
Huawei S5720-36C-EI-AC Switch is an Enhanced Gigabit Switch with 28 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 sau SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ and Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC power module equipped by default

Huawei S5720-36C-EI-AC Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5720-36C-EI-AC provides flexible GE access ports (including optical, electric, and combo ports) and 10GE uplink ports. Built on next-generation high-performance processors and Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), S5720-EI provides larger table sizes and higher hardware processing capabilities than equivalent switches. Besides, it provides comprehensive service processing capabilities, enhanced security control, and mature IPv6 features. în plus, With enhanced network admission control (NAC) Funcții, S5720-36C-EI-AC supports 802.1x authentication, Autentificarea adresei MAC, Portal authentication, and hybrid authentication, and can dynamically delivery user policies such as VLANs, Politici QoS, and access control lists (ACL-uri). It also supports user management based on user groups

Huawei S5720-36C-EI-AC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5720-36C-EI-AC Switch Product Specifications

Articol Descriere
Model S5720-36C-EI-AC
Port 28 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 sau SFP, 4 Gig SFP
Numărul piesei 2359562
Memorie (RAM) 2 GB
Flash 512 MB in total. Pentru a vizualiza dimensiunea disponibilă a memoriei flash, rulați comanda display version.
Timpul mediu dintre eșecuri (MTBF) 80.05 years when no card is configured; 73.65 years when a 2-port 10GE SFP+ interface card is configured; 71.58 years when a 2-port 10GE RJ45 interface card is configured; 71.74 years when a stack card is configured
Timp mediu pentru reparații (MTTR) 2 ore
Disponibilitate > 0.99999
Protecție la supratensiune în portul de service Service ports on front panel: ±6 kV în modul comun
Ports on the 2-port 10GE RJ45 rear interface card: ±2 kV in common mode
Protecție la supratensiune a sursei de alimentare Folosind module de alimentare CA: ±6 kV în regim diferenţial, ±6 kV în modul comun
Folosind module de alimentare DC: ±1 kV in differential mode, ±2 kV in common mode
Greutate (cu ambalaj) 9.8 kg (21.61 livre)
Stiva porturi Ports on the 2-port 10GE SFP+ rear interface card
Ports on the 2-port 10GE RJ45 rear interface card
Ports on the 2-port QSFP+ rear stack card
Gama de tensiune nominală 100 V AC la 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
-48 V DC la -60 V DC
Domeniul maxim de tensiune 90 V AC la 264 V AC, 47 Hz la 63 Hz
-36 V DC la -72 V DC
Consum maxim de energie (100% debitului, viteza maximă a ventilatoarelor) 75.8 W
Consumul de energie tipic (30% a încărcăturii de trafic) 39.5 W (without subcard)
Tested according to ATIS standard 47.28 W (with 2*10G optical subcards)
EEE enabled 52.17 W (2*QSFP+ stack cards)
No PoE power consumption 55.14 W (with 2*10G electrical subcards)
Temperatura de Operare 0°C până la 45°C (32°F până la 113 °F) la o altitudine de 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Temperatura de funcționare pe termen scurt -5°C până la +50°C (23°F până la 122 °F) la o altitudine de 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Temperatura de depozitare -40°C până la +70°C (-40°F până la +158 °F)
Zgomot la temperaturi normale (27°C, puterea sonoră) < 51.2 dB(A)
Umiditate relativă 5% la 95%, necondensabil
Altitudine de operare AC power modules configured: 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
DC power modules configured: 0-2000 m (0-6562 ft.)
Certificare Certificare EMC
Certificare de siguranță
Certificare de fabricație
Dimensiuni (Înălțime x L x A) Dimensiuni de bază (excluzând părțile proeminente din corp): 44.4 mm x 442.0 mm x 424.7 mm (1.75 în. X 17.4 în. X 16.72 în.)
Dimensiuni maxime (adâncimea este distanța de la porturile de pe panoul frontal până la mânerul de pe panoul din spate): 44.4 mm x 442.0 mm x 451.8 mm (1.75 în. X 17.4 în. X 17.79 în.)

Huawei S5720-36C-EI-AC Switch Product Features

  • S5720-EI models with power sockets on the front panel can be installed in a 300 mm deep cabinet and maintained from the front panel. This simplifies equipment O&M and allows more flexible cabinet deployment. The small-sized cabinets can be placed against a wall or back to back to save space in the equipment room.
  • S5720-EI allows management personnel to remotely switch on the SYS indicator on the front panel. After configuration commands are used, the SYS indicator quickly blinks within a certain period, helping the management personnel locate the device in the equipment room quickly and efficiently.
  • S5720-EI supports Smart Link and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), care implementează backup -ul legăturilor ascendente. One S5720-EI switch can connect to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, îmbunătățirea semnificativă a fiabilității dispozitivelor de acces
  • S5720-EI provides excellent QoS capabilities and supports queue scheduling and congestion control algorithms. În plus, adoptă mecanisme inovatoare de așteptare cu prioritate și de programare pe mai multe niveluri pentru a implementa o programare fină a fluxurilor de date, îndeplinirea cerințelor de calitate a serviciilor ale diferitelor terminale și servicii ale utilizatorilor

Huawei S5720-36C-EI-AC Switch and More S5720-EI Models

S5720-32P-EI-AC 24 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 100/1000 SFP, 4 Gig SFP, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC power supply
S5720-32X-EI-AC 24 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 100/1000 SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-32X-EI-24S-AC 24 Gig SFP, 4 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-32X-EI-24S-DC 24 Gig SFP, 4 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-36C-EI-28S-AC 28 Gig SFP, 4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies
S5720-36C-EI-28S-DC 28 Gig SFP, 4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies
S5720-36C-EI-AC 28 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 sau SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC power module equipped by default
S5720-36C-PWR-EI-AC 28 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi PoE+, 4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 sau SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ PoE+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC power module equipped by default
S5720-36PC-EI-AC 28 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 of which are dual-purpose 10/100/1000 sau SFP, 4 Gig SFP Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC power module equipped by default
S5720-50X-EI-AC 46 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-50X-EI-DC 46 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC 46 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-50X-EI-46S-DC 46 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-52X-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC power supply
S5720-52P-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 Gig SFP, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC power supply
S5720-56C-EI-48S-AC 48 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-EI-48S-DC 48 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-EI-DC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-PWR-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi PoE+, 4 10 Gig SFP+ PoE+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-PWR-EI-AC1 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi PoE+, 4 10 Gig SFP+ PoE+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-PWR-EI-DC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi PoE+, 4 10 Gig SFP+ PoE+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56PC-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 porturi, 4 Gig SFP Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC power module equipped by default

Huawei S5720-36C-EI-AC Switch Product Applications

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