
400G QSFP56-DD SR8 is designed for use in 400 Gigabit Ethernet links on up to 100m of multi mode fiber.

400G QSFP56-DD SR8 Product Overview

400G QSFP56-DD SR8 is designed for use in 400 Gigabit links over 100m multimode fiber. The SFP is compliant with the QSFP-DD MSA. Digital diagnostics functions are available via the I2C interface, as specified by the QSFP-DD MSA. These optical transceivers addresses the technical challenges of achieving high speed 400G interconnections. The transceivers have four optical lanes that operate at 100Gbps PAM4 modulation, providing solutions up to 400 Gbps. The transceivers have on the electrical side 8 lanes of 53.125Gbps PAM4. They are compliant with the QSFP-DD MSA (DD = Double Density). Digital diagnostics functions are available via the I2C interface, as specified by CMIS (Common Management Interface Specification).

400G QSFP56-DD SR8 Product Pictures

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400G QSFP56-DD SR8 Product Specifications

Rata de date 425Gb/s
Distanţă 100m
Temperatura carcasei 0~70℃
Alimentare cu tensiune 3.3V
Transmiţător Vcsel
Receptor PIN
Lungime de undă 850nm
Conector MPO-16
Consum de energie(Max) 10W

400G QSFP56-DD SR8 Product Features

  • 0°C până la 70°C
  • CMIS 4.0 or higher support
  • Supports 2x 212.5Gb/s, 4×106.25Gb/s or 425Gb/s
  • QSFP-DD MSA Compliant
  • 125Gb/s(PAM4) electrical interface
  • 125Gb/s(PAM4),4×106.25 Gb/s(PAM4) or 400G DP-16QAM optical interface

400G QSFP56-DD SR8 Product and More Models

Optical Interface Optical Signal Rate Mod de transmisie Standard Electrical Signal Rate Factor de formă
400G-SR16 16*26.5Gbps NRZ 100m MM 802.3bs 16*26.5Gbps NRZ CDFP/CFP8
400G-FR8 8λ*53Gbps PAM4 2km SM 802.3bs 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFP DD/OSFP
400G-LR8 8λ*53Gbps PAM4 10km SM 802.3bs 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFP DD/OSFP
400G-SR8 8λ*53Gbps PAM4 100m MM 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFP DD/OSFP
400G-SR4.2 4*2λ*53Gbps PAM4 100m MM(2λ) 802.3cm 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFP DD/OSFP
400G-DR4 4*106Gbps PAM4 500m SM 802.3bs 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFP DD/OSFP
400G-FR4 4*106Gbps PAM4 2km SM 100G/λ MSA 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFP DD/OSFP
400G-LR4 4*106Gbps PAM4 10km SM TBD 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFP DD/OSFP

400G QSFP56-DD SR8 Product Applications

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