
Huawei MA5626-8 EPON is a MDU with passive heat dissipation, which supports local area network (LAN) アクセス. サポートします 8 ポート

Huawei MA5626-8 EPON Product Overview

The product is a box-type device configurable with a EPON uplink ports and up to 8 ブロードバンド用の下流ポート, voip, ポット, インターネットアクセスサービス.
SmartAX MA5626 is an industry-leading remote multi dwelling unit (MDU) launched by Huawei, which is used on a passive optical network (ポン) ワイヤレスの忠実度を提供します (Wi-Fi) 建物への繊維のカバレッジ (FTTB) アクセスポイントのホットスポットと供給電源 (AP) または安全都市の建設に使用されるビデオカメラ. MA5626 is a boxtype device measuring 1-U high and 19-inch

Huawei MA5626-8 EPON Product Pictures

ファーウェイ MA5626-8 EPONHuawei MA5626-8

Huawei MA5626-8 price and specsHuawei MA5626-8価格と仕様

Huawei MA5626-8 EPON Product Specifications

寸法 (高さ×幅×奥行き) 43.6mm×442mm×220mm
ネットワーク側ポート The MA5626 PoE provides two uplink ports that
use the SFP optical modules and automatically
adapt to GPON and GE modes. The two uplink
ports can be configured as follows:
•• 2×GPON
•• 2×GE (光学的)
•• 1×GE (光学的) + 1×GPON
ユーザー側ポート 4×GE (電気) +4×FE (電気)
動作温度 -40℃~55℃; -25℃で起動
湿度 5% に 95% (結露しないこと)
放熱モード ファンではない; パッシブ冷却
電源 交流: 220V
PoE電源供給 30W (802.3で) and 15W (802.3af)
雷保護機能 6kV
重さ 3.5kg

Huawei MA5626-8 EPON Product Features

  • Hotspot Wi-Fi coverage and video monitoring scenarios: Support for the PoE function and power supply by using category-5 cables, reducing cost and dependence on power supply equipment compatibility and achieving minimum project input and fast deployment.
  • Four GE ports can be connected to 802.11n APs with a maximum data rate of 600 メガビット/秒.
  • Easy installation: integrated PoE equipment and alternating current (交流) 電源入力.
  • Support for high-power equipment: Any port on the MA5626 PoE can connect to either 30 W (802.3ある) または 15 W (802.3af) terminals.
  • Automatic adaptation to GE and GPON modes: The two uplink ports using the small form-factor pluggable (SFP) optical modules can automatically adapt to GE and GPON modes, meeting different networking requirements.
  • プラグ&プレイ (PnP) サービスプロビジョニング: The MA5626 PoE allows remote issuing of configuration. MA5626 POEが電源を入れ、正常に登録した後、管理チャネルとサービスチャネルが作成されます. 手動オンサイト構成は必要ありません.
  • Efficient management and maintenance: free of field software commissioning, remote acceptance, remote upgrade and patch installation, and remote fault location.
  • Carrier-class reliability design: Hardware design, software design, and system design meet reliability requirements, ensuring normal operating of the MA5626 PoE.

Huawei MA5626-8 EPON and More Models

MA5626-8 GPONは、デスクトップモデルと標準モデルで利用できます
MA5626-8 エポン
MA5626-16 GPON
MA5626-16 EPON
MA5626-24 GPON
MA5626-24 EPON
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Huawei MA5626-8 EPON Product Applications
