
DAC QSFP-800G-CU3M is a Generic Compatible 800G QSFP-DD Passive Direct Attach Copper Twinax Cable

DAC QSFP-800G-CU3M Product Overview

800G OSFP DAC high-speed cable uses an eight-channel small form factor pluggable connector OSFP and consists of eight high-speed electrical copper pairs, each operating at data rates of up to 100Gb/s. DAC QSFP-800G-CU3M provides energy-efficient connectivity, enabling higher port bandwidth, density, and configurability at a low cost, and reducing power consumption requirements in data centers.

DAC QSFP-800G-CU3M Product Pictures

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DAC QSFP-800G-CU3M Product Specifications

최대 데이터 속도 800Gbps
Media 구리
케이블 유형 Passive Twinax
Cable Length 3중
와이어 AWG 28AWG
최소 굽힘 반경 81mm
전력 소비 ≤0.005W
재킷 소재 PVC (OFNR)
Commercial Temperature Range 0 70°C까지 (32 158°F까지)
프로토콜 IEEE 802.3ck, QSFP-DD MSA

DAC QSFP-800G-CU3M Product Features

  • Power Consumption 0.005W
  • Minimum Bend Radius 69mm for Flexible Routing
  • Support 800G for Higher Port Density
  • 패치를 단순화하고 짧은 링크를 위한 비용 효율적인 방법을 제공합니다.
  • Hot Pluggable QSFP-DD MSA Compliant
  • 향상된 성능을 위한 낮은 삽입 손실 및 초저 누화
  • Plug-and-Play Operation, Faster Deployment and Easier Use

DAC QSFP-800G-CU3M Product Applications

DAC QSFP28-100G-CU5M good price

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