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Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC Switch is next-generation simplified all-10GE fixed switch with 32 x 10GE SFP+ पोर्टहरू र बिल्ट-इन AC पावर सप्लाई र RPS
Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC Switch Product Overview
Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC Switch can be used as 10GE access switch on campus networks and data center networks. एउटै समयमा, the model provides line-rate 10GE access ports and 40GE uplink ports. साथै, S6720-32X-LI delivers a wide variety of services, comprehensive security control policies, र ग्राहकहरूलाई स्केलेबल निर्माण गर्न मद्दत गर्न विभिन्न QoS सुविधाहरू, भरपर्दो, व्यवस्थित, and secure campus and data center networks.
Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC Switch Product Pictures
Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC Switch Product Specifications
उत्पादन मोडेल | S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC S6720S-32X-LI-32S-AC |
स्विच गर्ने क्षमता | 1.28 Tbit/s |
फर्वार्डिङ प्रदर्शन | 240 Mps |
स्थिर पोर्टहरू | 32 x 10 GE SFP+ पोर्टहरू |
MAC ठेगाना तालिका | 32K MAC address entries |
MAC ठेगाना सिक्ने र बुढ्यौली | |
स्थिर, गतिशील, र ब्ल्याक होल म्याक ठेगाना प्रविष्टिहरू | |
स्रोत MAC ठेगानाहरूमा आधारित प्याकेट फिल्टरिङ | |
VLAN सुविधाहरू | 4,094 VLANs |
अतिथि VLAN र आवाज VLAN | |
MAC ठेगानाहरूमा आधारित VLAN असाइनमेन्ट, प्रोटोकलहरू, आईपी सबनेटहरू, नीतिहरू, र पोर्टहरू | |
VLAN म्यापिङ | |
आधारभूत QinQ र चयनात्मक QinQ | |
IPv4 Routing | स्थिर मार्ग, RIP, र OSPF |
VRRP | |
नीति आधारित मार्ग | |
मार्ग नीतिहरू | |
अन्तरक्रियाशीलता | VLAN-Based Spanning Tree (VBST) (PVST सँग अन्तरक्रिया गर्दै, PVST+, र RPVST) |
लिङ्क-प्रकार वार्ता प्रोटोकल (LNP) (DTP जस्तै) | |
VLAN केन्द्रीय व्यवस्थापन प्रोटोकल (VCMP) (VTP जस्तै) |
Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC Switch Product Features
- S6720-LI supports automatic configuration, plug-and-play, deployment using a USB flash drive, र ब्याच रिमोट अपग्रेड. These capabilities simplify device management and maintenance, and greatly reduce maintenance costs.
- S6720-LI supports SNMPv1/v2/v3 and provides flexible methods for managing and maintaining devices, such as CLI and Web NMS. The NQA function helps users with network planning and upgrades. साथै, the S6720-LI supports NTP, SSH v2, HWTACACS, RMON, लग होस्टहरू, र पोर्ट-आधारित ट्राफिक तथ्याङ्कहरू.
- S6720-LI supports GVRP, which dynamically distributes, registers, and propagates VLAN attributes to reduce the manual configuration workloads of network administrators and ensure correct VLAN configuration.
- S6720-LI supports MUX VLAN that isolates Layer 2 traffic between ports in a VLAN. MUX VLAN defines principal VLANs and subordinate VLANs. Subordinate VLANs can communicate with the principal VLAN but cannot communicate with each other. This function prevents communication between network devices connected to certain ports or port groups but allows the devices to communicate with the default gateway. MUX VLAN is usually used on an enterprise intranet to isolate user ports from each other but allow them to communicate with server ports.
- Complying with IEEE 802.3ah and 802.1ag, the S6720-LI supports point-to-point Ethernet fault management and can detect faults in the last mile of an Ethernet link to users. Ethernet OAM improves the Ethernet network management and maintenance capabilities and ensures a stable network.
Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC Switch and More Models
Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC Switch Order info
- S6720-16X-LI-16S-AC (16 x 10GE SFP+, एसी बिजुली आपूर्ति)
- S6720S-16X-LI-16S-AC (16 x 10GE SFP+, एसी बिजुली आपूर्ति)
- S6720-26Q-LI-24S-AC (24 x 10GE SFP+, 2 x 40GE QSFP+, एसी बिजुली आपूर्ति)
- S6720S-26Q-LI-24S-AC (24 x 10GE SFP+, 2 x 40GE QSFP+, एसी बिजुली आपूर्ति)
- S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC (32 x 10GE SFP+, एसी बिजुली आपूर्ति)
- S6720S-32X-LI-32S-AC (32 x 10GE SFP+, एसी बिजुली आपूर्ति)
Huawei S6720-32X-LI-32S-AC Switch Product Applications
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