
Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C Switch is a High-Quality Multi-GE switch with 12×10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12×100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4×1/10GE SFP+, 4×1/10/25GE SFP28, 2×40/100GE QSFP28 ports and 90W PoE++

Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C Switch is a brand new full 1/2.5/5/10GE switch for the Wi Fi 6/Wi Fi 7. The product builds on Huawei’s unified Platform and boasts various IDN features. De exemplu, the VXLAN functionality implements network virtualization. În același timp, S5755 H can function as core switches for small sized campus networks and branches of medium and large sized campus networks, and also work as access switches for Metropolitan Area Network. în plus, the uplink bandwidth of WLAN APs has been increased from 2.5 Gbit/s in 802.11ac to 5 Gbit/s or 10 Gbit/s. Traditional gigabit access or Multi gigabi t bundled access cannot meet the uplink bandwidth requirements of APs. With the launch of the S5755 H series switches, the ports support 100M/1/2.5/5/10G auto sensing, meeting the bandwidth requirements of high speed wireless APs in the Wi Fi 6 eră. în plus, Multi GE ports support 90 W PoE++, which provides high power power for powered devices (PDs) such as APs and IP cameras.

Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S5731-H24P4XC Switch YCICT Huawei S5731-H24P4XC Switch PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINALHuawei CloudEngine S6730-H24X6C Switch YCICT Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H24X6C Switch PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINAL

Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C SwitchCE6885-48YS8CQ price and specs

Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Specifications

Modelul produsului CloudEngine S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C CloudEngine S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C-T CloudEngine S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C CloudEngine S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C-T
Performanță de redirecționare 450 Mps 450 Mps 450 Mps 450 Mps
Capacitatea de comutare2 864 Gbps/2.32 Tbps* 864 Gbps/2.32 Tbps* 912 Gbps/2.32 Tbps* 912 Gbps/2.32 Tbps*
Porturi fixe 12 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 36 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports
PoE Sprijinit, 90 W PoE++
Tip sursă de alimentare 1+1 alimentare de rezervă
Caracteristici MAC Conformitatea IEEE 802.1D
Adresa automată MAC Învățare și îmbătrânire
Static, dinamic, și intrări de adresă MAC blackhole
Filtrarea pachetelor pe baza adreselor MAC sursă
iPCA Directly coloring service packets to collect real-time statistics on the number of lost packets and packet loss ratio
Collecting real-time statistics on the number of lost packets and packet loss ratio at network and device levels
VXLAN VXLAN Layer 2 și Strat 3 gateways
Gateway-uri centralizate și distribuite
Configurat prin protocolul NETCONF
Interoperabilitate VBST (compatibil cu PVST/PVST+/RPVST)
LNP (similar cu DTP)
VCMP (similar cu VTP)

Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Features

  • Provide industry leading Multi GE port density, capacitatea de comutare, and packet forwardin g rate. A single switch supports a maximum of 48 100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10G Base T auto sensing ports and 1G/10G/25G/40G/100G optical uplink ports, meets various device interconnection requirements and can be seamlessly integrated into the existing network.
  • Can define their own forwarding models, forwarding behavior, and lookup algorithms. Microcode programmability makes it possible to provide new services within six months, without the need of replacing the hardware. În contrast, cipurile ASIC tradiționale folosesc o arhitectură de redirecționare fixă ​​și urmează un proces de redirecționare fix. Din acest motiv, new services cann ot be provisioned until new hardware is developed to support the services one to three years later.
  • Use the Packet Conservation Algorithm for Internet(iPCA) technology that changes the traditional metho d of using simulated traffic for fault location. Tehnologia iPCA poate monitoriza calitatea rețelei pentru orice flux de servicii, oriunde și oricând, fara costuri suplimentare. Poate detecta întreruperi temporare ale serviciului într-un timp foarte scurt și poate identifica cu precizie porturile defecte. This cutting edge fault detection technology turns “management extins” la “management fin granular.”

Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C Switch and More Models

S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C 12 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 90W PoE++
S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C-T 12 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 90W PoE++
S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C 36 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 90W PoE++
S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C-T 36 × 10/100/1000M Base-T Ethernet ports, 12 × 100M/1/2.5/5/10G Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x 1/10GE SFP+, 4 x 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40/100GE QSFP28 ports 90W PoE++

Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C Switch Ordering Info

Model Descriere produs
CloudEngine S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C (12*10/100/1000porturi BASE-T, 12*100M/1/2.5/5/10G Ethernet ports, 4*10Porturi GE SFP+, 4*25GE SFP28 ports, 2*100Porturi GE QSFP28, PoE++, fără modul de alimentare)
CloudEngine S5755H24UTM4X4Y2C-T S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C-T (12*10/100/1000porturi BASE-T, 12*100M/1/2.5/5/10G Ethernet ports, 4*10Porturi GE SFP+, 4*25GE SFP28 ports, 2*100Porturi GE QSFP28, PoE++, HTM, fără modul de alimentare)
CloudEngine S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C (36*10/100/1000porturi BASE-T, 12*100M/1/2.5/5/10G Ethernet ports, 4*10Porturi GE SFP+, 4*25GE SFP28 ports, 2*100Porturi GE QSFP28, PoE++, fără modul de alimentare)
CloudEngine S5755H48UTM4X4Y2C-T S5755-H48UTM4X4Y2C-T (36*10/100/1000porturi BASE-T, 12*100M/1/2.5/5/10G Ethernet ports, 4*10Porturi GE SFP+, 4*25GE SFP28 ports, 2*100Porturi GE QSFP28, PoE++, HTM, fără modul de alimentare)
PAC600S56-EB 600W PoE AC&240 Modul de alimentare V DC
PAC1000S56-EB 1000 W PoE AC&240 Modul de alimentare V DC
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VENTILATOR-031A-B Modul ventilator
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N1-S57H-FToASnS1Y N1-Upgrade-Foundation la Advanced,S57XX-H,SnS,Per Dispozitiv,1An

Huawei S5755-H24UTM4X4Y2C Switch Product Applications