
Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch is a Simplified Gigabit Ethernet Switch With 8 Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T ports, 2 Gig SFP ports AC power supply PoE+ Forwarding performance: 22.5Mpps e capacità di commutazione: 336Gbit/s

Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch is an energy-saving gigabit Ethernet switch and provides flexible GE access ports and 10 GE uplink ports. Building on high-performance hardware and the Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC supports intelligent Stack (iStack), rete Ethernet flessibile, e controlli di sicurezza diversificati. The product provides customers with a green, easy-to-manage, facile da espandere, e conveniente da Gigabit alla soluzione desktop.

Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC SwitchHuawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch

Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch Product PicturesHuawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch

Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch Product Features

  • Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch supports 802.1x authentication, Autenticazione dell'indirizzo MAC, and combined authentication on a per port basis, nonché l'autenticazione del portale in base all'interfaccia VLANIF, e implementa la consegna dinamica delle politiche (VLAN, QoS, e ACL) agli utenti.
  • Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch provides a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS attacks and user-targeted attacks. Gli attacchi DoS sono mirati agli switch e includono il SYN Flood, Terra, Puffo, e attacchi di inondazioni ICMP. Gli attacchi mirati agli utenti includono attacchi fasulli al server DHCP, Spoofing dell'indirizzo IP/MAC, Inondazione di richieste DHCP, e la modifica del valore DHCP CHADDR.
  • Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch collects and maintains information about access users, such as IP addresses, Indirizzi MAC, Locazioni di indirizzi IP, ID VLAN, and interface numbers in a DHCP snooping binding table. In questo modo, IP addresses and access interfaces of DHCP users can be tracked. È possibile specificare porte attendibili e non attendibili per lo snooping DHCP per garantire che gli utenti si connettano solo al server DHCP autorizzato.
  • Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch supports strict ARP learning. Questa funzionalità impedisce agli aggressori di spoofing ARP di esaurire le voci ARP in modo che gli utenti possano connettersi normalmente a Internet.

Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch and More S5720S Switches















Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch Product Applications

Huawei S5720S-12TP-PWR-LI-AC Switch