
Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 Switch is a simplified gigabit Ethernet switch with 8 x 10/100/1000Base-T porti, 4 x GE SFP porti un iebūvēta maiņstrāva

Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 Switch Product Overview

Slēdzis nodrošina pārsūtīšanas veiktspēju: 18 Mpps un komutācijas jauda: 24 Gb/s/520 Gb/s. It is ideal for scenarios such as enterprise campus network access and gigabit to the desktop. Based on built on next-generation, high-performance hardware and software platform, Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 stands out with compelling features such as intelligent stack (iStack), elastīgs Ethernet tīkls, and diversified security control. Papildus, the switch supports multiple Layer 3 maršrutēšanas protokolus un nodrošina augstas veiktspējas un pakalpojumu apstrādes iespējas.

Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 Switch Product Pictures

S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 huawei switchHuawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 price ycict

Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 huawei switch ycictHuawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 S5735-L

Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 Switch Product Specifications

Produkta modelis CloudEngine S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L16T4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48T4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4S-A-V2
CloudEngine S5735-L8P4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24P4S-A-V2
Pārsūtīšanas veiktspēja 18Mps 30Mps 42Mps 78Mps 78Mps
Pārslēgšanas jauda2 24Gbps/520Gbps 40Gbps/520Gbps 56Gbps/520Gbps 104Gbps/520Gbps 104Gbps/520Gbps
Fiksētie porti 8 x 10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4 x GE SFP porti 16 x 10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4 x GE SFP porti 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4 x GE SFP porti 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4 x GE SFP porti 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4 x GE SFP porti
PoE CloudEngine S5735-L8P4S-A-V2:Atbalstīts
CloudEngine S5735-L24P4S-A-V2:Atbalstīts
CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4S-A-V2:Atbalstīts
Citi modeļi:Nav atbalstīts
MAC funkcijas MAC adreses automātiskā apgūšana un novecošana
Statisks, dinamisks, un melnā cauruma MAC adrešu ieraksti
Pakešu filtrēšana, pamatojoties uz avota MAC adresēm
Uz interfeisu balstīta MAC adrešu mācīšanās ierobežošana
VLAN funkcijas 4094 VLAN
Balss VLAN
VLAN piešķiršana, pamatojoties uz MAC adresēm, protokoli, IP apakštīkli, politikas, un ostas
IP maršrutēšana Statisks maršruts, RIPv1/v2, RIPng, OSPF, OSPFv3
Sadarbspēja VBST (saderīgs ar PVST/PVST+/RPVST)
LNP (līdzīgi kā DTP)

Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 Switch Product Features

  • S5735 L V2 supports Smart Link, kas ievieš augšupsaišu dublēšanu. One CloudEngine S5735 L V2 switch can connect to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, būtiski uzlabojot piekļuves ierīču uzticamību.
  • S5735 L V2 supports 802.1X authentication, MAC adreses autentifikācija, un hibrīda autentifikācija, pamatojoties uz katru portu, un īsteno dinamisku politikas īstenošanu (VLAN, QoS, un ACL) lietotājiem.
  • S5735 L V2 provides a series of mech anisms to defend against DoS attacks and user targeted attacks. DoS uzbrukumi ir vērsti uz slēdžiem un ietver SYN plūdus, Zeme, Smurfs, un ICMP plūdu uzbrukumiem. User targeted attacks include bogus DHCP server attacks, IP/MAC adrešu viltošana, DHCP pieprasījuma plūdi, un mainīt DHCP CHADDR vērtību.
  • S5735 L V2 supports intelligent stack (iStack). Šī tehnoloģija apvieno vairākus slēdžus loģiskā slēdžā. Member switches in a stack implement redundancy backup to improve device reliability and use inter device link aggregation to improve link reliability.

Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 Switch and More Models

CloudEngine S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 8×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4xGE SFP porti Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L8P4S-A-V2 8×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4 x GE SFP porti Iebūvēts AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L10T4X-A-V2 10×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ pieslēgvietas Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L8P2T4X-A-V2 8×10/100/1000Base-T ports(PoE+), 2×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4×10 GE SFP+ pieslēgvietas Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L10T4X-TAV2 10×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4×10 GE SFP+ pieslēgvietas Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L8P2T4X-TAV2 8×10/100/1000Base-T ports (PoE+), 2×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4×10 GE SFP+ pieslēgvietas Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L16T4S-A-V2 16×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4xGE SFP porti Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4xGE SFP porti Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L24P4S-A-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4xGE SFP porti Iebūvēts AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L24T4XE-A-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4×10 GE SFP+ porti, 2 steka porti Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L24T4XE-D-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4x10GE SFP+ porti, 2x12GE steka pieslēgvietas Iebūvēta līdzstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L24P4XE-A-V2 24×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4x10GE SFP+ porti, 2x12GE steka porti Iebūvēts AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L24P4XE-TAV2 24×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4x10GE SFP+ porti, 2x12GE steka porti Iebūvēts AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L48T4S-A-V2 48×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4xGE SFP porti Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4S-A-V2 48×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4xGE SFP porti Iebūvēts AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L48T4XE-A-V2 48 x 10/100/1000Base-T porti, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ porti, 2 x12GE steka pieslēgvietas Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L48T4XE-TAV2 48×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4×10 GE SFP+ porti, 2x12GE steka pieslēgvietas Iebūvēta maiņstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L48T4XE-D-V2 48×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4×10 GE SFP+ porti, 2x12GE steka pieslēgvietas Iebūvēta līdzstrāva
CloudEngine S5735-L48P4XE-A-V2 48×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4×10 GE SFP+ porti, 2x12GE steka porti Iebūvēts AC PoE+
CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4XE-AV2 48×10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4×10 GE SFP+ porti, 2x12GE steka porti Iebūvēts AC PoE+

Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 Switch Ordering Info

CloudEngine S5735-L8T4SA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*GE SFP porti, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735-L8P4SA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L8P4S-A-V2 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*GE SFP porti, PoE+, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735-L10T4XA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L10T4X-TA-V2 (10*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735-L10T4XTA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L10T4X-TA-V2 (10*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, HTM, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735L8P2T4X-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L8P2T4X-A-V2 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porti(PoE+), 2*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735L8P2T4X-TA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L8P2T4X-TA-V2 (8*10/100/1000BASE-T porti(PoE+), 2*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, HTM, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735-L16T4SA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L16T4S-A-V2 (16*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*GE SFP porti, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735-L24T4SA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24T4S-A-V2 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*GE SFP porti, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735-L24P4SA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24P4S-A-V2 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*GE SFP porti, PoE+, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735L24T4XE-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24T4XE-A-V2 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, 2*stack ports, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735L24T4XE-D-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24T4XE-D-V2 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, 2*stack ports, Līdzstrāvas jauda)
CloudEngine S5735L24P4XE-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24P4XE-A-V2 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, 2*stack ports, PoE+, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735L24P4XE-TA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L24P4XE-TA-V2 (24*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, 2*stack ports, PoE+, HTM, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735-L48T4SA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48T4S-A-V2 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*GE SFP porti, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735L48LP4S-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4S-A-V2 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*GE SFP porti, PoE+, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735L48T4XE-TA-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48T4XE-TA-V2 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, 2*stack ports, PoE+, HTM, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735L48T4XE-D-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48T4XE-D-V2 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, 2*stack ports, PoE+, PoE+, Līdzstrāvas jauda)
CloudEngine S5735L48P4XE-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48P4XE-A-V2 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, 2*stack ports, PoE+, Maiņstrāva)
CloudEngine S5735L48LP4XE-A-V2 CloudEngine S5735-L48LP4XE-A-V2 (48*10/100/1000BASE-T porti, 4*10GE SFP+ porti, 2*stack ports, PoE+, 1*Maiņstrāva)
PAC1000S56-EB 1000W AC PoE barošanas modulis, can be used in CloudEngine S5735-L48P4XE-A-V2
N1-S57L-M-Lic S57XX-L Series Basic SW, Katrai ierīcei
N1-S57L-M-SnS1Y S57XX-L Series Basic SW, SnS, Katrai ierīcei, 1gads
N1-S57L-F-Lic N1-CloudCampus, Fonds, S57XX-L Series, Katrai ierīcei
N1-S57L-F-SnS N1-CloudCampus, Fonds, S57XX-L Series, SnS, Katrai ierīcei
N1-S57L-A-Lic N1-CloudCampus, Papildu, S57XX-L Series, Katrai ierīcei
N1-S57L-A-SnS N1-CloudCampus, Papildu, S57XX-L Series, SnS, Katrai ierīcei
N1-S57L-FToA-Lic N1-Upgrade-Foundation uz Advanced, S57XX-L, Katrai ierīcei
N1-S57L-FToA-SnS N1-Upgrade-Foundation uz Advanced, S57XX-L, SnS, Katrai ierīcei

Huawei S5735-L8T4S-A-V2 Switch Product Applications

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