
GYTS-288Xn Optic Cable is Stranded Loose Tube Light-armored Cable

GYTS-288Xn Optic Cable Product Overview

GYTS cable, single-mode/multimode fibers are positioned in the loose tubes, which are made of high modulus plastic materials, while the loose tubes strand together around metallic central strength member into a compact and circular cable core. For certain high fiber count cables, the strength member would be covered with polyethylene (PE). The water blocking materials are distributed into interstices of the cable core, and the PSP is longitudinally applied around the cable core before a HDPE sheath is extruded over it.

GYTS-288Xn Optic Cable Product Pictures

GYTS-288Xn Optic Cable GYTS optic fiber cable ycictGYTS-288Xn Optic Cable Stranded Loose Tube ycict

GYTS-288Xn Optic CableGYTS-288Xn Optic Cable price and specs ycict

GYTS-288Xn Optic Cable Product Specifications

Fiber Optic Cable Model (in 2-fiber increments) Number of fibers Number of casings Number of fill ropes Reference cable weight
Tensile force is allowed
Allowable squashing force
Bend radius
GYTS-2~6Xn 2~6 1 4 96 600/1500 300/1000 10D/20d
GYTS-8~12Xn 8~ 12 2 3 96
GYTS-14~18Xn 14~18 3 2 96
GYTS-20~24Xn 20~24 4 1 96
GYTS-26~30Xn 26~30 5 0 96
GYTS-32~36Xn 32~36 6 0 105
GYTS-38~48Xn 38~48 4 1 111
GYTS-50~60Xn 50~60 5 0 111
GYTS-62~72Xn 62~72 6 0 138
GYTS-74~84Xn 74~84 7 1 168
GYTS-86~96Xn 86~96 8 0 168
GYTS-98~108Xn 98~108 9 1 195
GYTS-110~120Xn 110~120 10 0 195
GYTS-122~132Xn 122~132 11 1 228
GYTS-134~144Xn 134~144 12 0 228
GYTS-146~216Xn 146~216 13~18 5~0 228
GYTS-288Xn 288 24 0 283
Tipul fibrei attenuation (+20℃) bandwidth Diafragma numerică Fiber optic cable cut-off wavelength
@850nm @1300nm @1310nm @1550nm @850nm @1300nm
G.652 ≤0.36dB/km ≤0.22dB/km ≤1260nm
G.655 ≤0.40dB/km ≤0,23 dB/km ≤1450nm
50/125µm ≤3.0dB/km ≤1.0dB/km ≥500MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.200±0.015 NA
62.5/125µm ≤3.3dB/km ≤1.0dB/km ≥200MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.275±0.015 NA

GYTS-288Xn Optic Cable Product Features

  • Proprietăți mecanice foarte bune și caracteristici ale temperaturii
  • Materialul cu tub liber are o rezistență bună la hidroliză și o rezistență ridicată
  • The tube is filled with a special ointment to protect the optical fiber
  • The specially designed tight cable structure effectively prevents the casing from retracting
  • Good compression resistance and softness
  • The PE sheath has very good resistance to UV radiation
  • The following measures are taken to ensure the waterproof performance of the fiber optic cable
    • Single wire center reinforcing core
    • The loose tube is filled with a special waterproofing compound
    • Full core filling
    • Double-sided plastic-coated steel tape armor

GYTS-288Xn Optic Cable Product Applications

  • Aplicație: conductă, overhead, direct burial
  • Long-distance communication and Local communication
  • Especially suitable for occasions with high requirements for moisture-proof and rodent-proof

GYTS-288Xn Optic Cable Product and More Optic Cables

  • Cablu blindat ușor (GYXTW)
  • Cablu micro nemetalic unitube interior/exterior (JET)
  • Cablu neblintat Unitube(GYXY)
  • Cablu nemetalic neblintat Unitube(GYFXY)
  • Două cabluri de fibră optică aeriană FRP (VIAȚA MEA)
  • Cablu neblintat cu tuburi libere (GYTA)
  • Cablu blindat ușor cu tuburi libere (GYTS)
  • Cablu blindat cu tuburi libere (GYTY53)
  • Cablu blindat cu tuburi libere (GYTA53)
  • Cablu non-blintat pentru membru de rezistență nemetalic (GYFTY)
  • Cablu non-blintat pentru membru de rezistență nemetalic(ÎMPREUNĂ)
  • Cablu blindat pentru membru de rezistență nemetalic (GYFTY53)
  • Cablu blindat pentru membru de rezistență nemetalic (GYFTA53)
  • Figura 8 Cablu(GYXTC8S)
  • Figura 8 Cablu ( CYFTC8S)
  • Figura 8 Cablu(GYTC8A)
  • Figura 8 Cablu(GYTC8S)
  • Toate cablurile aeriene autoportante dielectrice (ADSS)

GYTS-288Xn Optic Cable Product Structure

GYTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable product structure YCICT

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