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- संलग्नक
सिस्को ASR 9006 Router represents an exciting new paradigm in edge and core routing。
It has a wide product portfolio, ranging from the Cisco ASR 9001 (2 Rack Units [2RU]) to the Cisco ASR 9922 (44RU), Cisco IOS प्रयोग गरेर साँचो वाहक-वर्ग विश्वसनीयता प्रदान गर्न डिजाइन गरिएको प्रत्येक प्रणालीसँग® XR अपरेटिङ सिस्टम, व्यापक प्रणाली अनावश्यकता, र नेटवर्क लचिलोपन योजनाहरूको पूर्ण पूरक.
सिस्को ASR 9006 Router also offers service and application-level intelligence focused on optimized video delivery and mobile aggregation. अन्तमा, this model is designed to simplify and enhance the operational and deployment aspects of service-delivery networks.
सिस्को ASR 9006 राउटर उत्पादन तस्वीर
सिस्को ASR 9006 राउटर डाटाशीट
निर्दिष्टीकरण | मोडेल |
सिस्को ASR 9006 | |
Physical specifications | उचाइ: 17.50 मा. (444.5 mm) (10 RU) |
चौडाइ: 17.38 मा. (441.45 mm) | |
गहिराई: | |
ढोका संग: 29.05 मा. (737.9 mm) | |
ढोका बिना: 29.05 मा. (737.9 mm) | |
वजन: | |
89.55 lb (40.7 के। जि) (chassis with PEM) | |
150 lb (65.91 के। जि) (पूर्ण रूपमा लोड, excluding linecards and power modules) – RSP, two v2 FAN trays, PEMs | |
स्लट अभिमुखीकरण | Horizontal |
सिस्को ASR 9000 श्रृंखला RSP | Dual redundant RSPs with integrated fabric in 2 स्लटहरू |
सिस्को ASR 9000 श्रृंखला रेखा कार्डहरू | 4 लाइन-कार्ड स्लटहरू |
"सामान्य" घटकहरू | 2 RSPs |
2 फ्यान ट्रे | |
1 PEM (डीसी वा एसी) | |
1 fan filter | |
विश्वसनीयता र उपलब्धता | कपडाको अनावश्यकता |
फ्यान रिडन्डन्सी | |
फिड रिडन्डन्सी | |
पावर सप्लाई रिडन्डन्सी | |
RSP redundancy | |
सफ्टवेयर रिडन्डेंसी | |
र्याक माउन्टिङ | 19-मा. पूर्वनिर्धारित |
21- र 23-इन्च. एडेप्टरहरू उपलब्ध छन् | |
नोट: Minimum 17.75-in. opening between posts is needed for proper operation | |
क्याबिनेट माउन्टिङ | हो |
नोट: बन्द क्याबिनेटहरूमा ढोकाहरू सिफारिस गरिँदैन | |
पर्खाल माउन्टिंग | छैन |
हावा प्रवाह | Right-to-back, Front-to-back with baffle |
प्रदर्शन | |
कपडा | One per RSP: |
Active/active nonblocking operation mode in dual-RSP redundant configuration | |
Fully redundant in dual-RSP redundant configuration | |
बिल्ट-इन सेवा-बुद्धिमत्ता र ट्राफिक-प्राथमिकता क्षमता | |
थर्मल | Two fan trays: |
6 प्रति ट्रे उच्च दक्षता प्रशंसक | |
इष्टतम थर्मल प्रदर्शनको लागि चर-गति प्रशंसकहरू | |
असफलता को एक बिन्दु छैन | |
शक्ति | |
Modularity | Pay-as-you-grow power for future scalability, available in AC and DC. |
Multiple power module types: | |
3 kW AC power module | |
2.1 kW DC power module | |
नोट: Mixing of AC and DC modules is not supported | |
अनावश्यकता | AC: N+N रिडन्डन्सी |
DC: N+1 redundancy | |
Power module redundancy | |
A/B Feed redundancy | |
Power zones | No power zone restrictions |
Fully load-sharing power infrastructure | |
Power input | Worldwide ranging AC (200-240वि; 50-60 Hz; 16A maximum) |
विश्वव्यापी दायरा DC (-40 to -72V; 50A nominal, 60A maximum) | |
Power-module airflow | अगाडि-देखि-पछाडि |
Environmental Specifications (All Entries Applicable to Cisco ASR 9006 and ASR 9010) | |
सञ्चालन तापमान (नाममात्र) | 41 to 104ºF (5 to 40ºC) |
सञ्चालन तापमान (short-term)[2] | ASR 9006: 23 to 131ºF (-5 to 55ºC) |
सिस्को ASR 9006 राउटर सुविधा
सिस्को ASR 9006 Router bring a fresh new “conscious” approach to product development. From optimal thermal design to the architecture of the power infrastructure, from the placement of line-card components to the pitch of each slot,
IPv6 मा संक्रमणको लागि तयार छ: Cisco is delivering on our strategy of building out IPv6 next-generation networks to simplify design, तैनाती, and management of services for global service providers.
सिस्को ASR 9006 Router offers a significant added value compared to the prior generations of Carrier Ethernet routing offerings with significantly higher switching capacity, optimized power and cooling requirements, an innovative modular power architecture, a grounds-up high-availability design。
माफ गर्नुहोस्, कुनै संलग्नक उपलब्ध छैन !