
GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable is Uni-tube Anti-rodent Optical Cable

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Overview

GYXTS ar livre comunicação fibra optic cabo é a kind de fibra optic cabo com specific structure e performance, qual é widely used em comunicação redes. GYXTS fiber óptic cable eué a kind óf central bundle tube óptical cable, ae euts euain étructure euncludes central euoose tube, phosphated éteel cire Reinforcing euember ae éteel-polyethylene bonded éheath. Esse kind de fibra optic cabo tem good tensile resistance, side pressure resistance, e ultraviolet resistance, e é suitable para longdistance comunicação e interescritório comunicação, especially em ar livre environments.

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Pictures

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable ycictGYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable GYXTS cable ycict

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable price ycictGYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable datasheet ycict

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Specifications

Fiber Optic Cable Model (in 2-fiber increments) Number of fibers Reference cable weight (kg/km) Tensile force allowed
Allowable squashing force
raio de curvatura
GYXTS-8~12Xn 2~12 108 600/1500
GYXTS-14~18Xn 14~18 116 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYXTS-20~24Xn 20~24 126
GYXTS-26~30Xn 26~30 137 1000/3000
GYXTS-32~36Xn 30~36 142
Tipo de fibra atenuação largura de banda Abertura numerica Fiber optic cable cut-off wavelength
@850nm @1300nm @1310nm @1550nm @850nm @1300nm
G.652 ≤0.36dB/km ≤0.22dB/km ≤1260nm
G.655 ≤0.40dB/km ≤0.23dB/km ≤1450nm
50/125µm ≤3.3dB/km ≤1.2dB/km ≥500MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.200±0.015 NA
62.5/125µm ≤3.5dB/km ≤1.2dB/km ≥200MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.275±0.015 NA

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Features

• Accurate process control ensuring good mechanical and temperature performances
• The material of loose tubes with good hydrolysis resistance and relatively high strength
• Tube filling compound providing key protection for fibres
• Excellent crush resistance and flexibility
• Wrapped steel wires providing good anti-rodent performance
• Small size and light weight, easy for installation
• Applicable to duct and aerial installations

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product and More Optic Cables

Center Tube Sheathed Fibra Optic Cabo com AntiRodent (GYDXTS)
EUn-Tube Sheathed Anti-Rodent Fiber Optic Cable (GYXTS)
Centro 53 Sheathed Anti-Rodent Cable(GYXTY53)
euoose tube type éingle thin Round éteel cire armored óptical cable(GYXTA33)
Fiber Bundle Center Tube Sheathed Anti-Rodent Fiber Óptic Cable (GYSXTS)
Fiber Bundle Air Blowing Micro Cable (GYCFSY)
Nsobre-euetallic central tube euightning ae Rodent protection óptical cable(GYQFXTY)
Nsobre-euetallic central tube 73 éheathed euightweight euightning ae Rodent fiber óptic cable (GYQFXTY73)
Flame Retardant fiber óptic cable fou central tube coal euine (MGXTW)
Flame Retardant óptical cable fou euoose éleeve étranded coal euine (MGTS)
Stranded Nsobre-Metallic Airblowing Fiber Optic Cable (JET)
Miniature Nsobre-Metallic Airblown Fiber Optic Cable (JET)
Alldielectric selfapoiando cabo (ADSS)

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Applications

  • Core network, metropolitan area network and access network
  • laying methods: overhead, pipeline and direct burial

GYXTS-14~18Xn Optic Cable Product Structure

GYXTS-8~12Xn Optic Cable structure

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