
Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type is Fast Connector SC UPC FTTH Fiber Optic Quick Connector used for optical networks.

संक्षिप्त रूप SC, LC, FC र ST ले FTTH अनुप्रयोगहरू र डाटा नेटवर्कहरूमा अप्टिकल कनेक्टरहरूको सबैभन्दा सामान्य प्रकारलाई जनाउँछ. PC/UPC/APC शब्दावलीको लागि, यसले अप्टिकल टर्मिनलमा लागू गरिएको पॉलिशिङको प्रकारलाई जनाउँछ (फेरुल) जसले लेजर लाइट पल्सलाई दुई ओप्टिकल फाइबरहरू पार गर्न सम्भव बनाउँछ.

उदाहरणका लागि, SC/APC कनेक्टरको साथ एक सामान्य FTTH पिगटेलले APC पालिसिङको साथ SC कनेक्टरलाई जनाउँछ।.

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type Overview

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type is also called SC optical fiber fast connector, used for optical fiber docking fiber or optical fiber docking pigtail, which is equivalent to making a connector, (fiber docking pigtail refers to the core docking of the fiber fiber and the pigtail instead of the pigtail head said by the former), and the thing used for this cold splicing is called the optical fiber cold splicer. The terminal of the optical cable can use 2 प्रविधिहरू: welding and cold splice. The so-called cold connection is the opposite of the welding joint, which refers to the mechanical connection of the optical cable through thecold joint”.
Optical fiber cold splicer operation is simple and fast, the embedded fiber structure uses a piece of bare fiber pre-placed into the ceramic insert, and the top end is grinded, the operator only needs to cut the other end of the optical fiber and insert it in the field; Due to the grinding of the embedded fiber factory in front of the embedded structure and the filling of the matching liquid at the butt, it does not rely too much on the flatness of the fiber end face cutting, which greatly reduces the requirements for the operator’s proficiency and saves time than welding with a welding machine.

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type Picture

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type ycictOptical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type good price ycict

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type price and specs ycictOptical Fast Connector price and specs ycict

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type Specifications

मोडेल नम्बर Fiber Optic Fast Connector
टाइप गर्नुहोस् Fiber Adapter & Connectors
प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् FTTH
उत्पादन नाम SC/UPC Fiber Optic Fast Connector
ब्रान्ड HSGQ
Return Loss of pigtail ≥50dB
Product size 50mm*9mm
प्रविष्टि हानि ≤0.3dB
Applicable temperature -40℃~+85℃
tensile strength 30एन
Suit cable diameter 0.9/2.0/3.0mm
आवेदन FTTH FTTB FTTX नेटवर्क
नेटवर्क वायरलेस ल्यान, तारयुक्त LAN, तासी, Ip, POE, wifi

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type Features

  • Easy use
  • Good optical properties
  • Grade A ceramic insert
  • Low insertion loss and high return loss
  • New environmental protection PBT
  • High production technology, stable and reliable performance
  • कम सम्मिलन हानि, उच्च रिटर्न हानि
  • Convenient for field installation

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type Applications

  • केही
  • Metro
  • Test equipment
  • Premise installations
  • दूरसञ्चार नेटवर्कहरू
  • Local Area Networks (LANs)
  • Data processing networks
  • Active device termination
  • Wide Area Networks (WANs)
  • Industrial, medical & military

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type Topology

Optical Fast Connector sc upc price and specs ycict

Optical Fast Connector SC/UPC Embedded type ycict

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