
Huawei S5700S-52P-LI-AC Switch is a gigabit enterprise switch with 48*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports AC power supply, supporting RPS Forwarding performance: 78Mps

Huawei S5700S-52P-LI-AC Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5700S-52P-LI-AC Switch is a next-generation energy-saving switch to meet the demand for high-bandwidth access and Ethernet multi-service aggregation. Based on the cutting-edge hardware and Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) Software, the switch provides a large switching capacity, alta affidabilità (double power slots and hardware Ethernet OAM), and high-density GE ports to accommodate 10 Gbit/s upstream transmissions. Inoltre, it supports automatic configuration, collega e usa, e aggiornamento remoto batch. Queste funzionalità semplificano la gestione e la manutenzione dei dispositivi e riducono i costi di manutenzione. S5700S-52P-LI-AC uses advanced reliability, sicurezza, and energy conservation technologies, helping enterprise customers build a next generation IT network.

Huawei S5700S-52P-LI-AC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5700S-52P-LI-AC Switch Product Specifications

Articolo Descrizione
Marca Huawei
Modello S5700S-52P-LI-AC
Numero di parte 2353835
Porta 48*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports AC power
Memoria (RAM) 256 MB
Tempo medio tra i guasti (MTBF) 39.26 anni
Tempo medio per riparare (MTTR) 2 ore
Disponibilità > 0.99999
Protezione contro le sovratensioni della porta di servizio Modalità comune: ±6kV
Protezione contro le sovratensioni dell'alimentatore ±6 kV in modalità differenziale, ±6 kV in modo comune
Dimensioni (A x L x P) 43.6 mmx 442.0 mmx 310.0 mm (1.72 In. X 17.4 In. X 12.2 In.)
Peso (con imballaggio) 3.5 kg (7.72 libbre)
Impilare le porte Non supportato
RTC Supportato
RPS Supportato
PoE Non supportato
Intervallo di tensione nominale 100 V CA a 240 V CA, 50/60 Hz
Intervallo di tensione massimo 90 V CA a 264 V CA, 47 Hz a 63 Hz
Consumo energetico massimo (100% portata, tutta la velocità dei tifosi) 48.4 W
Temperatura di esercizio 0da °C a 50 °C (32°F a 122°F) ad un'altitudine di 0-1800 M (0-5906 piedi)
Temperatura di conservazione -40°C fino a +70°C (-40°F a +158°F)
Rumore a temperatura normale (27°C, potenza sonora) < 43.8 dB(UN)
Umidità relativa 5% A 95%, senza condensa
Altitudine operativa 0-5000 M (0-16404 piedi)
Certificazione Certificazione EMC
Certificazione di sicurezza
Certificazione di produzione
Consumo energetico tipico (30% del carico di traffico)
Testato secondo lo standard ATIS
AEE abilitato
Nessun consumo energetico PoE
32.5 W

Huawei S5700S-52P-LI-AC Switch Product Features

  • Implementing complex traffic classification based on packet information such as the 5-tuple, IP preference, ToS, DSCP, IP protocol type, ICMP type, TCP source port, ID VLAN, Ethernet protocol type, and CoS. ACLs can be applied to inbound or outbound direction on an interface.
  • Supporting a flow-based two-rate three-color CAR. Each port supports eight priority queues and multiple queue scheduling algorithms such as WRR, DRR, PQ, WRR+PQ, and DRR+PQ. All of these ensure the quality of voice, video, e servizi dati.
  • Providing multiple security measures to defend against Denial of Service (Del) attacchi, and attacks against networks or users. DoS attack types include SYN Flood attacks, Land attacks, Smurf attacks, and ICMP Flood attacks. Attacks to networks refer to STP BPDU/root attacks. Attacks to users include bogus DHCP server attacks, attacchi man-in-the-middle, Attacchi di spoofing IP/MAC, DHCP request flood attacks. DoS attacks that change the CHADDR field in DHCP packets are also attacks against users
  • Supporting DHCP snooping, che scarta i pacchetti non validi che non corrispondono ad alcuna voce vincolante, come pacchetti di spoofing ARP e pacchetti di spoofing IP. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks to campus networks that hackers initiate by using ARP packets. The interface connected to a DHCP server
  • Supporta l'autenticazione centralizzata dell'indirizzo MAC, 802.1xautenticazione, e NAC. It authenticates users based on statically or dynamically bound user information such as the user name, indirizzo IP, Indirizzo MAC, ID VLAN, interfaccia di accesso, e un flag che indica se è installato il software antivirus. VLAN, Politiche QoS, and ACLs can be applied to users dynamically.

Huawei S5700S-52P-LI-AC Switch Product And more Models

S5700S-28P-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports AC power

S5700S-28P-PWR-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports AC power POE+

S5700S-52P-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports AC power

S5700S-28X-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000Porte Ethernet Base-T, 4*10G SFP+

S5700S-52X-LI-AC: 48* 10/100/1,000 Porte Ethernet Base-T, 4*10 Porte GE SFP+

Huawei S5700S-52P-LI-AC Switch Product Applications

Huawei S5700S-52P-LI-AC Switch Product Features ycict

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