
Huawei AirEngine 5761-12W is a Wi-Fi 6 (802.11कुल्हाडी) wall plate access point, which can simultaneously provide services on 2.4 GHz (2×2 MIMO) र 5 GHz (2x2MIMO) frequency bands, achieving a device rate of up to 1.775Gbps.

Huawei AirEngine 5761-12W Product Overview

This access point provides services simultaneously on both the 2.4 GHz र 5 GHz bands, at a rate of up to 575Mbps at 2.4 GHz (2×2), 1.2Gbps at 5 GHz (2×2), and 1.775Gbps for the device. एउटै समयमा, built-in smart antennas enable always-on Wi-Fi signals for users, significantly enhancing userswireless experiences. AirEngine 5761-12W can analyze the spectrum of non-Wi-Fi interference sources and identify them, including baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, digital cordless phones (मा 2.4 GHz frequency band only), wireless audio transmitters (at both the 2.4 GHz र 5 GHz फ्रिक्वेन्सी ब्यान्डहरू), wireless game controllers, and microwave ovens. Coupled with Huawei NCE-Campus, the precise locations of the interference sources can be detected, and the spectrum of them displayed, enabling the administrator to remove the interference in a timely manner. These strengths make AirEngine 5761-12W ideal for scenarios requiring high bandwidth and high-quality network experience, such as hotelswards and dormitories.

Huawei AirEngine 5761-12W Product Pictures

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Huawei AirEngine 5761-12W 5700 series access point ycictHuawei AirEngine 5761-12W new and original price and specs ycict

Huawei AirEngine 5761-12W Product Specifications

मोडेल एयर इन्जिन 5761-12W
विवरण AirEngine5761-12W(11कुल्हाडी भित्र,2+2 दोहोरो ब्यान्डहरू,स्मार्ट एन्टेना,USB,BLE,PSE)
भाग नम्बर 50084450
पहिलो समर्थित संस्करण V200R020C10
आयामहरू (एच एक्स डब्ल्यू एक्स डी) 38mm×86mm×160mm
पावर इनपुट DC: 46–57 V
PoE बिजुली आपूर्ति: 802.3at/af को अनुपालनमा
अधिकतम पावर खपत 13.1 डब्लु (USB बाहेक, PoE out)
नोट: वास्तविक अधिकतम बिजुली खपत स्थानीय कानून र नियमहरूमा निर्भर गर्दछ.
प्रयोगकर्ताहरूको अधिकतम संख्या ≤ 1024
सञ्चालन तापमान 0-40 डिग्री सेल्सियस
एन्टेना प्रकार निर्मित स्मार्ट एन्टेना
MIMO:स्थानिय स्ट्रिमहरू 2.4 GHz: 2×2:2; 5 GHz: 2×2:2
रेडियो प्रोटोकल 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ac wave2/ax
अधिकतम दर 1.775 Gbit/s
भण्डारण तापमान [°C(°F)] -40°C देखि +70°C (-४०°F देखि +१५८°F)
दीर्घकालीन परिचालन सापेक्ष आर्द्रता [RH] 5% RH लाई 95% RH
दीर्घकालीन सञ्चालन उचाइ [m(फीट)] -60 मिटर +5000 m (–१९६.८५ फीट देखि +16404.20 फीट)
वायुमण्डलीय दबाव [kPa] 53kPa – 106kPa ETSI 300 019-2-3
जमिन तैरिरहेको जमिन
रेडियो नम्बर 2

Huawei AirEngine 5761-12W Product Features

  • अपलिङ्क: 1 x GE port; डाउनलिङ्क: 4 x GE and 2 x RJ45 pass-through.
  • सजिलो तैनातीका लागि विभिन्न स्थापना मोडहरू, पर्खाल माउन्टिंग र प्लेट माउन्ट सहित.
  • STAs को लागि सटीक कभरेज प्रदान गर्न निर्मित स्मार्ट एन्टेना, हस्तक्षेप कम, र सिग्नल गुणस्तर सुधार गर्नुहोस्.
  • USB port for external IoT expansion (supporting protocols such as ZigBee, and RFID)
  • Supports Bluetooth serial interface-based O&एम बिल्ट-इन ब्लुटुथ र CloudCampus APP मार्फत.
  • PoE OUT supported by GE port, supplying power for STAs such as IP phones.

Huawei AirEngine 5761-12W and More Models

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एयर इन्जिन 5761-12W
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Huawei AirEngine 5761-12W Product Applications

Huawei AirEngine 5762-12 मूल्य र चश्मा ycict

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