
400G QSFP112 FR4 is designed for use in 400 Gigabit Ethernet links on up to 2km of single mode fiber. The module is compliant with the QSFP112 MSA, IEEE 802.3cu and and 100G Lambda MSA. The firmware supports CMIS 4.0 and newer release. We offer transceivers for DR4, FR4, LR4 interfaces. Our vertical integration for optical engines enables leading performance and power consumption. Adoption of 400G QSFP112 will leave a potential way for evolving to 224G/lane speed in the future.

400G QSFP112 FR4 Product Pictures

400G QSFP112 FR4 price and specs ycict400Módulo G QSFP112 FR4 400g sfp ycict

800Preço e especificações do G QSFP-DD800 SR8800G QSFP-DD800 DR8 good quality ycict

400G QSFP112 FR4 Specifications

Taxa de dados 425GB/s
Distância 2quilômetros
Temperatura da caixa 0~70℃
Fonte de tensão 3.3V
Transmissor EML
Comprimento de onda CWDM
Conector LCD Duplex
Consumo de energia (Máx.) 8C

400G QSFP112 FR4 Product Features

  • Supports 425Gb/s
  • Single 3.3V Power Supply
  • QSFP112 MSA Compliant
  • 25 GB/s (PAM4) optical interface
  • 25 GB/s (PAM4) electrical interface
  • Faixa de temperatura da caixa comercial de 0°C a 70°C
  • CMIS 4.0 or later version.

400G QSFP112 FR4 and More 400G Modules

Interface óptica Taxa de sinal óptico Modo de transmissão Padrão Electrical Signal Rate Fator de forma
400G-SR16 16*26.5Gbps NRZ 100mmm 802.3besteira 16*26.5Gbps NRZ CDFP/CFP8
400G-FR8 8l*53Gbps PAM4 2kmSM 802.3besteira 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFPDD/OSFP
400G-LR8 8l*53Gbps PAM4 10kmSM 802.3besteira 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFPDD/OSFP
400G-SR8 8l*53Gbps PAM4 100mmm 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFPDD/OSFP
400G-SR4.2 4*2l*53Gbps PAM4 100mmm(2eu) 802.3cm 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFPDD/OSFP
400G-DR4 4*106Gbps PAM4 500m SM 802.3besteira 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFPDD/OSFP
400G-FR4 4*106Gbps PAM4 2kmSM 100G/λMSA 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFPDD/OSFP
400G-LR4 4*106Gbps PAM4 10kmSM A definir 8*53Gbps PAM4 QSFPDD/OSFP
400G-ZR DWDM+59,8 Gbd DP-16QAM >80quilômetros DWDM OIF QSFP DD/OSP

400G QSFP112 FR4 Product Applications

400G QSFP112 FR4 price and specs 400g QSFP YCICT

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