
HN8546X6 FTTH is XG-PON and Wi-Fi 6 ONT Terminal with 4*GE+1*POTS+2*USB+2.4G/5G 11ax WIFI, 5dBi

HN8546X6 FTTH Product Overview

HN8546X6 FTTH is an intelligent Wi-Fi 6 routing-type 10G Optical Network Terminal with 4 porturi GE, 1 Portul vaselor, și 2 port USB, and 2.4G and 5G Wi-Fi 6 connectivity. This model uses 10-Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (XG-PON) technology to offer ultra-broadband access, performanta ridicata, and wide coverage for users. ensuring an exceptional experience for voice, date, and High Definition (HD) video services and future-oriented service support capabilities and visualized network management, Prin urmare, Huawei HN8145X6 10G FTTH supports enterprises construct powerful all-optical access solutions. plus future-oriented service support capabilities — HN8546X6 helps enterprises deploy competitive all-optical access solutions.

HN8546X6 FTTH Product Pictures

HN8546X6HN8546X6 wifi6 10g pon ycict

HN8546X6HN8546X6 new and original ycict

HN8546X6 FTTH Product Specifications

Parametrii HN8546X6
Port 4 x GE, 1 x CANS, 1 x USB, 2.4Wi-Fi G/5G 6
Greutate (Fără adaptor de alimentare) Aproximativ 400 g
Temperatura de Operare 0–40°C
Umiditatea de funcționare 5-95% RH (necondens)
Intrare adaptor de alimentare 100–240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Sursa de alimentare a sistemului 11–14 V DC, 1.5 A
Consum maxim de energie* 18 W
Antenă Antenă externă
Modul de instalare Desktop
Port USB • USB 2.0
• Stocare de rețea bazată pe FTP
• Partajare fișiere/Imprimare bazată pe SAMBA
• Funcția DLNA
Economie de energie COC V7
Dimensiuni (Înălțime x L x A) 40 X 185 X 120 mm (fără antenă externă și plăcuțe)

HN8546X6 FTTH Product Features

  • Next Generation Wi-Fi 6

IEEE 802.11 b/g/n/ax (2.4G).

IEEE 802.11 a/n/ac/ax (5G).

2 X 2 MIMO (2.4G and 5G).

Recepție semnal: 5 dBi.

Rata interfeței aeriene: 574 Mbit/s (2.4G), 2.402 Gbit/s (5G).

data application services

  • Smart Services

Scheduled Wi-Fi shutdown scheduling.

Partajare Wi-Fi inteligentă: Portal/802.1X authentication, and SoftGRE-based sharing.

  • Smart O&M

Diagnosticare calitate video IPTV.


Rogue ONT detection and self-regulation.

Emulare apel, circuit test, and loop-line test.

Testare de simulare PPPoE/DHCP.

Emulare WLAN

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HN8546X6 FTTH Product Applications

Huawei HN8546X6 FTTH Product Applications ycict

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