
Huawei OceanStor SNS3096 FC Switch is a Fibre Channel(FC) switch in data center network infrastructure with a maximum of 96 ports in increments of 24; the number of general-purpose ports can be increased to 48, 72, 또는 96 using PoD licenses.

Huawei OceanStor SNS3096 FC Switch Product Overview

OceanStor SNS3096 is proven and dedicated network infrastructure oriented to data centers. This switch meet storage requirements and provides unparalleled reliability, ease of use, 그리고 16 Gbit/s performance. Using Gen 5 파이버 채널, the SNS3096 unleashes the full potential of high-density server virtualization, cloud architecture, and the next-generation storage architecture.

Huawei OceanStor SNS3096 FC Switch Product Pictures

Huawei OceanStor SNS3096 specsHuawei OceanStor SNS3096 specs

OceanStor SNS3096OceanStor SNS3096 price and specs

Huawei OceanStor SNS3096 FC Switch Product Specifications

모델 SNS3096 SNS5192 SNS5384
Number of Ports 최대 96 ports in increments of 24; the number of general-purpose ports can be increased to 48, 72, 또는 96 using PoD licenses. 최대 256 포트; a fully populated chassis includes four blades, and each blade supports 32, 48, 또는 64 포트. 최대 512 포트; a fully populated chassis includes eight blades, and each blade supports 32, 48, 또는 64 포트.
Port Types D_포트, E_포트, 내보내다, F_포트, and M_Port
Port Rates Auto-sensing of 2, 4, 8, 그리고 16 기가비트/초
Maximum Fabric Latency Latency for locally switched ports is 700 ns
Aggregate Bandwidth 1,536 기가비트/초 (96 ports x 16 Gbit/s data rate) 5.1 티비트/초 (256 ports x 16 Gbit/s data rate + 1.024 Tbit/s ICL bandwidth) 10.2 티비트/초 (512 ports x 16 Gbit/s data rate + 2.048 Tbit/s ICL bandwidth)
Media Types SFP+, LC connector; 16 Gbit/s SWL, LWL, and ELWL
최대 프레임 크기 2,112-바이트 페이로드
Frame Buffers 8,192 frames dynamically allocated
확장성 Full fabric architecture with a maximum of 239 스위치

Huawei OceanStor SNS3096 FC Switch Product Features

  • 제공 “pay-as-you-growflexibility and Ports on Demand (현물 상환 지불) capabilities for port expansion, with speeds up to 16 기가비트/초.
  • Unleashes the full potential of private cloud with unmatched scalability, 성능, 신뢰성.
  • Simplifies and centralizes end-to-end SAN management with comprehensive diagnostics, 모니터링, and automation
  • Critical diagnostic and monitoring capabilities: Help ensure early fault detection and recovery.
  • Non-intrusive and non-disruptive monitoring on every port: Provides a comprehensive end-to-end view of the entire fabric.
  • 전진 오류 수정 (독립 단기 치료소): Enables recovery from bit errors in links, enhancing transmission reliability and performance.
  • Simpler server configuration and modification management, advanced cable/optical module diagnostics, and comprehensive management capabilities reduce operational costs.
  • Diagnostic Ports (D_Ports) help identify and isolate faults in optical modules and cables, accelerating fabric architecture deployment and fault diagnosis.
  • Network Advisor software provides comprehensive capabilities to manage the fabric architecture of a data
  • center, such as configuring, 모니터링, and managing backbone networks, 스위치, and adapters, thereby minimizing service interruption

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Huawei OceanStor SNS3096 FC Switch