
Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 is Fiber Patch Cable wtth LC/PC,SC/PC,Tryb pojedyńczy,20M,G.652D,2mm

Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 Product Overview

Optical fibers are used for carrying signals on Gigabit networks or networks with higher packet rates. An optical fiber is a carrier of optical signals and transmits optical signals over a short distance.

Optical fibers are classified into single-mode fibers and multimode fibers.

Single-mode fibers have a diameter of 5-10 μm and transmit laser in one mode under a specified wavelength. These fibers support a wide frequency band and a large transmission capacity, so they are used for long-distance transmission. Most single-mode fibers are yellow

Multimode fibers have a diameter of 50 μm lub 62.5 μm and transmit laser light in multiple modes under a specified wavelength. These fibers have a lower transmission capacity than single-mode fibers and are used for short-distance transmission. Modal dispersion occurs during transmission over multimode fibers.

In the latest cabling infrastructure of ISO/IEC 11801, multimode fibers are classified into four categories: OM1, OM2, OM3, and OM4.

Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 Product Pictures

Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 single mode 20m 30mPatch Cord FC MULTI MODE

Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 good price and specsPatch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 single mode fiber optic

Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 Product Specifications

Typ złącza LC UPC to SC UPC
Fiber Grade G.657.A1 (Compatible with G.652.D)
Tryb światłowodowy OS2 9/125μm
Długość fali 1310/1550nm
Utrata wtrąceniowa ≤0,3dB
Strata zwrotu ≥50dB
Min. Promień zgięcia (Fiber Core) 10mm
Min. Promień zgięcia (Fiber Cable) 10/5D (Dynamic/Static)
Attenuation at 1310 nm 0.36dB/km
Attenuation at 1550 nm 0.22dB/km
Liczba włókien Dupleks
Cable Outside Diameter (OD) 2.0mm
Cable Jacket Riser (OFNR)
Polarity A (Tx) to B (Odbiór)
temperatura robocza -20 do 70°C (-4 to 158℉)
Temperatura przechowywania -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176℉)

Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 Product Features

  • Niska strata wtrąceniowa
  • Dobra powtarzalność
  • Duża strata na powrocie
  • Good interplugging performance
  • Dobra stabilność temperaturowa
  • Wysoka wytrzymałość na rozciąganie

Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 and More Fiber Cables

Opis Numer części Model Złącze X1 Złącze X2 Długość kabla Bend radius
Patchcord,SC/PC,SC/PC,Tryb pojedyńczy,5M,G.652D,3mm 14130098 SS-OP-D-SC-S-5 SC/PC SC/PC 5 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,SC/PC,Tryb pojedyńczy,5M,G.652D,2mm 14130193 SS-OP-LC-SC-S-5 LCD/komputer SC/PC 5 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LC/PC-LC/PC,Singlemode,G.652D,2mm,5M 14130195 SS-OP-D-LC-S-5 LCD/komputer LCD/komputer 5 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,SC/PC,Tryb pojedyńczy,10M,G.652D,2mm 14130196 SS-OP-LC-SC-S-10 LCD/komputer SC/PC 10 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,FC/PC,Tryb pojedyńczy,10M,G.652D,2mm 14130197 SS-OP-LC-FC-S-10 LCD/komputer FC/PC 10 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,LCD/komputer,Tryb pojedyńczy,10M,G.652D,2mm 14130199 SS-OP-D-LC-S-10 LCD/komputer LCD/komputer 10 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,FC/PC,Wielomodowy,10M,A1b,2mm 14130221 SS-OP-LC-FC-M-10 LCD/komputer FC/PC 10 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,LCD/komputer,Wielomodowy,10M,A1B,2mm 14130222 SS-OP-D-LC-M-10 LCD/komputer LCD/komputer 10 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,SC/PC,Wielomodowy,10M,A1b,2mm 14130223 SS-OP-LC-SC-M-10 LCD/komputer SC/PC 10 M 30 mm
Optical adapter-LC/PC-LC/PC-Blue-Shell:Plastic-Sleeve:Zirconia-Square 14130248 QW1P0FIBER06 LCD/komputer LCD/komputer
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,LCD/komputer,Tryb pojedyńczy,20M,G.652D,2mm 14130251 SS-OP-D-LC-S-20 LCD/komputer LCD/komputer 20 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,SC/PC,Wielomodowy,30M,A1b,2mm 14130275 SS-OP-LC-SC-M-30 LCD/komputer SC/PC 30 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,SC/PC,Tryb pojedyńczy,30M,G.652D,2mm 14130276 SS-OP-LC-SC-S-30 LCD/komputer SC/PC 30 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,SC/PC,Wielomodowy,20M,A1b,2mm 14130279 SS-OP-LC-SC-M-20 LCD/komputer SC/PC 20 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,SC/PC,Tryb pojedyńczy,20M,G.652D,2mm 14130280 SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 LCD/komputer SC/PC 20 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,LCD/komputer,Wielomodowy,20M,A1b,2mm 14130295 SS-OP-D-LC-M-20 LCD/komputer LCD/komputer 20 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,LCD/komputer,Wielomodowy,5M,A1b,2mm 14130296 SS-OP-D-LC-M-5 LCD/komputer LCD/komputer 5 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,SC/PC,Wielomodowy,50M,A1b,2mm 14130311 SS-OP-LC-SC-M-50 LCD/komputer SC/PC 50 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,SC/PC,Tryb pojedyńczy,50M,G.652D,2mm 14130312 SS-OP-LC-SC-S-50 LCD/komputer SC/PC 50 M 30 mm
Patchcord,LCD/komputer,LCD/komputer,Tryb pojedyńczy,6M,G.652D,2mm 14130360 SS-OP-D-LC-S-6 LCD/komputer LCD/komputer 6 M 30 mm
Optical Cable Parts,MPO/PC,MPO/PC,Wielomodowy(OM3,Bending Insensitive),30M,8 Rdzenie,0m/0m,GJFH 8A1a,3.5mm,LSZH,42mm Short MPO,Wnętrz 14130823-002 FMMM03001 MPO/PC MPO/PC 30 M 17.5 mm
Optical Cable Parts,MPO/PC,MPO/PC,Wielomodowy(OM3,Bending Insensitive),100M,8 Rdzenie,0m/0m,GJFH 8A1a,3.5mm,LSZH,42mm Short MPO,Wnętrz 14130823-003 FMMM10001 MPO/PC MPO/PC 100 M 17.5 mm
Optical Cable Parts,MPO/PC,MPO/PC,MULTI-MODE,15M,8 CORES,0m/0m,GJFH-8A1A.2(OM3),3.5MM,LSZH,60mm MPO,Bending insensitive 14130923 SS-OP-D-MPO12-M-15 MPO/PC MPO/PC 15 M 18 mm
Optical Cable Parts,MPO/PC,MPO/PC,Wielomodowy,10M,8 rdzenie,GJFH-8A1a.3(OM4),3.5mm,0mm,LSZH,Bending Insensitive 14134486 Odkształcenie 12 Ortreasure of MPO/PC MPO/PC 10 M
G.657.A1 G.657.A2 G.652.D BIF G.651

Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-20 Product Applications

Patch Cord SS-OP-LC-SC-S-30 topology

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