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Huawei SmartAX MA5680T IEC OLT includes high-capacity and medium-capacity SmartAX MA5683T. The hardware and software of the two specifications are fully compatible, saving network backup costs. Anisan'ireo fepetra roa, the high-capacity can provide 16 serivisy slots, and the medium-capacity can provide 6 serivisy slots.
Huawei SmartAX MA5680T IEC OLT Product Overview
Huawei MA5680T IEC OLT supports GPON, 10GPON, fiantsoana, 10G EPON, ary fidirana P2P. Mandritra izany fotoana izany, azo ampiasaina ho OLT fanangonana hanohanana fanangonana sy fidirana amin'ny FTTB/FTTC/DSLAM, izay tsy vitan'ny hoe manatsotra ny haavon'ny tambajotra fa mampihena ihany koa ny karazana sy ny haben'ny fitaovana, mitsitsy ny efitranon'ny CO sy ny fanjifana angovo.
Huawei MA5680T IEC OLT supports GPON, 10GPON, fiantsoana, 10G EPON, ary ny fomba fidirana P2P, ary manome serivisy toy ny fidirana amin'ny Internet, FEO, ary video. Huawei MA5680T IEC OLT work with various types of ONU equipment to meet FTTH (Fiber ho an-trano), FTTB (Fibre mankany amin'ny tranobe), FTTC (Fiber ho an'ny curb), FTTM (Fiber To The Move), FTTO (Fibre mankany amin'ny birao) Fampiharana tambajotra.
Huawei SmartAX MA5680T IEC OLT Product Dimensions
MODELY | fepetra arahana |
lafiny (W x D x H, miaraka amin'ny brackets) | 530 x 275.8 x 447.2 MG |
lafiny (W x D x H, tsy misy brackets) | 490 x 275.8 x 447.2 MG |
lanja ambony indrindra | 33 kg |
Fanjifana herinaratra ambony indrindra | 1810 W |
Huawei SmartAX MA5680T IEC OLT Product Specifications
Fanondroana | MA5680T(ETSI) | MA5680T(IEC) | MA5683T | MA5608T |
Kabinetra mifanentana | Kabinetra anatiny:N63E-22、N66E-18 | Kabinetra anatiny:N66E-22 | Kabinetra anatiny:N66E-18 | Kabinetra anatiny:N63E-22 |
kabinetra ivelany:F01T500 | kabinetra ivelany:IZAY | kabinetra ivelany:F01S300、F01T500、F01T300 | kabinetra varavarana ivelany:F01S100、F01S200 | |
Karatra serivisy | Birao fanaraha-maso lehibe: 2 slots | Birao fanaraha-maso lehibe: 2 slots | Birao fanaraha-maso lehibe: 2 slots | Birao fanaraha-maso lehibe: 2 slots |
Birao serivisy: 16 slots | Birao serivisy: 16 slots | Birao serivisy: 6 slots | Birao serivisy: 2 slots | |
Universal interface tsara board: 1 slot | Universal interface tsara board: 1 slot | Universal interface tsara board: 1 slot | Power interface board: 1 na 2 slot | |
Uplink interface board: 2 slots | Uplink interface board: 2 slots | Uplink interface board: 2 slots | ||
Power interface board: 2 slots | Power interface board: 2 slots | Power interface board: 2 slots | ||
Supportable lehibe fanaraha-maso board sy ny switching fahafahana | SCUN/SCUK:480Gbit/s (Modely mavitrika/standby)、960Gbit/s(Mode fizarana entana) | MCUD/MCUD1/MCUE:128Gbit/s (Modely mavitrika/standby)、256Gbit/s(Mode fizarana entana) | ||
SY/SCUV:960Gbit/s (Modely mavitrika/standby)、1920Gbit/s(Mode fizarana entana) | ||||
System Layer 2 tahan'ny fandefasana fonosana | SCUN/SCUK:726Mpps(Mode Active/standby)、1452Mpps(Mode fizarana entana) | MCUD/MCUD1/MCUE:190Mpps(Mode Active/standby)、380Mpps(Mode fizarana entana) | ||
SY/SCUV:1428Mpps(Mode Active/standby)、2856Mpps(Mode fizarana entana) | ||||
Fahataran'ny fandefasana fifanakalozana | Misy fahatarana ambany kokoa. Ny seranan-tsambo Ethernet 100Mbit/s dia mandefa fonosana Ethernet 64Byte miaraka amin'ny fahatarana tsy mihoatra ny 20μs. | |||
Ny tahan'ny fahadisoana feno entana | Rehefa mandefa amin'ny entana feno ny seranana, ny tahan'ny fahadisoana kely (taham-pahadisoana kely) MAHAVONONA <10 e-7. | |||
Ny seranana fidirana 10G GPON ambony indrindra tohanan'ny frame tokana | 128 | 112 | 48 | 16 |
Ny seranana fidirana EPON ambony indrindra tohanan'ny frame tokana | 256 | 224 | 96 | 32 |
Ny seranana fidirana 10G EPON ambony indrindra tohanan'ny frame tokana | 128 | 112 | 48 | 16 |
Seranana fidirana P2P FE ambony indrindra tohanan'ny chassis tokana | 768 | 672 | 288 | 96 |
Seranana fidirana P2P GE ambony indrindra tohanan'ny chassis tokana | 768 | 672 | 288 | 96 |
Ny seranan-tsambo ambony ambony indrindra tohanan'ny frame tokana (GIU slot GE) | 4 | 4 | 4 | N / A |
Ny seranan-tsambo ambony ambony indrindra tohanan'ny frame tokana (GIU slot 10GE) | 4 | 4 | 4 | N / A |
Huawei SmartAX MA5680T IEC OLT Features
Smooth evolution from GPON to 10G GPON
Huawei MA5680T IEC OLT supports smooth upgrade from GPON to 10G GPON through WDM1r components (OLT racks and wavelength division multiplexing devices).
Operators can choose to build a new 10G GPON network or smoothly upgrade from a GPON network to a 10G GPON network. the 10G GPON and the original GPON signal are transmitted on the same ODN by means of multiplexing so that the ODN network is reused.
Teknolojia maitso
The energy efficiency of OLT products complies with the European Union’s CoC (Code of Conduct) energy efficiency standards, fully considering the green energy-saving design, ensuring the final optimization of product energy consumption, noise and heat dissipation, minimizing equipment energy consumption, reducing environmental pollution and reducing operating costs.
supports Type X protection of the GPON network.
Type B protection, fanomezana 1+1 dual protection for both GPON ports and backbone fibres.
Type C protection provides ONU dual PON port, and dual-channel protection for trunk fibre, optical splitter and wiring fibre.
Large and medium-sized devices support dual main control boards, dual power boards, and dual upstream boards for redundant backup to improve equipment and service reliability. Small form factor devices support redundant backup of dual main control boards and dual DC power boards.
Huawei SmartAX MA5680T IEC OLT Applications
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