
Huawei XGHDE Interface Board is 8-Port Asymmetric 10G GPON OLT Interface Board and it works together with the optical network unit (AZY) to provide XG-PON access services.

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board Product Overview

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board is 8-port Advanced XG-PON OLT Interface Board for Huawei SmartAX EA5800 Series

Huawei SmartAX EA5800 series support Service board or upstream interface board slots: 1 ny 8, 11 ny 19. Huawei SmartAX EA5800 series multiservice access device is positioned as the next-generation OLT for NG-PONWith virtual access technology. it provides a unified carrying platform for multiple services over one fibre network, toy ny broadband, wireless, Video, ary ny fanaraha-maso. The EA5800 provides GPON, XG-PON, XGS-PON, P2P GE, and 10GE access, and supports POL, FTTH, FTTB, and FTTC network construction modes. Ary noho izany, it simplifies network architecture and reduces OPEX.

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board Product Pictures

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board YCICT FOR HUAWEI EA5800Huawei XGHDE Interface Board YCICT FOR EA5800

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board YCICT FOR EA5800Huawei XGHDE Interface Board YCICT

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board Product Specifications

famaritana H901XGHDE H901TWEDE
Haben'ny seranan-tsambo 8 8
Fahaizana mandefa 80 Gbit/s 80 Gbit/s
Fomba sarany Asymmetric tahan'ny fanohanana 2 fomba:
tahan'ny seranan-tsambo manokana eo ambony: 2.488 Gbit/s manokana eo ambony: 9.953/2.488 Gbit/s
ambany: 9.953 Gbit/s ambany: 9.953 Gbit/s
Taham-pizarana ambony indrindra 0.219444444 0.086111111
T-CONT isaky ny seranan-tsambo PON 2048 2048
Mikoriana isaky ny birao PON 16376 16376
Haben'ny latabatra adiresy MAC 131072 131072
Maximum distance difference between 2 ONUs under the same PON port 40 km 40 km
Ny tahan'ny ONU tohanana 10G/2.5G (tahan'ny ambany / taham-pamokarana) 10G/2.5G (tahan'ny ambany / taham-pamokarana)
10G/10G (tahan'ny ambany / taham-pamokarana)
FEC Bidirectional Bidirectional
PON ISSU ENY tsy misy
Type B protection (dual-homing) ENY tsy misy
Groupe CAR ENY
OMCI miovaova halavany ENY
ONU-based or queue-based shaping ENY
Type B protection (single-homing) ENY
Rogue ONT detection and isolation ENY
Fanakatonana mandeha ho azy amin'ny hafanana ambony ENY
Energy conservation for service boards ENY

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board Product Features

  • MANAMPY 8 XG-PON SFP interfaces
  • Support a maximum of 1:256 fisarahana ratio
  • Support single-fibre bidirectional optical module
  • Support optical module illumination control
  • Shaping that supports ONU granularity
  • Tohano ny fangatahana mari-pana sy fanairana amin'ny maripana ambony
  • Support high-temperature automatic shutdown protection
  • Support for uplink and downlink FEC
  • Support Type B protection
  • Support rogue ONT detection

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board and More Service Boards

H901XGHDE 8-port Advanced XG-PON OLT Interface Board
H901OGHK 48-seranan-tsambo Advanced GE/FE Optical Interface Board
H901OXHD 8-port Advanced 10GE Optical Interface Board
H902OXHD 8-port Advanced 10GE Optical Interface Board
H901GPSF 16-seranan-tsambo GPON OLT Interface Board
H901OXEG 24 port Aggregationed 10GE/GE Optical Interface Board
H901TWEDE 8-port Enhanced XGS-PON OLT Interface Board
H901XSHF 16-port XGS-PON OLT Interface Board
H902GPHF 16-seranan-tsambo GPON OLT Interface Board

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board Product Panel

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board YCICT Huawei XGHDE Interface Board PRICE AND SPECS EA5800 OLT

Huawei XGHDE Interface Board Product Applications

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