
Huawei CGID Service Board is 8-port XG-PON and GPON Combo interface board for MA5800 Series. It works together with the optical network unit (उहाँ) to provide XG-PON and GPON access service.

Huawei CGID Service Board Product Overview

Huawei CGID Service Board is 8-port XG-PON and GPON Combo interface board for MA5800 Series. MA5800 Series. MA5800 श्रृंखला फ्रेम उत्पादनहरू तीन आकारहरू समावेश छन्: MA5800-X17, MA5800-X7MA5800-X2 and they support various networking applications such as FTTB/FTTC/FTTD/FTTH/D-CCAP.

Huawei MA5800 series are the industry’s first 40 Gbit/s-capacity Next-Generation Optical Line Terminal (NG-OLT). Huawei’s SmartAX MA5800 employs a distributed architecture to support ultra-broadband, स्थिर मोबाइल अभिसरण (FMC) सेवाहरू, र स्मार्ट क्षमताहरू, जस्तै SDN-आधारित भर्चुअलाइजेशन.

Huawei CGID Service Board Product Pictures

Huawei CGID Service Board for MA5800 OLT YCICTHuawei CGID Service Board for MA5800 OLT YCIT

Huawei CGID Service Board MA5800 OLT YCICTHuawei CGID Service Board Product Picture MA5800 YCICT OLT

Huawei CGID Service Board Product Specifications

ब्रान्ड Huawei

Board Specifications

पोर्ट मात्रा 8
फर्वार्डिङ क्षमता 80 Gbit/s
दर मोड असममित दर
Port rates GPON अपस्ट्रीम: 1.244 Gbit/s
GPON डाउनस्ट्रीम: 2.488 Gbit/s
XG-PON अपस्ट्रीम: 2.488 Gbit/s
XG-PON डाउनस्ट्रीम: 9.953 Gbit/s
अधिकतम विभाजन अनुपात GPON: 1:128
XG-PON: 1:256
T-CONTs प्रति PON पोर्ट GPON/स्वचालित प्रकार ONU: 1024
XG-PON: 2048
सेवा प्रवाह प्रति PON बोर्ड 16368
MAC ठेगानाहरूको अधिकतम संख्या 131072
एउटै PON पोर्ट अन्तर्गत दुई ONU हरू बीचको अधिकतम दूरी भिन्नता 40 km
Supported ONU rates GPON: 2.5G/1.25G (downstream rate/upstream rate)
XG-PON: 10G/2.5G (downstream rate/upstream rate)
प्रकार सी सुरक्षा (एकल-घर) हो (applicable to GPON channels)
प्रकार सी सुरक्षा (दोहोरो-घर) हो (applicable to GPON channels)
FEC Bidirectional

Huawei CGID Service Board Product Features

  • External interface

8* XG-PON&GPON पोर्ट (XFP. अधिकतम विभाजन अनुपात: GPON: 1:128 XG-PON: 1:256

  • बुद्धिमान व्यवस्थापन च्यानल

स्तर 4 HQoS to improve user experience.9216 jumbo frames, धेरै प्रसारण दक्षता सुधार

Intelligent processing of XG-PON and GPON hybrid services to meet XGPON&.GPON service requirements, board types and spare parts reduction

  • उच्च घनत्व र ऊर्जा बचत

उच्च घनत्व, कम पावर खपत, समर्थन 2048 प्रयोगकर्ताहरू पहुँच गर्नुहोस्

Supports the maximum distance difference between the two ONUs to the PON port under the same PON port is 40 km, नेटवर्क योजना सरलीकरण

  • सञ्चालन र मर्मत गर्न सजिलो

Real-time rogue ONT detection and isolation to ensure stable operation of the business

Variable-length OMCI improves upgrade efficiency and shortens business interruption time

Huawei CGID Service Board and More Service Boards

H901GPHF 16-port GPON user access
H901GPSF 16-port GPON user access
H901XGHD 8-port asymmetric 10G GPON user
H901XSED 8-port symmetric 10G GPON user connection
H901CGCD 8-port asymmetric 10G GPON and GPON user access
H901 EPHF 16-port EPON user access
H901XEHD 8-port 10G EPON user access supports symmetric and asymmetric 10G EPON
H901EDSH 32-channel E1 uplink, support native TDM mode
H901OGHK 48-channel GE/FE P2P access
H901OXHD 8-port 10GE/GE Ethernet aggregation

Huawei CGID Service Board Product Datasheet


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