
Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module is a digital rectifier converting 85~300VAC to 53.5 VDC and featuring high efficiency, high power density, walk-in start, hot plug, complete protection, and low noise.

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module Product Overview

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module is a digital rectifier that changes 85~300VAC to 53.5 VDC and it outstands with high efficiency, high power density, walk-in start, priză la cald, complete protection, and low noise. The rectifier adopts the latest power monitoring technology, and implements the function of monitoring the states of loads and the rectifier status in real time. The output voltage of the rectifier can be adjusted through the host.

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module Product Pictures

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier ModuleHuawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module YCICT

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier ModuleHuawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module R4850N

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module Product Specifications

Tensiune de intrare 85~300VAC
Mod tensiune de intrare 220VAC monofazat (sau 110VAC duble linii sub tensiune)
Frecvență 45~65Hz Rated: 50Hz/60Hz
Curentul maxim de intrare ≤19.5A
Factor de putere ≥0,99
THD ≤5%
Tensiune de ieșire 42~58VDC Default value: 53.5VDC
Putere de iesire 2900W(176~300VAC)
Dimensiune 88.9(H)×103(W)×243(D)mm
Greutate ≤2.8kg
Răcire Răcire forțată cu aer
Temperatura de Operare -40℃~+75℃(non-derating under 50℃)
Temperatura de depozitare -40℃~+70℃
Umiditate relativă 5%~95%(necondens)
Gama de altitudine ≤4000m(Dacă altitudinea este în intervalul 3000m până la 4000m, the maximum operating temperature decreases by 1℃ as the altitude increases by 200m.)

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module Product Features

  • Eficiență ridicată: ≥92%
  • Gama de tensiune de intrare: 85~300VAC
  • Interval de temperatură de funcționare: -40℃~75℃
  • Distorsiune armonica totala(THD): ≤5%
  • Conectare la cald
  • Control digital
  • Contor electric inteligent
  • Communication over RS485
  • Reglarea tensiunii și curentului
  • Îndeplinește cerințele RoHS
  • Trecând de TUV,CE,CB,Certificari UL

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module and More Related Modules

Numărul piesei Tensiune de intrare Tensiune de ieșire Putere de iesire Eficienţă Temperatura de Operare
R4805G1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 270W 94 % -40C la +75C
R4815G1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 870W 96 % -40C la +75C
R4815N1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 1000W 94 % -40C la +75C
R4830G1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 1600W 96 % -40C la +75C
R4830G2 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 2000W 96 % -40C la +75C
R4830N2 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 1605W 94 % -40C la +75C
R4850G1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 3000W 96 % -40C la +75C
R4850G2 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 3000W 96 % -40C la +75C
R4850N1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 2900W 92 % -40C la +75C
R4850N2 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 3000W 94 % -40C la +75C
R48100G1 260-530Vac 42-58Vdc 6000W 96 % -40C la +75C
R33640G1 260-530Vac 300-400Vdc 15kW 97% -40C la +75C
R50030G1 260-456Vac 300-500Vdc 15kW 95.8% -30C la +65C

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module Product Applications

Huawei R4850N1 Rectifier Module