
Brocado 57-1000335-01 32G is 32G FC SFP+ ELWL-25 km Optimized, Certified Optical Transceivers for Extending Data Center Fabrics providing extended Fibre Channel connectivity over long distance.

Brocado 57-1000335-01 32G Product Overview

Brocado 57-1000335-01 32G extended long wavelength (ELWL) SFP+, parte da família Brocade de transceptores ópticos, is optimized for Brocade 32G director and switch products. Together, these optical transceivers provide state-of-the-art performance, while extending data center connectivity over a distance of 25 quilômetros. This optical transceiver operates over single-mode fiber and uses an industry-standard LC connector.
Diagnostic features of the Brocade 32G ELWL SFP+ optical transceiver comply with SFF-8472 Rev.12.3, providing real-time monitoring of the following:
• Transmitted optical power
• Received optical power
• Laser bias current
• Temperature
• Supply voltag

Brocado 57-1000335-01 32G Product Pictures

Brocado 57-1000335-01 32G specs ycictBrocado 57-1000335-01

Brocado 57-1000335-01 32GBrocado 57-1000335-01 32G price

Brocado 57-1000335-01 32G Product Specifications

Sistema Brocade Part Number: XBR-000278/XBR-000478 Brocade Part Number: XBR-000479
Desempenho Fibre Channel: 8.5GB/s, 14.025GB/s, and 28.05Gb/s line speed, full duplex; auto-sensing of 8G, 16G, and 32G port speeds. Fibre Channel: 14.025Gb/s and 28.05Gb/s line speed, duplex completo; auto-sensing of 16G and 32G port speeds
Mídia Hot-pluggável, industry-standard SFP+, LC connector; ELWL
25 quilômetros; minimum distance of 10 km required. This transceiver is
targeted for long-reach applications with high-power transmitters.
Attenuation of ~6 dB is needed for loopback testing.
Hot-pluggável, industry-standard SFP+, LC connector; ELWL
25 quilômetros; minimum distance of 10 km required. This transceiver is
targeted for long-reach applications with high-power transmitters.
Attenuation of ~6 dB is needed for loopback testing.
Parâmetros operacionais Transmitir (Tx):
• Wavelength: 1295 nm para 1310 nm
• Average power: +2.0 dBm to +7.0 dBm
• RIN: −130 dB/Hz max.
• Optical return loss: 26 dB min.
• OMA: +2.0 dBm to +7 dBm
Receber (Rx):
• Average power: 2 dBm máx..
• Optical return loss: 26 dB min.
• Unstressed sensitivity: 41 µW, −13.9 dB
Transmitir (Tx):
• Wavelength: 1295 nm para 1310 nm
• Average power: +2.0 dBm to +7.0 dBm
• RIN: −130 dB/Hz max.
• Optical return loss: 26 dB min.
• OMA: +2.0 dBm to +7 dBm
Receber (Rx):
• Average power: 4 dBm máx..
• Optical return loss: 26 dB min.
• Unstressed sensitivity: 72 µW, –11.4 dBm
Tamanho Largura: 14.81 milímetros (0.58 polegadas)
Altura: 11.90 milímetros (0.47 polegadas)
Profundidade: 56.50 milímetros (2.22 polegadas)
Largura: 15.16 milímetros (0.59 polegadas)
Altura: 11.6 milímetros (0.45 polegadas)
Profundidade: 55.5 milímetros (2.18 polegadas)
Temperatura de armazenamento -40°C a +85°C (−40°F to +185°F) −40°C to +85°C (−40°F to +185°F)
Consumo de energia 1.5c 2.0c
América do Norte UL/CSA 62368, Classe CDRH 1 UL/CSA 62368, Classe CDRH )
União Europeia EM 62368, EM 60825 Aula 1 EM 62368, EM 60825 Aula 1

Brocado 57-1000335-01 32G and More FC Modules

XBR-000212 (1-pacote)
XBR-000213 (8-pacote)
XBR-000412 (1-pacote)
XBR-000413 (8-pacote)
LWL-10 km
XBR-000238 (1-pacote)
XBR-000239 (8-pacote)
LWL-10 km
XBR-000438 (1-pacote)
XBR-000439 (8-pacote)
ELWL-25 km
XBR-000278 (1-pacote)
ELWL-25 km
XBR-000478 (1-pacote)
ELWL-25 km
XBR-000479 (1-pacote)

Brocado 57-1000335-01 32G Product Applications

32G FC SFP+ Modules