
Cisco C9200L-24T-4G Switch is the Catalyst 9200L 24-port Data 4x1G uplink Switch, with Network Advantage software. Cisco® Catalyst® 9200 Series switches extend the power of intent-based networking and Catalyst 9000 hardware and software innovation to a broader set of deployments. With its family pedigree, nampipoaka 9200 Series switches offer simplicity without compromise – it is secure, always on, and IT simplified.

Cisco C9200L-24T-4G Switch General Introduction

nampipoaka 9200 Series switches provide enterprise-level resiliency, analytics, and assurance to keep your business up and running seamlessly.

FRU power supplies and fans, modular uplinks, cold patching, perpetual PoE, and the industry’s highest mean time between failure (MTBF) make Catalyst 9200 Switch switches dia manohitra ny switch hafa ao amin'ny kilasiny.

Cisco C9200L-24T-4G Switch Spotit sary

Cisco C9200L-24T-4G SwitchCisco C9200L-24T-4G Switch

Cisco C9200L-24T-4G SwitchCisco C9200L-24T-4G Switch

Cisco C9200L-24T-4G Switch voafaritra

MODELY C9200L-24T-4G
Total rohy midina 10/100/1000 na seranan-tsambo varahina PoE+ 24 data ports
Fametrahana uplink 4x 1G raikitra uplinks
Famatsiana herinaratra AC voalohany Sary PWR-C5-125WAC
MPANKAFY Fixed redundant
Software Tombontsoa amin'ny tambajotra
Fametrahana bandwidth 80 Gbps
Flash 4 GB
Fahafahana manova 56 Gbps
tahan'ny fandefasana 83.33 solombavambahoaka
Dimensions Chassis 1.73 x 17.5 x 11.3 in
4.4 x 44.5 x 28.8 cm
lanja 4.35 Kg

Cisco C9200L-24T-4G Switch Models mifandraika kokoa

C9200L-24T-4G 24 data ports 4x 1G raikitra uplinks Sary PWR-C5-125WAC Fixed redundant
C9200L-24P-4G 24 seranana feno PoE+ 4x 1G raikitra uplinks Sary PWR-C5-600WAC Fixed redundant
C9200L-48T-4G 48 data ports 4x 1G raikitra uplinks Sary PWR-C5-125WAC Fixed redundant
C9200L-48P-4G 48 seranana feno POE+ 4x 1G raikitra uplinks Ampahany PWR-C5-1KWAC Fixed redundant
C9200L-24T-4X 24 data ports 4x 10G raikitra uplinks Sary PWR-C5-125WAC Fixed redundant
C9200L-24P-4X 24 seranana feno PoE+ 4x 10G raikitra uplinks Sary PWR-C5-600WAC Fixed redundant
C9200L-48T-4X 48 data ports 4x 10G raikitra uplinks Sary PWR-C5-125WAC Fixed redundant
C9200L-48P-4X 48 seranana feno PoE+ 4x 10G raikitra uplinks Ampahany PWR-C5-1KWAC Fixed redundant

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