
Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches Converged wired and wireless networks

Ny Catalyst 9400 is the industry’s most widely deployed next-generation enterprise switching platform. This modular access switch is built for the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud environments with built-in security features. The switch delivers best-in-class high availability and supports up to 8 Tbps of memory for use as a component of Cisco’s leading enterprise architecture, SD-Access.

Attack defense
The advanced features of the Catalyst 9400 switch provide comprehensive protection for your organization before, during, and after an attack. Not only does it take advantage of Cisco’s trusted systems and MACSEC256 encryption to reduce the attack surface, it also helps you enhance malware detection and enable rapid threat containment.

Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches Product Picture

Catalyst 9404R SwitchCatalyst 9404R Switch

Catalyst 9404R SwitchCatalyst 9404R Switch

Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches Models Specifications

nampipoaka 9400 10 Slot Model nampipoaka 9400 7-slot model
Unmatched 60W POE per access port Unmatched 60W POE per access port
384 seranana, 480 Gbps per slot 240 seranana, 480 Gbps per slot
Secure segmentation via SD-Access Secure segmentation via SD-Access
Provides best-in-class high availability with N+N/N+1 power redundancy Provides best-in-class high availability with N+N/N+1 power redundancy
Enhanced Lifetime Limited Warranty (E-OTH) Enhanced Lifetime Limited Warranty (E-OTH)

Catalyst 9404R Switch

Cisco Catalyst 9407R Switch

Cisco Catalyst 9410R Switch

modely Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor Engine C9400-SUP-1 Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor Engine C9400-SUP-1XL Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor Engine C9400-SUP-1XL-Y
Cisco Catalyst C9404R chassis 80 Gbps/slot 240 Gbps/slot 240 Gbps/slot
Cisco Catalyst C9407R chassis 80 Gbps/slot 120 Gbps/slot 120 Gbps/slot
Cisco Catalyst C9410R chassis 80 Gbps/slot 80 Gbps/slot 80 Gbps/slot
endri-javatra Cisco Catalyst C9404R Chassis Cisco Catalyst C9407R Chassis Cisco Catalyst C9410R Chassis
Total number of slots 4 7 10
Line-card slots 2 5 8
Supervisor engine slots 21 22 23
Dedicated supervisor engine slot numbers 2 SY 34 3 SY 44 5 SY 64
Supervisor engine redundancy ENY ENY ENY
Supervisor engines supported C9400-SUP-1, C9400-SUP-1, C9400-SUP-1,
C9400-SUP-1XL, C9400-SUP-1XL-Y C9400-SUP-1XL, C9400-SUP-1XL,
C9400-SUP-1XL-Y C9400-SUP-1XL-Y
Maximum PoE per slot 2880W5 2880W5 2880W5
Maximum Bandwidth scalability per line-card slot Hatramin'ny 480 Gbps on all slots6 Hatramin'ny 480 Gbps on all slots7 Hatramin'ny 480 Gbps on all slots8
Number of power supply bays 4 8 8
AC input power ENY ENY ENY
Integrated PoE ENY ENY ENY
Power supplies supported 3200W AC, 2100W AC 3200W AC, 2100W AC 3200W AC, 2100W AC
Number of fan-tray bays 1 1 1
Location of 19-inch rack-mount anoloana anoloana anoloana

Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches other info

Built for security, the Internet of Things, mobility and the cloud

To cope with advanced persistent security threats, exponential growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) fitaovana, fivezivezena eny rehetra eny, and cloud adoption, a network switching matrix that combines advanced hardware and software innovation must be adopted. Manao automatique ny tambazotran'ny mpanjifa sady miaro sy manamora ny tambazotran'ny mpanjifa. Ny tanjon'ity matrix switching network ity dia ny hampitombo ny fidiram-bolan'ny mpanjifa amin'ny alàlan'ny fanafainganana ny fametrahana ny serivisy fandraharahana.

Cisco® Full Digital Network Architecture (Cisco ADN) miaraka amin'ny fidirana voafaritry ny rindrambaiko (SD-Access) dia ny tambajotra switching matrix izay manome hery ny orinasa. Cisco DNA is a software-driven and scalable open architecture that accelerates and simplifies the operation of your corporate network. Miaraka amin'ny architecture programmable, afaka manafaka ny tenany amin'ny fandaniam-potoana ny mpiasanao IT, asa fanamboarana tambajotra miverimberina ary mifantoka amin'ny fanavaozana izay manova tsara ny orinasa. SD-Access dia mamela ny automatique mifototra amin'ny politika manomboka amin'ny sisiny mankany amin'ny rahona amin'ny alàlan'ny fiasa fototra. Anisan'izany ny:

  • Fametrahana fitaovana tsotsotra
  • Fitantanana iraisana ny tambazotra tariby sy tsy misy tariby
  • Virtualization sy fizarana tambajotra
  • paikady mifototra amin'ny vondrona
  • Famakafakana mifototra amin'ny scenario

The Cisco Catalyst® 9400 Series Switch is Cisco’s flagship modular enterprise switching access platform for security, the Internet of Things, and the cloud. This family of switches is a fundamental component of Cisco’s leading enterprise architecture, SD-Access. The platform delivers unparalleled investment protection with a chassis architecture capable of supporting up to 9 Tbps of system bandwidth and delivers unmatched high-density IEEE 802.3BT power output (60W PoE). Now, the entire product portfolio has the advantage of providing redundancy. Ny Catalyst 9400 delivers best-in-class high availability (HA) with features such as uplink resiliency and N+1/N+N power redundancy. The platform is optimized for the enterprise, with an innovative, durable dual fan bracket design, lateral airflow and a depth of about 16 inches suitable for deployment in wiring closets. A single system can scale up to 384 access ports, with a choice of 1G copper, UPOE and PoE+ port types. The platform also supports advanced routing and infrastructure services, SD-Access capabilities, and network system virtualization. With these features, you can choose to deploy the platform to the core and aggregation layers of a small to medium campus environment.

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