
Duplex Patch cord comes from “duo” that means “two”, and “plex” refers to “weave” or “fold”. A duplex system has two clearly defined paths with each path providing information in only one direction, that is A to B over one path, B to A over the other. Compared with half-duplex, a full-duplex system, or sometimes called double-duplex allows communication in both directions and allowing this to happen simultaneously.

Duplex Patch cord Product Overview

Duplex Patch cord consists of two separate fiber optic strands. Typically found in a zip cord construction format, which is most often used for duplex communication between devices where requires simultaneous, bi-directional transfer, workstation, fiber switches and servers, fiber modems.

Simplex fiber patch cable only contains one fiber and one single outer jacket, which means that information is running in only one direction. This cable is often utilized in applications that require one way data transfer.

According to the ITU-T definition, a simplex circuit is one where signals can flow in only one direction at a time. One end is the transmitter, while the other is the receiver and that is not reversible. 예를 들어, in TV, audio or visual information flows from transmitter to numerous receivers. Patch Cords are used to provide optical connection for fiber optic electronics. The use of the patch cord provides a quick and easy method for routing fiber patches in data centers, head-ends, cellular hubs and central offices. The patch cord can be used in interconnect or cross-connect path connecting the incoming fibers to the electronic equipment and providing patching within the fiber paths. Patch Cords include simplex, duplex and Multi-fibers assemblies.

Duplex Patch cord Product Pictures

Duplex Patch cord price and specs ycictDuplex Patch cord new and original good price ycict

Duplex Patch cord price and specs SC LC UPC APC YCICTDuplex Patch cord SC FC LC ST MU E2000 MT-RJ YCICT

Duplex Patch cord Product Specifications

커넥터 SC,FC,LC,성,안에,E2000,MT-RJ
삽입 손실(최대) 0.30dB 이하 0.25dB 이하 0.30dB 이하
반사 손실(분) ≥50dB ≥35dB ≥60dB
인장강도 >60N
내구성 <0.20 dB 일반적인 변화, 1000 짝짓기
반복성 0.1dB 이하
저장 , 작동 온도 [℃] -40~+85
PC 종단면 APC 종단면
곡률 반경 SC/FC/ST 10~25mm 5~12mm
LC/뮤 7~25mm 5~15mm
정점 오프셋 ≤50 음
섬유 구면 높이 +/- 50 nm
각도 오프셋 —— 8°± 0.2°

Duplex Patch cord Product Features

  • 낮은 삽입 손실
  • 좋은 반복성
  • Good interchangeability
  • 큰 반사 손실
  • Good inter-insertion performance
  • 좋은 온도 안정성
  • Telcordia GR-326 Core 및 ROHS 요구 사항을 충족합니다..
  • 커넥터는 SC일 수 있습니다.,FC,LC,성,안에,E2000, MT-RJ etc.
  • 케이블은 G652D일 수 있습니다.,G655,G657,OM1,OM2,OM3 등.
  • The cable size could be 1.2×2.5mm, 1,6×3.3mm, 2.0×4.1mm,2.8×5.7mm 등

Duplex Patch cord Product Applications

패치 코드 SC/UPC 가격 및 사양 좋은 품질 ycict

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