
Cisco WS-C2960L-SM-48PS Switch is a 48 port Gigabit Ethernet smart managed switch with POE+ capabilities that provides enterprise-class access switching for branch offices, out-of-the-wiring-closet applications, and the critical Internet of Things (IoT) fametrahana, as well as small and medium-sized businesses. They operate on Cisco IOS

Cisco WS-C2960L-SM-48PS Switch Introduction

Cisco Catalyst 2960-L Series and 2960-L Smart Managed Switches are fully managed switchesThey offer advanced Layer 2 and basic Layer 3 features and Power over Ethernet Plus (PoE+) fahefana.

These switches deliver enhanced network security, fahatokisana ny tambajotra, and operational efficiency.

Cisco WS-C2960L-SM-48PS Switch Product Picture

Cisco WS-C2960L-SM-48PS Switch Datasheet

Marika Cisco
Karazana fitaovana jiro – 48 seranana – L3smartstackable
Karazam-baravarana Rack-mountable
Soso-kevitra Gigabit Ethernet
seranana 48 x 10/100/1000 (PoE+) + 4 x 10 Gigabit SFP+
Power Over Ethernet (PoE) PoE+
PoE Budget 370 W
Fampisehoana Fandefasana bandwidth: 88 Gbps ¦ Switching bandwidth: 176 Gbps ¦ Forwarding rate: 77.38 solombavambahoaka
Fanohanana Jumbo Frame 10240 oktety
Protocol Routing RIP, IGMP, MLDv2, MLD
Lavitra Fitantanana Protocol RMON 1, RMON 2, SNMP, SNMP 3, SNMP 2c, TFTP, SSH, SSH-2, CLI, NTP
Fomba fanamarinana Kerberos, rayon, TACACS+, WebAuth
processeur ARM7: 800 MHz
ram 512 MB
Flash Memory 256 MB
Toetra famantarana Port status, port duplex mode, RAFITRA, link/speed
Expansion / fifandraisana
interface 48 x 1000Base-T RJ-45 PoE+ ¦ 4 x 10GBase-X SFP+ ¦ 1 x Console (USB) ¦ 1 x Console RJ-45
Voltage Required As 120/230 V (50 – 60 Hz)
Cables Included 2 x console cable – 1.83 cm
MTBF 437,970 ORA
Software / Fangatahana rafitra
Ny rindrambaiko tafiditra ao Cisco iOS Lan Lite, Cisco Prime Infrastructure, Cisco DNA Center
lafiny & lanja
sakany 4.4 cm
lalina 29.2 cm
hahavony 44.5 cm
lanja 4.57 kg
Fanomezana antoka
fanompoana & MANAMPY FAHAMARINANA voafetra – fanoloana – androm-piainana – Fotoana famaliana: next business day ¦ Technical support – mila hevitra – 90 andro
Environmental Parameters
Temperature miasa min -5 °C
Max Temperature miasa 45 °C
Hamandoana Range miasa 5 – 90%
Temperature fitahirizana min -25 °C
Max Storage Temperature 70 °C
Humidity Range Storage 5 – 95%

Cisco WS-C2960L-SM-48PS Switch More Models

WS-C2960L-48TQ-LL/ 48 4 SFP+ Y 6.68 lb (3.03kg) 1.73 x 9.45 x 17.5 in
WS-C2960L-SM-48TQ (4.4 x 24 x 44.5 cm)
Ampahany WS-C2960L-48PQ-LL/ 48 4 SFP+ N 370W 1.73 x 11.5 x 17.5 in
WS-C2960L-SM-48PQ (4.4 x 29.2 x 44.5 cm)
WS-C2960L-48TS-LL/ 48 4 SFP Y 6.57 lb (2.98kg) 1.73 x 9.45 x 17.5 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-48TS (4.4 x 24 x 44.5 cm)
WS-C2960L-48PS-LL/ 48 4 SFP N 370W 10.08 lb (4.57kg) 1.73 x 11.5 x 17.5 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-48PS (4.4 x 29.2 x 44.5 cm)

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