Huawei OceanStor SNS5192 FC slēdzis
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Huawei OceanStor SNS5192 FC Switch is proven and dedicated network infrastructure oriented to data centers with a maximum of 256 ports and a fully populated chassis includes four blades, where each blade supports 32, 48, vai 64 ostas.
Huawei OceanStor SNS5192 FC Switch Product Overview
The switch meets storage requirements and provide unparalleled reliability, ease of use, un 16 Gbit/s performance. By uing Gen 5 Šķiedru kanāls, SNS3096, SNS5192, and SNS5384 unleash the full potential of high-density server virtualization, cloud architecture, and the next-generation storage architecture. Turklāt, automated and simplified SAN management enables data centers to quickly adapt to changes, preventing service interruption in the private cloud infrastructure. Advanced diagnostics, uzraudzību, and management capabilities simplify end-to-end SAN management and reduce costs
Huawei OceanStor SNS5192 FC Switch Product Pictures
Huawei OceanStor SNS5192 FC Switch Product Specifications
Modelis | SNS3096 | SNS5192 | SNS5384 |
Ostu skaits | Maksimums no 96 ports in increments of 24; the number of general-purpose ports can be increased to 48, 72, vai 96 using PoD licenses. | Maksimums no 256 ostas; a fully populated chassis includes four blades, and each blade supports 32, 48, vai 64 ostas. | Maksimums no 512 ostas; a fully populated chassis includes eight blades, and each blade supports 32, 48, vai 64 ostas. |
Ostu veidi | D_Port, E_Port, EX_Port, F_Port, and M_Port | ||
Port Rates | Auto-sensing of 2, 4, 8, un 16 Gbit/s | ||
Maximum Fabric Latency | Latency for locally switched ports is 700 ns | ||
Aggregate Bandwidth | 1,536 Gbit/s (96 ostas x 16 Gbit/s data rate) | 5.1 Tbit/s (256 ostas x 16 Gbit/s data rate + 1.024 Tbit/s ICL bandwidth) | 10.2 Tbit/s (512 ostas x 16 Gbit/s data rate + 2.048 Tbit/s ICL bandwidth) |
Media Types | SFP+, LC connector; 16 Gbit/s SWL, LWL, and ELWL | ||
Maksimālais rāmja izmērs | 2,112-baitu lietderīgā slodze | ||
Rāmja buferi | 8,192 frames dynamically allocated | ||
Mērogojamība | Full fabric architecture with a maximum of 239 slēdži |
Huawei OceanStor SNS5192 FC Switch Product Features
- Nodrošināt “pay-as-you-grow” flexibility and Ports on Demand (PoD) iespējas ostas paplašināšanai, ar ātrumu līdz 16 Gbit/s.
- Atklājiet visu privātā mākoņa potenciālu ar nepārspējamu mērogojamību, sniegumu, un uzticamība.
- Simplify and centralizes end-to-end SAN management with comprehensive diagnostics, uzraudzību, un automatizācija
- Kritiskās diagnostikas un uzraudzības iespējas: Palīdziet nodrošināt agrīnu bojājumu atklāšanu un atveseļošanos.
- Neuzbāzīga un neapšaubāma uzraudzība katrā ostā: Nodrošina visa auduma visaptverošu skatu.
- Pārsūtīšanas kļūdas labošana (FEC): Ļauj atgūt no bitu kļūdām saitēs, Pārraides uzticamības un veiktspējas uzlabošana.
- Extra buffer: Helps overcome performance deterioration and congestion due to buffer credit loss.
Huawei OceanStor SNS5192 FC Switch and More Models
Huawei OceanStor SNS5192 FC Switch Product Applications