
Huawei S5731-H48T4XC-B Switch is a next-generation intelligent gigabit switch with 48 x porturi Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T, 4 x 10GE SFP+ ports and 1+1 alimentare de rezervă

Huawei S5731-H48T4XC-B Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5731-H48T4XC-B Switch offers Switching capacity: 176 Gbps/672 Gbps. The switch builds on Huawei’s unified Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) and boasts various IDN features. De exemplu, the integrated wireless AC capabilities can manage up to 1,024 wireless APs; the free mobility feature ensures consistent user experience; the VXLAN functionality implements network virtualization; iar sondele de securitate încorporate acceptă detectarea anormală a traficului, analiza amenințărilor chiar și în trafic criptat, și înșelăciunea amenințărilor la nivel de rețea. În plus, Huawei S5731-H48T4XC-B provides a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS and user-targeted attacks. Atacurile DoS sunt vizate de switch-uri și includ SYN flood, Teren, Ştrumf, și atacurile de inundații ICMP. Atacurile vizate de utilizator includ atacuri false pe serverul DHCP, Falsificarea adresei IP/MAC, Flood de solicitări DHCP, și modificarea valorii DHCP CHADDR. With these merits, CloudEngine S5731-H can function as core switches for small-sized campus networks and branches of medium- and largesized campus networks, and also work as access switches for Metropolitan Area Network.

Huawei S5731-H48T4XC-B Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5731-H48T4XC-B Switch Product Specifications

Modelul produsului CloudEngine S5731-H24T4XC CloudEngine S5731-H24P4XC CloudEngine S5731-H48T4XC CloudEngine S5731-H48P4XC CloudEngine S5731-H48T4XC-B
Capacitatea de comutare2 288 Gbit/s/672 Gbit/s 288 Gbit/s/672 Gbit/s 336 Gbit/s/672 Gbit/s 336 Gbit/s/672 Gbit/s 176 Gbit/s/672 Gbit/s
Porturi fixe 24 × 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 × 10 Gig SFP+ 24 × 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 × 10 Gig SFP+ 48 × 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 × 10 Gig SFP+ 48 × 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 × 10 Gig SFP+ 48 × 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 × 10 Gig SFP+
PoE+ Nu sunt acceptate Sprijinit Nu sunt acceptate Sprijinit Nu sunt acceptate
Sloturi extinse One extended slot, a sustine 2 x 40GE QSFP+, 2 x 25GE SFP28 or 8 x 10GE SFP+, 8*10GE Base-T cards Nu sunt acceptate
Wireless Services Management of up to 1024 AP-uri
Controlul accesului AP, AP domain management, and AP configuration template management
Radio channel management, configurație statică unificată, and dynamic centralized management
WLAN basic services, QoS, Securitate, și managementul utilizatorilor
CAPWAP, tag/terminal location, and spectrum analysis
iPCA Colectare de statistici în timp real privind numărul de pachete pierdute și rata de pierdere a pachetelor la nivel de rețea și dispozitiv
Țesătură super virtuală (SVF) Functions as the parent node to virtualize downstream switches and APs vertically as one device for simpler management
Supports a two-layer client architecture
Supports third-party devices between SVF parent and clients
VXLAN Gateway-uri VXLAN L2 și L3
Gateway-uri centralizate și distribuite
Configurat prin protocolul NETCONF
Interoperabilitate VBST (compatible with PVST, PVST+, și RPVST)
LNP (similar cu DTP)
VCMP (similar cu VTP)

Huawei S5731-H48T4XC-B Switch Product Features

  • S5731-H has a built-in high-speed and flexible processor chip. The chip’s flexible packet processing and traffic control capabilities can meet current and future service requirements, helping build a highly scalable network.
  • S5731-H provides the integrated WLAN AC(native AC) function that can manage 1,024 AP-uri, reducing the costs of purchasing additional WLAN AC hardware and breaking the forwarding performance bottleneck of an external WLAN AC. With this switch series, customers can stay ahead in the high-speed wireless era.
  • S5731-H supports Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) pentru a verifica cu exactitate orice legătură IP și pentru a obține performanța IP a întregii rețele. Acest protocol elimină necesitatea utilizării unei sonde dedicate sau a unui protocol proprietar.
  • S5731-H supports SVF and functions as a parent switch. Cu această tehnologie de virtualizare, o rețea fizică cu “small-sized core/aggregation switches + access switches + AP-uri” structura poate fi virtualizată într-o “super comutator”, simplificând foarte mult managementul rețelei.

Huawei S5731-H48T4XC-B Switch and More Models

CloudEngine S5731-H24T4XC24 x 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 x porturi SFP+ 10GE
CloudEngine S5731-H24P4XC 24 x porturi Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T, 4 x 10GE SFP+ ports PoE+
CloudEngine S5731-H48T4XC 48 x porturi Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T, 4 x porturi SFP+ 10GE
CloudEngine S5731-H48T4XC-B 48 x porturi Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T, 4 x porturi SFP+ 10GE
CloudEngine S5731-H48P4XC 48 x porturi Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T, 4 x 10GE SFP+ ports PoE+

Huawei S5731-H48T4XC-B Switch Product Applications

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