
Huawei OSN2500 SDH supports pure TDM applications, hybrid networking applications, and pure packet applications to achieve the best processing of data services and traditional SDH services. It can be widely used in power, transportation, रेडियो, television, government and other industries.

Huawei OSN2500 SDH Product Overview

Huawei OSN2500 SDH intelligent optical transmission system inherits all the characteristics of MSTP technology, र परम्परागत SDH र MSTP नेटवर्कहरूसँग उपयुक्त छ. It integrates SDH, PDH, इथरनेट, WDM, ATM, ESCON, FC/FICON, DVB-ASI (Digital Video Broadcast- Asynchronous Serial Interface), RPR and other technologies as a new generation of 2.5G/622M multi-service optical transmission platform (MSTP), mainly used in the convergence and access layer of the metropolitan area network, for the existing SDH equipment to intelligent optical network equipment The transition provides a complete solution.

Huawei OSN2500 SDH is applied to the access layer and aggregation layer in the metropolitan area transmission network, and can be used with OptiX OSN9500, OptiX OSN7500, OptiX OSN3500, OptiX OSN35001I, OptiX OSN2500 REG, OptiX OSN1500, OptiX 2500+ (Metro3000), OptiX 155/622H (Metro1000) hybrid networking, to achieve access to services of different capacities. OSN2500 supports network topologies such as STM-1/STM-4/STM-16/level chain, बज्नु, ring tangent, ring intersection, ring belt chain, double ring interworking, hub and mesh networks. It can also be connected with Huawei OSN series equipment, DWDM series equipment and Metro series equipment to build a complete transmission network solution.

Huawei OSN2500 SDH Product Pictures



Huawei OSN2500 SDH Product Specifications

ब्रान्ड Huawei
मोडेल OSN2500
स्विच गर्ने क्षमता TDM: 60 Gbit/s (higher order), 20 Gbit/s (lower order)
Service Slots 12 slots for processing boards and 8 slots for interface boards
Supported Interfaces MSTP interfaces STM-16/4/1, E1/E3/E4/T1/T3, FE/GE, DDN, IMA/ATM, FEC/EFEC, SAN, Video
WDM interfaces 40-channel DWDM interfaces, compliant with ITU-T G.694.1
8-channel CWDM interfaces, compliant with ITU-T G.694.2
विद्युत आपूर्ति DC: -48V DC or -60V DC, AC: 220V/110V AC
Maximum Number of Services Supported by a Single Subrack Service Interface अधिकतम Service Interface अधिकतम
STM-16 9 STM-4 36
STM-1 92 STM-1 (विद्युतीय) 38
E4 16 E3/T3 57
E1 252 T1 252
FE 88 GE 28
DDN(N×64K) 32 Framed E1 32
STM-1 ATM 28 STM-4 ATM 7
FC200 4 DVB-ASI 20
Clock Synchronization Line clock source
Tributary clock source
Two external clock inputs/outputs (2 MHz वा 2 Mbit/s)
Auxiliary Interface Orderwire interface, NNI connection interfaces
Management serial interface, सिरियल इन्टरफेसहरू, 64 kbit/s codirectional data channel, 10M/100M NM interface,commissioning interface
Alarm interface, Cabinet alarm indicator interface
Mechanical Specifications
आयामहरू(mm) 472 (एच) x 447 (डब्लु) x 295 (D)
वजन(के। जि) 25

Huawei OSN2500 SDH Product Features

  • Cost-effective platformization
    OptiX OSN 7500/3500/2500/1500 boards and software are fully compatible and constitute a unified platform. This can greatly reduce maintenance costs and the cost of spare parts. The OSN intelligent platform is efficiently combined in terms of service capabilities, giving operators the most cost-effective solution; at the same time, it can be mixed with Huawei’s existing equipment and can be included in Huawei’s optical network management solution for unified management
  • Large capacity scheduling
    Support 20G high and low order full crossover: high order 128×128 VC-4, low order 8064×8064 VC-12 or equivalent VC-3 crossover capability.
  • Multi-service provision
    सेवा इन्टरफेस
    Support STM-1(O/E);
    Support STM-4/16 standard or cascade service;
    Support E1/T1/E3/T3/E4;
    Support transparent transmission and exchange of FE and GE services;
    Support ATM service;
    Support IMA service;
    Support SAN service and video service.
    Provide fast end-to-end services based on GMPLS.
  • Strong networking capability
    Support Mesh network node plug and play
    Support Mesh network online upgrade and expansion at any rate;
    सम्म समर्थन गर्नुहोस् 40 optical directions in Mesh network;
    Support a variety of SDH network topologies such as chain, बज्नु, इन्टरटाइज गर्दै रिंग, and tangent ring;
    Support RPR, VP-RING ring network;
    The single subrack can realize 1×STM-64 four-fiber ring or 2×STM-16 four-fiber ring or 4×STM-16 two-fiber ring.
  • Built-in WDM technology
    Provide dual-channel optical bifurcation multiplex boards;
    Provide any rate optical wavelength conversion board.
    Mesh recovery
    Support distributed recoverable rerouting protection;
    प्रदान गर्नुहोस् 5 more detailed serviceprotection solutions, according to different SLA: Diamond, Gold, चाँदी, Bronze and Iron services.

Huawei OSN2500 SDH Product Applications


Huawei OSN2500 SDH and Service Boards

The name and description of the SDH board supported by OptiX OSN2500
बोर्ड नाम Board description
N1SL16N2SL16N3SL16 1 STM-16 अप्टिकल इन्टरफेस बोर्ड
N1SL16AN2SL16AN3SL 16A 1 STM-16 अप्टिकल इन्टरफेस बोर्ड
N1SF16 1 STM-16 optical interface board with out-of-band FEC function
N1SL4N2SL4N1SL4A 1 STM-4 अप्टिकल इन्टरफेस बोर्ड
R1SL 4 1 STM-4 अप्टिकल इन्टरफेस बोर्ड (small board position)
N1SLQ4N2SLQ4N1 SLQ4A 4-way STM-4 optical interface board
N1SLD4N2SLD4N1SLD4A 2 way STM-4 optical interface board
R1SLD4. 2-way STM-4 optical interface board (small board position)
N1 SLT1 12-channel STM-1 optical interface board
N1SL Q1N2SLQ1 4-way STM-1 optical interface board
N1SL Q1A 4-way STM-1 optical interface board
R1SLQ1 4-way STM-1 optical interface board (small board position)
N1SL1N2SL1 1 STM-1 अप्टिकल इन्टरफेस बोर्ड
N1SL1A 1 STM-1 अप्टिकल इन्टरफेस बोर्ड
R1SL1 1 STM-1 अप्टिकल इन्टरफेस बोर्ड (small board position)
N1SEP1 Panel outlet: 2 way STM-1 line processing board Matching outlet board: 8 way STM-1 line processing board
N2SL01N3SLO1 8-channel STM-1 optical interface board.
N3SL Q41 4-way STM-4/STM-1 optical interface board.
Name and description of PDH boards supported by Huawei OSN2500
बोर्ड नाम Board description
R1PD1R2PD1 32-channel E1 signal processing board
N1PQ1N2PQ1 63-channel E1 service processing board
N1 PQM 63-channel E1/T1 service processing board
N1PL3N2PL3 3-way E3/T3 service processing board
N1PL3A 3-way E3/T3 service processing board with direct outlet on the front panel
|N2PL3A 3-way E3/T3 service processing board with direct outlet on the front panel
N1D75S 32-channel E1 electrical interface switchboard (75प्र)
|N1C34S 3-way E3/T3 electrical interface transfer switchboard
N1D12B 32-channel E1/T1 electrical interface outlet board (120प्र)
N1TSB4. 4-बाटो बिजुली इन्टरफेस सुरक्षा स्विचिंग बोर्ड
N1PD3N2PD3 6-channel E3/T3 service processing board
N2PQ3 1 2-way E3/T3 service processing board
N1DX1 DDN service access aggregation processing board
N1 DXA DDN Business Convergence Processing Board
N1SPQ4N2SPQ4 4-way E4/STM-1 electrical signal processing board
N1 MU04 4 way E4/STM-1 electric signal bow | out board
N1 D34S 6-way E3/T3 electrical interface switching board
N1D12S 32-channel E1/T1 electrical interface switchboard (1202)
N1 DM12 DDN service interface board
N1TSB8 8-way electrical connection C protection switching board
Name and description of EoS/EoP boards supported by OSN2500
बोर्ड नाम Board description
|R1EFT4 Small board 4 channel FE Ethernet transparent transmission board
N1 EFT8N2EFT8 8 वा 16 channel FE Ethernet transparent transmission board
N1 EFT8AN2EFT8A 8-channel FE Ethernet transparent transmission board
N1 EFSON2EFSO 8-channel FE Ethernet switching processing board
N4EFSON5EFSON1EFS4N2EFS4|N3EFS4 4-way FE Ethernet switching processing board
N2EGS2N3EGS2 2-way GE Ethernet switching processing board
N1 EFF8N1 EFF8A 8-way 100M Ethernet optical interface outlet board
N1ETS8 8-way 10M/100M Ethernet twisted pair transfer switchboard
N1 EFPO 8-channel Ethernet switching processing board based on PDH
N1 EMS4 4-way GE and 16-way FE hybrid Ethernet switch processing board
N1 EMS2 2-way GE and 16-way FE mixed Ethernet service transparent transmission and aggregation board
N1EGT2N2EGT2 2-way GE Ethernet transparent transmission board
N1 EFS0A 16-channel FE Ethernet switching processing board
N1 EGS4N3EGS4N4EGS4 4-way GE Ethernet switching processing board
N1MST4 4-channel multi-service transparent transmission processing board
N1ETF8N1ETF8A 8 way 100M Ethernet twisted pair outlet board
Name and description of ATM boards supported by Huawei OptiX OSN2500
बोर्ड नाम Board description
N1ADQ1 4-way STM-1 ATM business processing board,
N1ADL .4 1 STM-4 ATM business processing board
N1IDQ1N1IDQ1A 4-way STM-1 ATM business processing board
N1IDL4N1IDL4A 1. Road STM-4 ATM business processing board
The name and description of the RPR board supported by OptiX OSN2500
बोर्ड नाम Board description
N2EGR2 2-way GE Ethernet ring processing board
N2EMRO 2 way FE+1 way GE Ethernet ring network processing board
The name and description of the crossover and system control boards supported by Huawei OSN2500 products
बोर्ड नाम Board description
Q2CXL1Q3CXL1 1 channel STM-1 master control, क्रसओभर, घडी, line combination-board
Q2CXL4Q3CXL4 1 channel STM-4 master control, क्रसओभर, घडी, line integration board
Q2CXL16Q3CXL16 1 channel STM-16 master control, क्रसओभर, घडी, line combination-board
Q5CXLLN 1 STM-16/STM-4/STM-1 master control, क्रसओभर, घडी, line combination-board
Q5CXLQ41 4-way STM-4/STM-1 master control, क्रसओभर, घडी, line combination-board
The name and description of the optical add-drop multiplexing board supported by Huawei OptiX OSN2500
बोर्ड नाम Board description
TN11CMR2 2-channel optical add-drop multiplexing board
N1MR2B 2-channel optical add-drop multiplexing board
TN11CMR4 4-way optical add-drop multiplexing board
N1 MR2C 2-channel optical add-drop multiplexing board
TN11MR2 2-channel optical add-drop multiplexing board
N1LWX Any rate wavelength conversion board
TN11MR4 4-way optical add-drop multiplexing board
N1FIB Filter isolation board
N1MR2A 2-channel optical add-drop multiplexing board
Optical amplification board and dispersion compensation board supported by OSN2500
बोर्ड नाम Board description
N1BPAN2BPA Optical power amplification, pre-amplification-body board
N1RPC01 Forward Raman driver board (external)
N1BA2 Optical power amplifier board
N1RPC02 Rear Raman driver board (external)
N1COA、61COA、62COA External box fiber amplifier
TN11OBU1 Optical power amplifier board


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