
Cisco WS-C2960L-48PQ-LL Switch is 8-port Gigabit POE power supply 4 seranan-tsambo optika 10 Gigabit Layer 2 jiro

Cisco 2960-L Series Switch is high-valued that helps the clients increase reliability in branches and other places and at the same time increasing cost-effectiveness.

Selecting models support PoE to provide up to 30W of power per port. Removing the need for additional electrical cabling and circuits to power your access points and IP phones.

Cisco WS-C2960L-48PQ-LL Switch Product Picture

Cisco WS-C2960L-48PQ-LL Switch Datasheet

Marika Cisco
MODELY Ampahany WS-C2960L-48PQ-LL
Karazana fitaovana jiro – 48seranana – nahavita
Karazam-baravarana Rack-mountable 1U
interface Gigabit Ethernet
seranana 48 x 10/100/1000 + 4 x SFP
Haben'ny latabatra adiresy MAC 8K fidirana
Fampisehoana Fahafahana manova: 176 Gbps
Fandrosoana fampisehoana (64-ny haben'ny fonosana byte) : 41.7 solombavambahoaka
Lavitra Fitantanana Protocol SNMP 1, SNMP 2, RMON 1, RMON 2, RMON 3, RMON 9, Telnet, SNMP 3, SNMP 2c, Sokajy, ny https, TFTP, SSH
Fenitra mifanaraka IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3z, IEEE 802.1D, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3ab, IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.3ad (LACP), IEEE 802.1w, IEEE 802.1x, IEEE 802.1s, IEEE 802.3ah, IEEE 802.1ab (LLDP)
fahefana As 120/230 V ( 50/60 Hz )
lafiny (WxDxH) 44.5 cm x 29.9 cm x 4.5 cm
lanja 4.6 kg

Cisco WS-C2960L-48PQ-LL Switch More Models

Product ID* 10/100/1000 seranana Ethernet Uplink interfaces tsy misy mpankafy Misy PoE hery lanja lafiny (H x D x W)
WS-C2960L-8TS-LL/ 8 2 SFP Y 3.33 lb (1.51kg) 1.73 x 8.45 x 10.56 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-8TS (4.4 x 21.5 x 26.8 cm)
WS-C2960L-8PS-LL/ 8 2 SFP Y 67W 4.50 lb (2.04kg) 1.73 x 9.45 x 10.56 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-8PS (4.4 x 24 x 26.8 cm)
WS-C2960L-16ts-ll / 16 2 SFP Y 3.41 lb (1.55kg) 1.73 x 8.45 x 10.56 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-16TS (4.4 x 21.5 x 26.8 cm)
WS-C2960L-16PS-LL/ 16 2 SFP Y 120W 4.65 lb (2.11kg) 1.73 x 9.45 x 10.56 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-16PS (4.4 x 24 x 26.8 cm)
WS-C2960L-24TS-LL/ 24 4 SFP Y 6.04 lb (2.74kg) 1.73 x 9.45 x 17.5 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-24TS (4.4 x 24 x 44.5 cm)
WS-C2960L-24PS-LL/ 24 4 SFP Y 195W 7.41 lb (3.36kg) 1.73 x 10.45 x 17.5 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-24PS (4.4 x 26.5 x 44.5 cm)
Ampahany WS-C2960L-24TQ-LL/ 24 4 SFP+ Y 6.06 lb (2.75kg) 1.73 x 9.45 x 17.5 in
Ampahany WS-C2960L-SM-24TQ (4.4 x 24 x 44.5 cm)
WS-C2960L-24PQ-LL/ 24 4 SFP+ Y 195W 7.39 lb (3.35kg) 1.73 x 10.45 x 17.5 in
Ampahany WS-C2960L-SM-24PQ (4.4 x 26.5 x 44.5 cm)
Ampahany WS-C2960L-48TQ-LL/ 48 4 SFP+ Y 6.68 lb (3.03kg) 1.73 x 9.45 x 17.5 in
WS-C2960L-SM-48TQ (4.4 x 24 x 44.5 cm)
WS-C2960L-48PQ-LL/ 48 4 SFP+ N 370W 1.73 x 11.5 x 17.5 in
WS-C2960L-SM-48PQ (4.4 x 29.2 x 44.5 cm)
WS-C2960L-48TS-LL/ 48 4 SFP Y 6.57 lb (2.98kg) 1.73 x 9.45 x 17.5 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-48TS (4.4 x 24 x 44.5 cm)
WS-C2960L-48PS-LL/ 48 4 SFP N 370W 10.08 lb (4.57kg) 1.73 x 11.5 x 17.5 in.
WS-C2960L-SM-48PS (4.4 x 29.2 x 44.5 cm)


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