
Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch is industry-leading, high-performance fixed switch with 24 10GE SFP+ पोर्टहरू, 2 40GE QSFP+ ports One extended slot and Double hot swappable AC power supplies

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch Product Overview

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch is next-generation 10GE fixed switch with Forwarding performance: 720 Mpps र स्विच क्षमता: 2.56 Tbit/s. It can function as an access switch in an Internet data center (IDC) or a core/aggregation switch on a campus network. साथै, S6720-EI has industry-leading performance and provides line-speed 10GE access ports and 40GE uplink ports. यो उपलब्ध गराउन डाटा सेन्टरमा प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ 10 सर्भरहरूमा Gbit/s पहुँच वा प्रदान गर्नको लागि क्याम्पस नेटवर्कमा कोर स्विचको रूपमा कार्य 10 Gbit/s ट्राफिक एकत्रीकरण. साथै, S6720-EI ले विभिन्न प्रकारका सेवाहरू प्रदान गर्दछ, व्यापक सुरक्षा नीतिहरू, र ग्राहकहरूलाई स्केलेबल निर्माण गर्न मद्दत गर्न विभिन्न QoS सुविधाहरू, व्यवस्थित, भरपर्दो, र सुरक्षित डाटा केन्द्र नेटवर्कहरू. यसबाहेक, Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S is a compact switch with 220 mm depth and perfectly suitable in a 300 mm deep cabinet, saving installation space for customers

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch price and specs ycictHuawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch huawei switch ycict

Huawei S6730-H28Y4C मूल्य Huawei स्विच ycictHuawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC स्विच मूल्य र चश्मा Huawei S6720-EI

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch Product Specifications

Product model S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC
भाग नम्बर 02350DMN
स्विच गर्ने क्षमता 2.56 Tbit/s
फर्वार्डिङ प्रदर्शन 720 Mps
स्थिर पोर्टहरू 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
विस्तारित स्लटहरू एउटा विस्तारित स्लट
MAC ठेगाना तालिका 288k MAC address entries
MAC ठेगाना सिक्ने र बुढ्यौली
स्थिर, गतिशील, and black hole MAC address entries
स्रोत MAC ठेगानाहरूमा आधारित प्याकेट फिल्टरिङ
VLAN सुविधाहरू 4,094 VLANs
अतिथि VLAN र आवाज VLAN
VLAN assignment based on MAC addresses, प्रोटोकलहरू, आईपी ​​सबनेटहरू, नीतिहरू, र पोर्टहरू
1:1 र एन:1 VLAN म्यापिङ
QinQ and selective QinQ
आईपी ​​रूटिङ स्थिर मार्ग, RIPv1, RIPv2, ECMP, and URPF
नीति आधारित मार्ग
Routing policy
अन्तरक्रियाशीलता VLAN-Based Spanning Tree (VBST) (PVST सँग अन्तरक्रिया गर्दै, PVST+, र RPVST)
लिङ्क-प्रकार वार्ता प्रोटोकल (LNP) (DTP जस्तै)
VLAN केन्द्रीय व्यवस्थापन प्रोटोकल (VCMP) (VTP जस्तै)
सापेक्ष आर्द्रता 5% को 95%, noncondensing
सञ्चालन उचाइ 0-5000 m (0-16404 फीट)
प्रमाणीकरण EMC प्रमाणीकरण
सुरक्षा प्रमाणीकरण
उत्पादन प्रमाणीकरण

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch Product Features

  • S6720-EI provides high-density 10GE ports and can be used in data centers to provide high forwarding performance and large switching capacity. Each S6720-EI provides up to six line-speed QSFP+ ports and 48 line-speed 10GE ports.
  • S6720-EI ports support GE and 10GE access and can identify optical module types, लगानीमा अधिकतम प्रतिफल (ROI) र प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई लचिलो रूपमा सेवाहरू प्रयोग गर्न अनुमति दिँदै.
  • S6720-EI has a large buffering capacity and uses an advanced buffer scheduling mechanism to ensure non-block transmission when data center traffic volume is high.
  • S6720-EI support centralized MAC address authentication and 802.1X authentication. The S6720-EI authenticates users based on statically or dynamically bound user information such as the user name, आईपी ​​ठेगाना, म्याक ठेगाना, VLAN ID, access interface, and flag indicating whether antivirus software is installed. VLANs, QoS policies, and ACLs can be dynamically applied to users.

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch and More Models

S6720-50L-HI-48S 48 x 10 Gig SFP+, 6 x 40 Gig QSFP+ or 44 x 10 Gig SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+, 2 x 100 Gig QSFP28
S6720-30L-HI-24S 24 x 10 Gig SFP+, 4 x 40 Gig QSFP+, 2 x 100 Gig QSFP28
S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
S6720-54C-EI-48S-AC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
S6720-54C-EI-48S-DC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports
S6720S-26Q-EI-24S-AC 24 x 10 GE SFP+, 2 x 40 GE QSFP+ ports

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch Ordering Info

वस्तु उत्पादन विवरण
1 S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC bundle (24×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , संग 1 extended slot, with 600W AC power supply)
2 S6720-54C-EI-48S-AC bundle (48×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , संग 1 extended slot, with 600W AC power supply)
3 S6720-30C-EI-24S-DC bundle (24×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , संग 1 extended slot, with 350W DC power supply)
4 S6720-54C-EI-48S-DC bundle (48×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , संग 1 extended slot, with 350W DC power supply)
5 S6720S-26Q-EI-24S-AC bundle (24×10GE SFP+ , 2×40GE QSFP+ ports , with 170W AC power supply)
6 4× 40GE QSFP+ interface card (used in S6720EI series)
7 8× 10GE SFP+ interface card (used in S6720EI series)
8 फ्यान बक्स (बि, फ्यान प्यानल साइड निकास)
9 600W AC पावर मोड्युल
10 350W DC पावर मोड्युल
11 170W AC पावर मोड्युल
12 170W DC पावर मोड्युल

Huawei S6720-30C-EI-24S-AC Switch Product Applications

S6720-30C-EI-24S price and specs huawei switch ycict

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