
SIMCom SIM800F 2G Module is complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS solution in SMT type

SIMCom SIM800F 2G Module Product Overview

The module supports Quad-band 850/900/1800/1900MHz. W tym samym czasie, it can transmit Voice, SMS and data information with low power consumption. Ponadto, based on tiny size of 24*24*3mm, it can smoothly fit into slim and compact demands of customer design.

SIMCom SIM800F 2G Module Product Pictures

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SIMCom SIM800F 2G Module Product Specifications

Marka SIMCom
Model SIMCom SIM800F
Współczynnik kształtu LCC 68Pin
Wymiary(mm) 24*24*3mm
Waga 3.1G
Zakres napięcia zasilania 3.4 ~ 4.4V
Operacja Temperatura -40℃ ~ 85℃
Pasma częstotliwości •Quad-band 850/900/1800/1900MHz•GPRS multi-slot class 12/10•GPRS mobile station class B
Interfejsy •Analog audio interface•RTC backup•USB interface•Serial interface•Interface to external SIM 3V/1.8V•GPIO•ADC•PWM•I2C•GSM Antenna pad•Bluetooth Antenna pad
Specyfikacje danych GPRS •GPRS class 12: maks. 85.6 kbps (downlink/uplink)•PBCCH support•Coding schemes CS 1, 2, 3, 4•PPP-stack•USSD
Specyfikacje dla SMS-ów poprzez GSM/GPRS •Point to point MO and MT•SMS cell broadcast•Text and PDU mode
Funkcje oprogramowania •0710 MUX protocol•Embedded TCP/UDP protocol•FTP/HTTP•MMS•POP3/SMTP•DTMF•Jamming Detection•Audio Record•SSL•TTS_CN (opcjonalny)•Bluetooth 3.0 (opcjonalny
Specifications for Voice •Tricodec–Half rate (HR)–Full rate (FR)–Enhanced Full rate (EFR)•Hands-free operation (Echo suppression)
Zgodność •AT cellular command interface

SIMCom SIM800F 2G Module and More 2g Modules

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SIM800C-DS LCC+LGA 77-pinowe

SIMCom SIM800F 2G Module Product Applications

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