCICT Huawei SSN4SLD64 Board PRICE AND SPECS FOR OSN 3500 OSN 7500

Huawei SSN4SLD64 Board YCICT Huawei SSN4SLD64 PRICE AND SPECS FOR OSN 3500 OSN 7500Huawei SSN4SLD64 Board YCICT Huawei SSN4SLD64 Board PRICE AND SPECS FOR OSN 3500 OSN 7500

Huawei SSN4SLD6402 Board Product Specifications

Bord Cod caracteristică Type of Optical Interface
SSN4SLD6402 2 S-64.2b
Parametru Valoare
Nominal bit rate 9953280 kbit/s
Line code pattern NRZ
Application code S-64.2b
Distanța de transmisie (km) 2 la 40
Type of fiber Single-mode LC
Gama de lungimi de undă de operare (nm) 1530 la 1565
Launched optical power range (dBm) -1 la +2
Sensibilitatea receptorului (dBm) -14
Minimum overload (dBm) -1
Rata minimă de extincție (dB) 8.2
Maxim -20 dB spectral width (nm) 1
Minimum side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30
Dimensiuni (mm) 25.4 (W) X 235.2 (D) X 261.4 (H)
Greutate (kg) 1.2

Huawei SSN4SLD6402 Board Product Features

  • Support dual optical ports, can receive and send 2 STM-64 optical signals, handle 2 STM-64 standard services or cascade services, using XFP package.
  • It supports optical interfaces of l-64.1 and S-64.2b, and the characteristics of the optical interface comply with ITU-T G.691 recommendations.
    N4SLD64 supports the standard optical interface of P1L1-2D2. The characteristics of the P1L1-2D2 optical interface comply with ITU-T G.959 recommendations.
    N4SLD64 supports CWDM and DWDM color optical interfaces. The optical interface uses LC connectors. The CWDM optical interface supports a transmission distance of 70km, and the DWDM optical interface supports a transmission distance of 80km.
    N4SLD64 supports single-fiber bidirectional optical modules.
  • Support optical module manufacturing information query and optical module performance reporting.
  • Support laser default shutdown, laser switch setting and query.
  • Supports the use and monitoring of XFP pluggable optical modules, which facilitates the maintenance and upgrade of optical modules.
  • Support VC-12/NC-3/VC-4 business and VC-4-4c, VC-4-8c, VC-4-16c, VC-4-64c cascade business.

Huawei SSN4SLD6402 Board can be inserted into the slot: SLD64 board can be inserted in the sub-slot slot 7 ~ slot 8, slot 11 ~ slot 12.
HUAWEI OSN3500 HUAWEI SLD64 board physical characteristics: board size: 25.4mm (lăţime) x235.2mm (deep) x261.4mm (înălţime) greutate: 1.2kg
Power consumption of Huawei OSN3500 SSNISLD64 optical board: The maximum power consumption of SSN1SLD64 single board at room temperature (25°C) is 41W. The maximum power consumption of the SSN4SLD64 single board at normal temperature (25°C) is 20W.

Huawei SSN4SLD6402 Board Product Applications

Huawei SSN4SLD64 Board YCICT Huawei SSN4SLD64 Board PRICE AND SPECS FOR OSN 3500 OSN 7500

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