
JET Micro Cable is arranged within a loose tube manufactured from substantial modulus plastic. Water resistant stuffing compound utilized to fill the tubes.

JET Micro Cable Product Overview

Micro central tube type non-metallic optical cable is a loose tube made of 250μm single-mode or multimode optical fiber into a high-mode energy material, the casing is filled with non-toxic, harmless waterproof compound, and the loose tube is stranded with non-metallic reinforcement element aramid or high-strength glass yarn, and then extruded into black or colored high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sheathed cable.

JET Micro Cable Outdoor Optical Cable ycict

JET Micro Cable Product Pictures

JET Micro Cable optic cable ycictJET Micro Cable new and original ycict

JET Micro Cable Indoor/outdoor unitube non-metallic micro cable ycictGYXTW kabeļa cena un specifikācijas Viegls bruņu kabelis GYXTW ycict

JET Micro Cable Specifications

G.652 G.655 50/125μm OM2 62.5/125μm
Vājināšanās (+20℃) @ 850nm ≤3,0 dB/km ≤3,0 dB/km
@1300nm ≤1,0 dB/km ≤1,0 dB/km
@1310nm ≤0,36 dB/km ≤0,40 dB/km
@ 1550 nm ≤0,22 dB/km ≤0,23 dB/km
Joslas platums @ 850nm ≥500 MHz·km ≥200 MHz·km
(A klase) @1300nm ≥1000 MHz·km ≥600 MHz·km
Skaitliskā diafragma 0.200±0,015NA 0.275±0,015NA
Kabeļa nogriešanas viļņa garums ≤1260 nm ≤1480nm
Kabeļa veids Šķiedru skaits Kabeļa diametrs Cable Weight Stiepes izturība Saspiešanas pretestība Liekšanas rādiuss
(mm) kg/km Long/Short Term Long/Short Term Statisks/dinamisks
N N/100mm mm
JET 2~12 6.0+0.2 30 150/300 200/500 15D/30D

JET Micro Cable Features

  • Non-mental design can prevent the cable from radio interference and magnetic wave interference
  • Specially designed compact structure is good at preventing loose tubes from shrinking
  • Aramid yarn ensures good performance of tensile strength
  • Loose tube filling compound ensure good moisture resistance performance
  • Good flexibility
  • High dense fiber packed, small diameter and light weight; it’s the better option for blowing
  • Adopted to backbone network, access network and fiber to the home.

JET Micro Cable and More Related Cables

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JET Micro Cable drop cable price and specs ycict

JET Micro Cable Product Applications

GYXTW kabelis āra optiskais kabelis ar vieglu bruņu kabeli GYXTW ycict

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