
Cisco Catalyst 9200-24P Switch is 24 ports full PoE+ Modular uplink options PWR-C5-600WAC FRU redundant switch.

Cisco Catalyst 9200-24P Switch Overview

Cisco® Catalyst® 9200 Series switches extend the capabilities of intent-based networking and Catalyst 9000 hardware and software innovation to broader deployment. With its family heritage, the Catalyst 9200 Series switches offer a simple, uncompromising approachit’s secure, always online, and simplifies IT.

As the foundation building block of the Cisco Digital Network Architecture, the Catalyst 9200 Series switches leverage intelligence, automation, and human expertise to help customers simplify complexity, optimize IT and reduce operational costs, no matter where they are or where they are. Provide this expertise. Web-based journey.

Catalizatorul 9200 Series switches provide security features that protect the integrity of the hardware as well as the software and all data flowing through the switch. It provides the flexibility to get your business up and running seamlessly. Combined with the open API of Cisco IOS XE and the programmability of UADP ASIC technology, the Catalyst 9200 Series switches provide you with the investment protection you need today for future innovation.

Cisco Catalyst 9200-24P Switch Picture

Switch Cisco Catalyst 9200-24P

Switch Cisco Catalyst 9200-24P

Cisco Catalyst 9200-24P Switch Datasheet

Schimbați modelul Legături în jos în total 10/100/1000 sau porturi de cupru PoE+ Configurare uplink Sursa de alimentare CA primară implicită Fani
Modele modulare uplink
C9200-24T 24 date porturi Opțiuni modulare de uplink PWR-C5-125WAC FRU redundant
C9200-24P 24 porturi PoE+ complet Opțiuni modulare de uplink PWR-C5-600WAC FRU redundant
C9200-48T 48 date porturi Opțiuni modulare de uplink PWR-C5-125WAC FRU redundant
C9200-48P 48 porturi PoE+ complet Opțiuni modulare de uplink PWR-C5-1KWAC FRU redundant

Cisco Catalyst 9200-24P Switch Features

  • Pâna la 48 ports of full Power over Ethernet Plus(PoE+) capacitatea
  • Resiliency with Field-Replaceable Units(Fru) și sursă de alimentare redundantă, fani, and modular uplinks
  • Flexible downlink options with data or PoE+
  • Operational efficiency with optional backplane stacking, susținând lățimea de bandă stivuită până la 160 Gbps
  • Uadp 2.0 Mini with integrated CPU offers customers optimized scale with the better cost structure
  • Enhanced security with AES-128 MACsec encryption, Segmentare bazată pe politici, and trustworthy systems
  • Strat 3capabilități, including OSPF, EIGRP, ISIS, RIP, and routed access
  • Advanced network monitoring using Full Flexible NetFlow
  • Cisco Software-Defined Access(Acces SD):

Simplified operations and deployment with policy-based automation from edge to cloud managed with Cisco Identity Services Engine (ÎNTRUCÂT)

Network assurance and improved resolution time through Cisco DNA Center

  • Plug and Play(PNP) activat: Un simplu, sigur, unificat, și ofertă integrată pentru a ușura noi lansări sau actualizări ale dispozitivului de filiale sau de campus la o rețea existentă
  • Cisco IOS XE:Un sistem de operare comun bazat pe licențiere pentru catalizatorul Enterprise Cisco 9000 Familia de produse cu suport pentru programabilitatea bazată pe model și telemetria de streaming
  • ASIC with programmable pipeline and micro-engine capabilities, along with the template-based, Alocarea configurabilă a stratului 2 și Strat 3 expediere, Listele de control de acces (ACL-uri), și calitatea serviciului (QoS) intrări

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