
The structure of the GYFTY fiber optic cable is that a 250μm fiber is sleeved into a loose tube made of high-modulus material, 방수 화합물로 채워져 있습니다.. At the center of the core is a glass fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) tube (그리고 필러 로프) twisted around the central reinforcing core to form a compact and round core, and the gaps in the core are filled with water-blocking filling. The cable core is extruded with a layer of polyethylene sheath to form a cable.

GYFTY86 Non-armored Cable Product Pictures

GYFTY86 비장갑 케이블GYFTY86 Non-armored Cable optic cable

GYFTY86 Non-armored Cable ycictGYFTY86 Non-armored Cable optic cable ycict

GYFTY86 Non-armored Cable Product Specifications

광섬유 케이블 모델
2개 섬유 증분)
섬유의 수 케이싱 수 채우기 로프의 수 기준 케이블 무게 (kg/km) 인장력이 허용됩니다.
허용 가능한 압착력
굴곡 반경
GYFTY53-2~6Xn 2~6 1 7 201 1000/3000 1000/3000 12.5D/25D
GYFTY53-8~12Xn 8~12 2 6 201
AG53-14~18Xn 14~18 3 5 201
GYFTY53-20~24Xn 20~24 4 4 201
GYFTY53-26~30Xn 26~30 5 3 201
GYFTY53-32~36Xn 32~36 6 2 201
GYFTY53-38~42Xn 38~42 7 1 201
GYFTY53-44~48Xn 44~48 8 0 201
GYFTY53-50~60Xn 50~60 5 3 213
GYFTY53-62~72Xn 62~72 6 2 213
AG53-74~84Xn 74~84 7 1 213
GYFTY53-86~96Xn 86~96 8 0 213
GYFTY53-98~108Xn 98~108 9 1 244
GYFTY53-110~120Xn 110~120 10 0 244
GYFTY53-122~132Xn 122~132 11 1 288
AG53-134~144Xn 134~144 12 0 288
섬유 종류 감쇠 대역폭 조리개 광섬유 케이블 차단 파장
@850nm @1300nm @1310nm @1550nm @850nm @1300nm
G.652 0.36dB/km 이하 0.22dB/km 이하 ≤1260nm
G.655 0.40dB/km 이하 0.23dB/km 이하 ≤1450nm
50/125μm ≤3.3dB/km 1.2dB/km 이하 ≥500MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.200±0.015NA
62.5/125μm ≤3.5dB/km 1.2dB/km 이하 ≥200MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.275±0.015NA

GYFTY86 Non-armored Cable Product Features

  • Very good mechanical and temperature properties
  • 느슨한 튜브 재료 자체는 내가수분해성이 좋고 강도가 높습니다.
  • The tube is filled with a special paste to protect the optical fiber
  • 좋은 압축 저항과 부드러움
  • The following measures are taken to ensure the waterproof performance of the cable:
  • 단일 비금속 중심 강화 코어
  • The loose tube is filled with a special waterproofing compound
  • Full core filling


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