
Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch is Catalyst 9200 24-port PoE+ Switch. Network Essentials

Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Overview

The switch extends the power of intent-based networking and Catalyst 9000 hardware and software innovation to a broader set of deployments. With its family pedigree, Cisco C9200-24P-E offers simplicity without compromise – it is secure, always on, and IT simplified. Amin'ny maha-bolongana fototra ho an'ny Cisco Digital Network Architecture, nampipoaka 9200 Manampy ny mpanjifa hanamora ny fahasarotana ny switch series, optimize IT, ary mampihena ny fandaniana amin'ny fampandehanana amin'ny alàlan'ny fampiasana faharanitan-tsaina, automatique sy ny fahaiza-manaon'olombelona izay tsy azon'ny mpivarotra hafa omena na aiza na aiza misy anao amin'ny dian'ny tambajotra mifototra amin'ny fikasana. Miaraka amin'ny fahaiza-manao PoE + feno, hery sy fanelingelenana, stacking bandwidth hatramin'ny 160 Gbps, modular uplinks, Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch is the industry’s unparalleled solution with differentiated resiliency and progressive architecture for cost-effective branch-office access.

Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Pictures

Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch price and specs ycictCisco C9200-24P-E price and specs c9200 ycict

Cisco C9200-24P-E price new and original ycictCisco C9200-24P-E price cisco c9200 switch ycict

Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Specifications

Total rohy midina 10/100/1000 na seranan-tsambo varahina PoE+ 24 seranana feno PoE+
Fametrahana uplink Safidy uplink modular
Famatsiana herinaratra AC voalohany Sary PWR-C5-600WAC
MPANKAFY FRU mihemotra
Software Network Essentials
Dimensions Chassis 1.73 x 17.5 x 13.8 in
4.4 x 44.5 x 35.0 cm
lanja 5.5 Kg
Tambajotra virtoaly 4
Fametrahana bandwidth 160 Gbps
Total isan'ny adiresy MAC 32,000
IPv4 routing entries 4,000
IPv6 routing entries 2,000
Multicast routing scale 1,000
Ireo singa mifandraika amin'ny QoS 1,000
Ireo singa mifandraika amin'ny ACL 1,600
Flash 4 GB
VLAN ID 4096
Total Switched Virtual Interfaces (SVIs) 1000
Jumbo frames 9198 oktety
Bandwidth Wireless isaky ny switch Hatramin'ny 48 Gbps amin'ny modely Gigabit Ethernet 24-port sy 48-port
Fahafahana manova 128 Gbps
tahan'ny fandefasana 190.4 solombavambahoaka
Total isan'ny lalana IPv4 (ARP plus lalana fianarana) 14,000 (10,000 lalana mivantana sy 4,000 lalana ankolaka)
Packet buffer isaky ny SKU 6 MB buffers ho an'ny 24- na modely 48-port Gigabit Ethernet
Flexible NetFlow (FNF) anglisy 16,000 mikoriana 24- ary modely Gigabit Ethernet 48-port

Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Features

●Umbrella Integration: Small to midsize networks reliant on managed service providers can now host Cisco Umbrella agent directly on their Catalyst 9200 série switch. This allows the business to easily customize their DNS filtering policies to prevent BYOD or IoT guest or corporate users from accessing malicious or inappropriate websites, without having to rely on the MSP to push the policies out. It also lets them optimize use of bandwidth by allowing direct cloud access for trusted apps. Requires Cisco Catalyst Advantage License and Umbrella License per device
●Full Flexible NetFlow (FNF): Cisco IOS FNF is the next generation in flow visibility technology. It enables optimization of the network infrastructure, mampihena ny vidin'ny fandidiana, ary manatsara ny famitahana ny fametahana fahaiza-manao sy ny fisehoan-javatra fisehoan-javatra amin'ny fitomboana sy fanalam-baraka. nampipoaka 9200 Switch switch dia mahavita hatramin'ny 16,000 flow entries on 48-port,24, 12 SY 8 Modely seranan-tsambo.
●Superior QoS: Cisco Catalyst 9200 Switch Switches dia manolotra ny hafainganam-pandehan'ny Ethernet Gigabit miaraka amin'ny serivisy manan-tsaina izay mitazona ny fitrandrahana milamina tsara, Na amin'ny 10 fotoana ny hafainganam-pandehan'ny tambajotra mahazatra. Ny mekanika momba ny indostria ho an'ny fanamarihana lakroa, fanasokajiana, ary ny fandaharam-potoana dia manolotra fampisehoana tsara kokoa ho an'ny data, FEO, ary ny fifamoivoizana an-tsary amin'ny hafainganam-pandehan'ny tariby. Ny QoS ambony dia ahitana ny fitantanana bandwid heriness, 802.1P Kilasy serivisy (Kosy) ary sy ny serivisy serivisy fanavahana (DSCP) Fanasokajiana an-tsaha, Robina boribory boribory (SRR) fandaharam-potoana, Solosaina fampahalalana (CIR), ary Queues valo isaky ny seranan-tsambo.

Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch and More C9200 Models

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Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch Product Applications

Cisco C9200-24P-E Switch price and specs newly original ycict

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