Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Bord

SKU: Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Bord Categorie: Labels: ,


Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board is Afgewerkte kaarteenheid-OptiX OSN 3500-SSN1SLD6401-2xSTM-64 optische interfacekaart (I-64.1, LC)

Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board Product Overview

Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board is 2-port STM-64 10G optical interface board for OSN3500 OSN7500 SDH equipment to transmit and receive 2xSTM-64 optical signals, at 0~2km

The OSN 7500 intelligent optical switching system is a new generation of core intelligent optical switching equipment developed by Huawei based on the current status and future development trends of the metropolitan area network. It is mainly applied to the business scheduling node of the metropolitan area network backbone layer, namely OCS (Optical Core Switching) equipment type . As an intelligent optical switching platform and core optical switching system, OSN 7500 is positioned at the backbone layer of the metropolitan area network, and can complete multiple types and different granular service scheduling and transmission.

OSN 3500 intelligent optical transmission equipment is a new generation of intelligent optical transmission equipment developed by Huawei. Het maakt gebruik van een uniforme schakelarchitectuur en kan worden gebruikt als pakketapparatuur en TDM-apparatuur op basis van MPLS/MPLS-TP-technologie; met andere Huawei-apparatuur, OSN3500 ondersteunt verschillende groepen Netwerkapplicaties: pure pakketmodus-applicatie, hybride netwerkapplicatie (groeperingsmodus en TDM-modus overlay-netwerken) en pure TDM-modustoepassing om de beste verwerking van dataservices en traditionele SDH-services te bereiken. OSN3500 realiseert de efficiënte overdracht van spraak- en datadiensten op hetzelfde platform.

Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Bordproductfoto's

Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board YCICT Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINAL FOR OSN3500 OSN7500Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board YCICT Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Bord PRIJS EN SPECS VOOR OSN3500 OSN7500

Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board YCICT Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board PRICE AND SPECS FOR OSN3500 OSN 7500Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board YCICT Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board PRICE AND SPECS Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board NEW AND ORIGINAL

Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board-productspecificaties

Merk Huawei
Model SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC)
Parameter Waarde
Nominale bitsnelheid 9953280 kbit/s
Lijncodepatroon NRZ
Applicatiecode I-64.1
Transmissie afstand (km) 0 naar 2
Soort vezel Singlemode-LC
Bedrijfsgolflengtebereik (nm) 1290 naar 1330
Gelanceerd optisch vermogensbereik (dBm) -6 naar -1
Gevoeligheid van de ontvanger (dBm) -11
Minimale overbelasting (dBm) -1
Minimale uitstervingsverhouding (dB) 6
Maximaal -20 dB spectrale breedte (nm) 1
Minimale onderdrukkingsverhouding van de zijmodus (dB) 30
Dimensies (mm) 25.4 (W) X 235.2 (D) X 261.4 (H)
Gewicht (kg) 1.2

Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Producteigenschappen van het bord

  • Offering the detection and query of the information about the optical module.
  • Offering the default off state of the laser, and the setting and query of the on/off state of the laser.
  • Offering the usage and detection of the XFP optical module, therefore facilitating maintenance of the optical module.
  • Offering the VC-12 services, VC-3 services, and VC-4 services.
  • Offering the transparent transmission and termination of the path overheads.
  • Offering the setting and query of the J0, J1, J2, en C2-bytes.
  • Offering one channel of ECC communication.
  • Offering Two-fiber ring MSP. Four-fiber ring MSP. Linear MSP. SNCP. SNCMP. SNCTP protection schemes.
  • Offering inloops and outloops at optical interfaces.
  • Offering warm resets and cold resets.
  • Offering the query of the manufacturing information of the board.
  • Offering the in-service loading of the FPGA.

Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board and More Related Models

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Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Toepassingen van bordproducten

Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board YCICT Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board PRICE AND SPECS Huawei SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) Board NEW AND ORIGINAL FOR OSN 3500 OSN 7500

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