
Comutatorul Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI este o nouă generație, switch-uri Gigabit Ethernet de înaltă densitate concepute pentru centre de date și rețele de campus de ultimă generație, which provides 44-ports 1000BASE-T, 4-ports 10GBASE-T, 6-ports 40GE QSFP+, 2x600W AC Power Module, 2xFAN Box, Evacuare pe babord

Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch Product Overview

It is a next-generation, high-density Gigabit Ethernet switch designed for data centers and high-end campus networks. Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI has advanced hardware architecture with 40GE uplink ports and high-density GE access ports. By using Huawei’s VRP8 software platform, CloudEngine 5880 switches support extensive data center features and high stacking capabilities. În plus, CloudEngine 5880 series use a flexible airflow design (front-to-back or back-to-front),and can also work with Huawei CE12800 series data center core switches to build elastic, virtual, and high-quality fabric that meets requirements of cloud computing data centers. What’s more, CE5880-48T6Q-EI has innovative energy-saving chips and can measure system power consumption in real time. The fan speed can be adjusted dynamically based on system consumption. These energy-saving technologies reduce O&M costs and contribute to a greener data center.

Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch Product Specifications

Physical specifications Dimensiuni (L x A x A): 442.0 mm x 420.0 mm x 43.6 mm (17.4 în. X 16.5 în. X 1.72 în.)
Temperatura Temperatura de Operare: 0°C până la 40°C (32°F până la 104 °F) at altitude of 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Umiditate relativă 5% RH la 95% RH, necondensabil
Altitudine < 5000 m (16404 ft.)
Zgomot (sound pressure, 27°C) Flux de aer din spate: < 64 dBA
Flux de aer din față-înapoi: < 64 dBA
Power source type AC
AC power input Gama de tensiune nominală de intrare: 100 V AC la 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Domeniul maxim de tensiune de intrare: 90 V AC la 290 V AC, 47 Hz la 63 Hz
DC power input Gama de tensiune nominală: -48 V DC la -60 V DC
Domeniul maxim de tensiune: -38.4 V DC la -72 V DC
Curent nominal de intrare 600 W AC power (PAC-600WA series): 9 A (100 V AC la 240 V AC)
600 W DC power (PDC600S12 series): 20A (-48 V DC la -60 V DC)
Consum maxim de energie 244 W
Consumul de energie tipic 211 W (100% debitului, 3 m Ethernet cables on 48 ports and QSFP+ cables on 6 porturi, double power modules)
222 W (100% debitului, 3 m Ethernet cables on 48 ports and QSFP+ short-distance optical modules on 6 porturi, double power modules)
Disiparea maximă a căldurii 833 BTU/hr
Disiparea tipică a căldurii 720 BTU/hr (100% debitului, 3 m Ethernet cables on 48 ports and QSFP+ cables on 6 porturi, double power modules)
757 BTU/hr (100% debitului, 3 m Ethernet cables on 48 ports and QSFP+ short-distance optical modules on 6 porturi, double power modules)
Modul de disipare a căldurii Răcire cu aer
Flux de aer Față în spate sau spate în față, depending on the fan modules and power modules
Power module backup 1+1 backup
Fan module backup 1+1 backup not supported
Schimb la cald Supported by all power modules and fan modules
Timpul mediu dintre eșecuri (MTBF) 49.14 ani
Timp mediu pentru reparații (MTTR) 1.71 ore
Procesor 1.5 GHz, eight-core
DRAM Memory 2 GB
NOR Flash 32 MB
Flash NAND 1 GB
Service port supporting the stack function GE electrical ports, 10GE electrical ports, and 40GE optical ports
Certificare Respectarea standardelor de siguranță
Conformitatea cu standardele EMC
Respectarea standardelor de mediu

Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch Product Features

  • CloudEngine 5880 series provide up to 44*GE and 4 x 10GE RJ 45 line speed ports, allowing f or high density GE server access and smooth evolution.
  • CloudEngine 5880 series provide up to 6 x 40GE QSFP+ ports. The uplink 40GE ports can be connected to CloudEngine 16800 or CloudEngine 12800 series switches to build a non blocking network platform.
  • A stack system of 16 member switches has a maximum of 704 x GE access ports that provide high density server access in a data center.
  • Multiple switches in a stack system are virtualized into one logical device, making it possible to build a scalable and easy to manage data center network platform.
  • A stack system separates the control plane from the data plane. This eliminates the risk of single points of failure and greatly improves system reliabi lity.
  • CloudEngine 5880 series can use service ports as stack ports. A stack system can be established with switches in the same rack or different racks, and even over long distances.
  • Service and stack bandwi dths can be allocated based on the network scale to ensure that network resources are used more efficiently.

Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch Product and More Models

Comutator CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, Fără ventilator și modul de alimentare)

Comutator CE5855-24T4S2Q-EI (24-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, Fără ventilator și modul de alimentare)

Comutator CE5850-48T4S2Q-HI (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, Fără ventilator și modul de alimentare)

Comutator CE5850-48T4S2Q-EI (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, Fără ventilator și modul de alimentare)

Comutator CE5810-48T4S-EI (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, Fără ventilator și modul de alimentare)

Comutator CE5810-24T4S-EI (24-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, Fără ventilator și modul de alimentare)

Comutator CE5880-48T6Q-EI (44Port G RJ45, 4-Port 10G RJ45, 6-Port 40GE QSFP+, Fără ventilator și modul de alimentare)

Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch Product Configurations

CE5880-EI-B-B00 CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch spare part(44*GE RJ45, 4*10GE RJ45, 6*40GE QSFP+, 2*AC power modules, 2*fan modules, port-side intake)
CE5880-EI-F-B00 CE5880-48T6Q-EI switch (44*GE RJ45, 4*10GE RJ45, 6*40GE QSFP+, 2*AC power modules, 2*fan modules, port-side exhaust)
CE5880-48T6Q-EI CE5880-48T6Q-EI switch (44*GE RJ45, 4*10GE RJ45, 6*40GE QSFP+, without fan and power modules)
FAN-40HA-F Cutie de ventilator(HA, Din față în spate, Admisia laterală a panoului ventilatorului) CE5880-48T6Q-EI
FAN-40HA-B Cutie de ventilator(HA, Înapoi în față, Evacuare laterală a panoului ventilatorului) CE5880-48T6Q-EI
PAC-600WA-F 600W Modul de alimentare CA (Din față în spate, Admisia laterală a panoului de alimentare) CE5880-48T6Q-EI
PAC-600WA-B 600W Modul de alimentare CA (Înapoi în față, Evacuare laterală a panoului de alimentare) CE5880-48T6Q-EI
PDC600S12-CF 600W Modul de alimentare CC(Din față în spate, Admisia laterală a panoului de alimentare) CE5880-48T6Q-EI
PDC600S12-CB 600W Modul de alimentare CC(Înapoi în față, Evacuare laterală a panoului de alimentare) CE5880-48T6Q-EI
CE58-LIC-VXLAN CloudEngine 5800 VXLAN Function
CE58-LIC-NSH CloudEngine 5800 NSH Function
CE58-LIC-TLM CloudEngine 5800 Telemetry Function
N1-CE58LIC-CFMM N1-CloudFabric Management SW License for CloudEngine 5800
N1-CE58CFMM-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Management SW License for CloudEngine 5800 -SnS-1 Year
N1-CE58LIC-CFFD N1-CloudFabric Foundation SW License for CloudEngine 5800
N1-CE58CFFD-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Foundation SW License for CloudEngine 5800-SnS-1 Year

Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch Product Ordering Info

Numărul piesei Part Model Part Description
02352AXG CE5880-48T6Q-EI Comutator CE5880-48T6Q-EI (44Port G RJ45, 4-Port 10G RJ45, 6-Port 40GE QSFP+, Fără ventilator și modul de alimentare)
02352AXK CE5880-EI-F-B00 CE5880-48T4Q2CQ-EI Switch (44Port G RJ45, 4-Port 10G RJ45, 6-Port 40GE QSFP+, 2*AC Power Module, 2*Cutie de ventilator, Evacuare pe babord)
02352AXL CE5880-EI-B-B00 CE5880-48T4Q2CQ-EI Switch (44Port G RJ45, 4-Port 10G RJ45, 6-Port 40GE QSFP+, 2*AC Power Module, 2*Cutie de ventilator, Admisie pe babord)

Huawei CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch Product Applications