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Huawei FIU Board is Huawei fiber-optic line interface board TN13FIU WDM equipment. The functional versions of FIU boards are TN12, TN13, TN14, TN15, TN16.
Huawei FIU Board Product Overview
Huawei FIU Board consists of an optical module, an optical power detection module, control and communication module, ary Module herinaratra.
The main optical channel signal received from the “RC” optical port and the monitoring channel signal received from the “RM” optical port are combined into a 1-channel optical signal through a multiplexing module and output through the “avy” seranan-tsambo optika.
Receive the line optical signal from the “Ao amin'ny” optical port and input it to the demultiplexing module. Ny module demultiplexing dia mizara ny famantarana ny fantsona optika lehibe sy ny famantarana ny fantsona fanaraha-maso ary mamoaka azy ireo amin'ny alàlan'ny “TC” SY “TM” ports optika tsirairay avy.
Famantarana amin'ny fotoana tena izy ny herin'ny optique input/output amin'ny signal service.
TN12FIU / Ny TN15FIU dia manohana ny fahitana herinaratra optika amin'ny seranana fidirana.
TN14FIU / Ny TN16FIU dia manohana ny fahitana herinaratra optika amin'ny seranan-tsambo.
Ny TN13FIU dia tsy manohana ny fahitana herinaratra optique amin'ny seranana fidirana na fivoahana.
Huawei FIU Board Product Pictures
Huawei FIU Board Product Specifications
Ecran landy interface tsara | Karazana interface | Zava-kendreny |
Ao amin'ny | Lk | Seranana fampidirana mpandray |
avy | LCa | Fandefasana seranan-tsambo |
TC | Lk | Receiver C-band seranan-tsambo output |
RC | LCa | C-band fidirana seranan-tsambo eo amin'ny lafiny fampitana |
TM | Lk | Receiver fanaraha-maso fantsona Output seranan-tsambo |
RM | Lk | Seranana fidirana fantsona fanaraha-maso mpandefa |
Anaran'ny birao | Fanjifana herinaratra mahazatra board (W) | Fanjifana herinaratra ambony indrindra a (W) |
Ampahany TN12FIU/TN14FIU | 4.2 | 4.6 |
TN13FIU | 0.2 | 0.3 |
TN15FIU | 6 | 6.6 |
TN16FIU | 6 | 6.5 |
MON | Lk | Ireo singa mifandraika amin'ny MCA4, MCA8, OPM8, OMCA, ary seranan-tsambo fidirana WMU ho an'ny fitiliana fampisehoana optika an-tserasera. |
TN12FIU / TN13FIU01 / TN13FIU03 / TN14FIU / TN15FIU / TN16FIU: Ny tahan'ny fisarahana eo amin'ny seranan-tsambo MON sy ny seranan-tsambo OUT dia 1:99, izay midika fa ny herin'ny MON dia 20dB ambany noho ny seranan-tsambo OUT. Ny formula calcul dia: manjonotra (dBm) -Pmon (dBm) = 10 x lg (99/1) = 20dB. | ||
TN13FIU02: Ny tahan'ny fisarahana eo amin'ny seranan-tsambo MON sy ny seranan-tsambo OUT dia 0.1: 99.9, izay midika fa ny herin'ny MON dia 30dB ambany noho ny seranan-tsambo OUT. Ny formula calcul dia: manjonotra (dBm) -Pmon (dBm) = 10 x lg (99.9 / 0.1) = 30dB. | ||
Ny fanjifana herinaratra ambony indrindra dia manondro ny sanda refesina amin'ny hafanana ambony indrindra amin'ny fitaovana mandritra ny fandidiana mahazatra. |
Birao Huawei FIU sy Birao Serivisy mifandraika amin'izany
03020JTN | TN11PIU02 | Birao fidirana herinaratra |
03030LMF | TN11AUX02 | System auxiliary interface board |
03030JVX | Sary TN51SCC01 | Birao fanaraha-maso sy fifandraisana |
03030LNB | Sary TN52SCC01 | Birao fanaraha-maso sy fifandraisana |
03030CYT | TN12FIU01 | Optical fibre tsipika interface tsara board |
03030GXA | TN13FIU01 | Fibre optic tsipika interface tsara |
03030KXM | TN13FIU02 | Optical tsipika interface tsara 2 (C / 1510 WDM, Ampiasao miaraka amin'ny HBA) |
03030Jod | Sary TN12SC101 | Unidirectional Optical fanaraha-maso fantsona board |
03030ATSIMO | Sary TN12SC201 | Bidirectional Optical fanaraha-maso fantsona board |
03030JWG | Sary TN11HSC101 | High power unidirectional Optical fanaraha-maso fantsona board |
03030DTA | Sary TN11MCA401 | 4-tabilao analyse spectrum channel |
03030MDF | Sary TN11MCA402 | Manohana ny fitiliana 40Gbps sy ny famakafakana spectrum 4-channel, BIRAO, BIRAO |
03030ESR | Sary TN11MCA801 | 8-tabilao analyse spectrum channel |
03030MDD | Sary TN11MCA802 | Manohana ny fitiliana 40Gbps sy ny famakafakana spectrum 8-channel, BIRAO, BIRAO |
03030GYQ | Sary TN12VA101 | 1-fantsona fanamafisam-peo azo amboarina |
03030Handefa | Sary TN12VA401 | 4 fomba Adjustable hazavana attenuation board |
03030ESY | TN11OLP01 | Fiarovana tsipika optika board (fomba tokana) |
03030FVN | TN11OLP02 | Fiarovana tsipika optika board (fomba maro) |
03030JAT | TN12OLP01 | Fiarovana tsipika optika board (fomba tokana) |
03030JSC | TN12OLP03 | Fiarovana tsipika optika board (fomba tokana) |
03030sofina | TN11DCP02 | Birao fiarovana amin'ny fantsona roa (fomba maro) |
03030HED | Ampahany TN12DCP01 | Birao fiarovana amin'ny fantsona roa (fomba tokana) |
03030JFJ | Sary TN12XCS02 | solaitrabe afovoany |
03030JCU | Sary TN11BMD401 | PID comb filter board (C-band) |
03030LPS | Sary TN11BMD801 | PID comb filter board (C-band) |
03030RAHOVIANA | TN11ITL01 | Birao sivana tohotra (C-band) |
03030KRK | TN11ITL04 | Birao sivana tohotra (C-band, roa module) |
03030FWM | Sary TN11WMU01 | Sampana fanaraha-maso ny halavan'ny onjam |
03030JXT | TN11GFU02 | Mahazo unit flat |
03030KCC | TN11TDC01 | Birao fanonerana fanaparitahana (ODB & DQPSK) |
03030KSF | TN11STG01 | Birao fanodinana famantaranandro |
Huawei FIU Board Product Applications
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