
Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO is a next-generation flagship indoor access point which complies with the Wi-Fi 6 (802.11cirvis) standards, and achieving a device rate up to 10.75 Gbps

Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Overview

The access point supports flexible switching among three modes: dual-radio, triple-radio, and dual-radio + one scanning radio. AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO uses built-in smart antennas to move Wi-Fi signals with users, ievērojami uzlabo lietotājus’ wireless network experience. Papildus, the item provides uplink optical and electrical ports, allowing customers to select different deployment modes based on scenarios. it can also analyze the spectrum of non-Wi-Fi interference sources and identify them, including baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, digital cordless phones (plkst 2.4 GHz frequency band only), wireless audio transmitters (at both the 2.4 GHz un 5 GHz frekvenču joslas), wireless game controllers, and microwave ovens. Coupled with Huawei NCE-Campus, var noteikt precīzas traucējumu avotu atrašanās vietas, un parādīto to spektru, ļauj administratoram savlaicīgi novērst traucējumus. These strengths permit AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO ideal for scenarios such as enterprise office, valdība, higher education, and primary/secondary education.

Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Pictures

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Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Specifications

Modelis AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO
Daļas numurs 02353GSG-001
Pirmā atbalstītā versija V200R021C10SPC100
Apraksts AirEngine8760-X1-PRO(11cirvis iekštelpās,Dedicated 3rd Radio,4+12 divjoslas,viedā antena,USB,IoT Slot,BLE)
Izmēri (AxPxD) 61 mm x 220 mm x 220 mm
Strāvas padeve DC: 48 V ± 10%
PoE barošanas avots: in compliance with IEEE 802.3bt
Maksimālais lietotāju skaits ≤ 1024 (dual-radio mode)
≤ 1152 (triple-radio mode)
Osta 2 x 10 GE electrical and 1 x 10 GE SFP+
Iebūvēts Bluetooth BLE 5.0
IoT Iebūvēti IoT sloti
Darbības temperatūra –10°C to 50°C
Antenas tips Iebūvētas viedās antenas
MIMO: Telpiskās straumes 2.4 GHz: 4×4:4; 5 GHz: 12×12:8
2.4 GHz: 4×4:4; 5 GHz-0: 8×8:8; 5 GHz-1: 4×4:4
Radio protokoli 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ac 2. vilnis/ax
Maksimālā likme 10.75 Gbit/s
Uzglabāšanas temperatūra [°C(°F)] -40°C līdz +70°C (–40°F līdz +158°F)
Ilgstoša ekspluatācijas relatīvais mitrums [RH] 5% RH līdz 95% RH
Ilgtermiņa darbības augstums [m(pēdas)] -60 m līdz +5000 m (-196,85 pēdas līdz +16404.20 pēdas)
Atmosfēras spiediens [kPa] 53kPa – 106kPa ETSI 300 019-2-3
Zemējums Zemējums
IoT slot IoT card
Radio numurs 2/3

Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Features

  • 2 x 10 GE electrical and 1 x 10 GE SFP+.
  • USB interface can be used for external power supply, external IoT expansion, and storage.
  • Smart antenna enables targeted signal coverage for mobile terminals, reduces interferences, and improves signal quality. Turklāt, it implements millisecond-level switchover as STAs move.
  • Iebūvēti IoT sloti, supporting IoT expansion such as BLE 5.2, ZigBee, RFID, and Thread.
  • Independent radio scanning, achieving real-time detection of interference and rogue devices in real time and timely network optimization.
  • Atbalstiet uz Bluetooth seriālo interfeisu balstīto O&M, izmantojot iebūvēto Bluetooth un CloudCampus APP.
  • Atbalstiet taukus, Fit, un mākoņdatošanas trīs darba režīmi.
  • Support dual radios: 2.4GHz (4×4) + 5GHz (12×12), dual radios: 2.4GHz (4×4) + 5GHz (8×8) + independent radio scanning mode, triple radios: 2.4GHz (4×4) + 5GHz (8×8) + 5GHz (4×4). These modes can be flexibly switched. The maximum rate is up to 1.15 Gbps at 2.4GHz band, 9.6 Gbps at 5GHz band, un 10.75 Gbps for the device

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Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Applications

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