
ZTE GUFQ Uplink Card is 4 ports GE/FE optical interface Ethernet uplink Board for ZTE OLT C300.

ZTE GUFQ Uplink Card Product Overview

ZTE GUFQ Uplink Card offers 4-port optical interface Ethernet uplink card. Four optical interfa

ZTE C300 stands for unified next-generation xPON platform architecture, smooth evolution, protection of existing network investment, and enhanced competitive advantageThe unified platform supports EPON / GPON / 10GE PON / NG PON / P2P converged access to meet the needs of full-service development and smooth and seamless evolution.

ZTE C300 supports the following Uplink Board

GUFQ:4 seranan-tsambo GE/FE optika interface tsara Ethernet uplink karatra
GUSQ:2 seranana GE optika sy 2 seranana GE/FE elektrika interface tsara Ethernet uplink karatra
XUTQ:4 seranana 10GE optika interface tsara Ethernet uplink karatra
HUTQ:2 ports 10GE sy 2 seranana GE optika interface tsara Ethernet uplink karatra
HUVQ:2 seranana 10GE/GE sy 2 seranan-tsambo GE/FE optika interface tsara Ethernet uplink karatra(Sync-E)

ZTE GUFQ Uplink Card Product Pictures


Zte gufq uplink karatra ycict olt c300 vaovao sy tany am-boalohanyZte Gufq Uplink karatra ycict vaovao

Zte Gufq Uplink Card Profess Products Properations

Fanaraha-maso sy famadihana karatra SCTM - Mety amin'ny XGPON1, fanohanana 16 port GPON karatra, hery switching ambony, 4x 10GE uplink interface tsara, 2x fitantanana interface
SCXN - Manohana 16 port GPON karatra, 4x GE uplink interface tsara, 2x fitantanana interface
SCXM– manohana 480 Gbps switching capacity ary 32 tabilao adiresy K MAC.
SCXL - Tsy misy fifandraisana uplink, 2x fitantanana interface
karatra GPON GTXO – 4/8 Ireo singa mifandraika amin'ny XGPON1, split ratio hatramin'ny 1:256
GTGO – 8 GPON ports, split ratio hatramin'ny 1:256
GTGH – 16 GPON ports, split ratio hatramin'ny 1:128
FTGK – 48 Ports P2P (WDM) na 24 GE ports (fibre misaraka ho an'ny uplink/downlink)
Karatra uplink GUFQ - 4x SFP (GE)
GUSQ - 2x SFP (GE), 2x rj45 (GE)
XUTQ - 4x SFP (10GE)
HUTQ - 4x SFP (2x10GE, 2xGE)
HUVQ - 4x SFP (2x10GE/GE, 2xGE/FE)

Zte Gufq Uplink Card Cards Engtion

  • Interface isan-karazany: P2MP, Ny fifandraisana P2P sy TDM dia azo omena ho an'ny fampiharana ara-barotra sy trano fonenana
  • Fanatsarana multicast asa: mahafeno ny famoahana IPTV faobe
  • Fiantohana fiarovana ambony kokoa: ONT authentication, famantarana ID mpampiasa, fitokana-monina, adiresy mamatotra, fanivanana fonosana, ary famerana ny fonosana fampielezam-peo.
  • Fahasamihafana amin'ny serivisy: Mekanisma QoS feno ho an'ny feo, Lahatsary sy serivisy Internet avo lenta.
  • azo itokisana ambony: ny ampahany manan-danja redundancy; fanohanana Type B sy Type C fiarovana ho an'ny PON downlink sy LACP / STP / UAPS / ERPS ho an'ny uplink
  • Sehatra iraisana ho an'ny GPON/XGPON1 sy P2P
  • Large capacity sy avo lenta: mahafeno ny fepetra takian'ny mpandraharaha amin'ny fandefasana fidirana optika faobe
  • Hoavy-porofo: Fanohanana NG-PON, toy ny XGPON1, TWDM PON
  • Fahaizana fanohanana serivisy be dia be: IPTV, VoIP, HSI, VPN, finday backhaul, sns

Zte Gufq Uplink Card Prodess Product

Zte hutq uplink karatra ycict vaovao sy C300 C300 Olt Hutq vidiny

Zte Gufq Uplink karatra Ycict 4GE FE Port ho an'ny C300 Olt zte ycict

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