
100G QSFP28 FR1 is designed for use in 100 Gigabit Ethernet links on up to 2km of single mode fiber, complying with the QSFP MSA, IEEE 802.3cu and 100G lamada MSA, and RoHS compliant.

100G QSFP28 FR1 Product Overview

100G QSFP28 FR1 is a single lambda short reach single-mode 100G QSFP28 optical module transceiver compatible with the 100GBase-FR1 specifications. The module uses a single 1310nm EML laser at 1310nm with a PIN receiver. There are 4x 25G NRZ electrical channels in the interface for a total speed of 100G available on the QSFP28 interface.

100GBASE Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable (QSFP) portfolio offers customers a wide variety of high-density and low-power 100 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity options for data center, high-performance computing networks, enterprise core and distribution layers, și aplicații furnizor de servicii. Modulele QSFP-100G sunt ultima noastră generație de soluție de module transceiver de 100g bazate pe un factor de formă QSFP.

100G QSFP28 FR1 Product Pictures

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100G QSFP28 FR1 Product Specifications

Rata de date 106.25Gb/s
Distanţă 2km
Temperatura carcasei 0~70℃
Alimentare cu tensiune 3.3V
Transmiţător EML
Receptor PIN
Lungime de undă 1310nm
Conector Duplex LC
Consum de energie(Max) 3.5W

100G QSFP28 FR1 Product Features

  • Hot-pluggable QSFP28 form factor
  • Supports 106.25Gb/s aggregate bit rate
  • Disiparea puterii <3.5W
  • Interval de temperatură a carcasei comerciale de la 0°C la 70°C
  • Alimentare unică de 3,3 V
  • Maximum link length of 2km on Single Mode Fiber (SMF)
  • Aliniat cu IEEE 802.3cu
  • 100G PAM4 EML-based 1310nm transmitter
  • 4x25G NRZ retimed 100GAUI-4 electrical interface
  • Duplex LC receptacles
  • Interfață de management I2C
  • Conform RoHS

100G QSFP28 FR1 Product and More Models

100G QSFP28 SR4
100G QSFP28 DR1
100G QSFP28 LR4
100G QSFP28 LR4
100G QSFP28 ER4
100G QSFP28 ZR4
100G QSFP28 LR1

100G QSFP28 FR1 Product Applications

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