Huawei SFP XG-PON GPON-OLT Class C+ Module

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Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Module is Asymmetric 10GPON & GPON Combo Optical Module applied to Huawei MA5800 OLT XGS-PON & GPON Combo board, typically CGHF

Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Module Product Overview

Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Module is Asymmetric 10GPON & GPON Combo Optical Module applied to Huawei MA5800 OLT XGS-PON & GPON Combo board, typically CGHF. Huawei CGHF is a 16-port XG-PON and GPON Combo OLT interface board with XG-PON & GPON C+/N2a Optical Module. It is used for MA5800-X2, X7, X15, X17 NG OLT system, and works together with the optical network unit (VIŅU) to provide XG-PON and GPON access services. Pārsūtīšanas iespēja: 200 Gbit/s Max split radio: 1:256.

The MA5800, the multi-service access device, is a 4K/8K/VR ready OLT for the Gigab and era. It employs distributed architecture and supports PON/10G PON/GE/10GE in one platform. The MA5800 aggregates services transmitted over different media, provides an optimal 4K/8K/VR video experience, implements service-based virtualization, and supports smooth evolution to 50G PON.

Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Product Pictures

Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ ModuleHuawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Module

Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ ModuleHuawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Module

Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Module Product Specifications

Zīmols Huawei
Modelis XG-PON GPON-OLT Class C+
Tips Vienas šķiedras divvirzienu optiskais modulis, class D
Nē. 4
Izzušanas koeficients 8.2 dB
Iekapsulēšanas veids SFP+
Optiskā savienotāja tips SC
Minimālā izejas optiskā jauda GPON channel: 6 dBm
XG-PON kanāls: 8 dBm
Maksimālā izejas optiskā jauda GPON channel: 10 dBm
XG-PON kanāls: 11 dBm
Maksimālā uztvērēja jutība GPON channel: -35 dBm
XG-PON kanāls: -33.5 dBm
Optiskās šķiedras tips Vienrežīms
Pārslodzes optiskā jauda GPON channel: -15 dBm
XG-PON kanāls: -13 dBm
Darbības viļņa garums GPON channel:
Tx: 1490 nm
Rx: 1310 nm
XG-PON kanāls:
Tx: 1577 nm
Rx: 1270 nm
Porta likme GPON channel:
Tx: 2.488 Gbit/s
Rx: 1.244 Gbit/s
XG-PON kanāls:
Tx: 9.953 Gbit/s
Rx: 2.488 Gbit/s

Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Module Product Features

  • XG-PON & GPON-OLT-Class D
  • XG-PON&GPON Combo PON Optical Module (SFP+)
  • Asymmetric 10GPON & GPON optiskais modulis
  • Apply to Huawei MA5800 series OLT XGPON & GPON Combo board, typically CGID, CDHD, CGHF

Differences between GPON, XG-PON and XGS-PON

Specifikācijas GPON 10G GPON
Viļņa garums Downstream: 1480-1500 nm Downstream: 1575-1580 nm Downstream: 1575-1580 nm
Upstream: 1290-1330 nm Upstream: 1260-1280 nm Upstream: 1260-1280 nm
Centra viļņa garums Downstream: 1490 nm Downstream: 1577 nm Downstream: 1577 nm
Upstream: 1310 nm Upstream: 1270 nm Upstream: 1270 nm
Maximum Line Rate Downstream: 2.488 Gbit/s Downstream: 9.953 Gbit/s Downstream: 9.953 Gbit/s
Upstream: 1.244 Gbit/s Upstream: 2.488 Gbit/s Upstream: 9.953 Gbit/s
Maximum Physical Transmission Distance 60 km 100 km 100 km
The physical reach is defined by split ratio, optical module size, and fiber quality. The physical reach is defined by split ratio, optical module size, and fiber quality. The physical reach is defined by split ratio, optical module size, and fiber quality.
Maximum Split Ratio 0.130555556 0.219444444 0.219444444
The actual split ratio depends on the optical module model and fiber distance. The actual split ratio depends on the optical module model and fiber distance. The actual split ratio depends on the optical module model and fiber distance.

Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+Module and More XG SFP

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  • XGPON & GPON OLT C+ HSC 34061719

Huawei XGPON & GPON Combo OLT Class C+ optical transceiver on XGPON board CGID, CGUD, CDHD, CGHF, CGUF

  • XGPON ONU SFP+ HSC 34060641

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Huawei SFP XG-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Module Product Applications

Huawei SFP XGS-PON&GPON-OLT Class C+ Module

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