
SIMCom SIM800C 2G Module is a Quad-Band GSM/GPRS module in LCC type delivering GPRS up to 85.6kbps data transfer

SIMCom SIM800C 2G Module Product Overview

The module is Quad-Band GSM/GPRS module designed in LCC package, and supports GPRS up to 85.6kbps data transfer. Pada saat yang sama, it has strong extension capability with abundant interfaces including UART, USB2.0, GPIO etc. Modul ini memberikan banyak fleksibilitas dan kemudahan integrasi untuk aplikasi pelanggan.

SIMCom SIM800C 2G Module Product Pictures

SIMCom SIM800C 2G Module price and specs ycictSIMCom SIM800C 2G Module simcom 2g module ycict

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SIMCom SIM800C 2G Module Product Specifications

Merek SIMCom
Model SIM800C
Faktor Bentuk LCC 42Pin
Ukuran(mm) 17.6*15.7*2.3mm
Berat 1.3±0,1 gram
Kisaran tegangan suplai 3.4 ~ 4.4V
Suhu pengoperasian -40℃ ~ +85℃
Pita Frekuensi • Pita frekuensi: 850/900/1800/1900MHz • GPRS multi-slot class: 12/10
Antarmuka • Analog audio interface• UART• (kamu)kartu SIM(1.8V/3V )

• RTC• ADC• GPIO• Antenna: GSM/BT*

Spesifikasi SMS via GSM/GPRS • Point to point MO and MT• SMS cell broadcast• Text and PDU mode
Spesifikasi Data GPRS • GPRS class 12: Uplink/Downlink up to 85.6Kbps• PBCCH support

• Coding schemes CS 1, 2, 3, 4• PPP-stack• USSD

Fitur Perangkat Lunak • 0710 MUX protocol• Embedded TCP/UDP protocol• FTP/HTTP/POP3/SMTP• MMS• D TMF• Jamming Detection• Audio Record• LBS*• SSL/TLS*• BT 3.0*• TTS*• EAT*
Specifications for voice • Speech Codec Modes– AMR/HR/FR/EFR• Echo Arithmetic– AEC/EES

(MERAH)GCFBQB(Bluetooth)TIMDeutsche TelekomICASAFCCOCD(Anatel)

SIMCom SIM800C 2G Module Product Features

● Small size quad-band GSM/GPRS module
● LCC form factor, easy for solder
● Abundant software functions: DTMF, MMS, MUX
● Low Power consumption
● Embedded TCP/UDP protocols

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SIMCom SIM800C 2G Module Product Applications

SIMCom SIM800C 2G Module price and specs ycict

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