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Huawei SSQ2CXL16 Board is a Main Control and Cross-Connect integrated board for Huawei OSN1500, OSN2500, provide STM-16 signals, controls communication, grooms services and clock signals.
Huawei SSQ2CXL16 Board Product Overview
Huawei SSQ2CXL16 Board is main control cross-optical interface combination board (CXL16 for short) provides timing information to other boards in the system, realizes the aggregation and scheduling of various services, completes the communication with other boards in the system and the configuration of other boards Management and other functions. The Huawei CXL16 single board supports functions and features such as SDH signal processing, communication control, service scheduling, and clock input and output.
Huawei SSQ2CXL16 main control cross-optical splicing board provides signal processing, service scheduling, clock input and output, and communication control in the OptiX OSN 1500 sistem. The Huawei CXL16 single board is composed of synchronization timing module, photoelectric conversion module, MUX/DEMUX module, SDH overhead processing module, communication and control module, cross-connect module, power supply module, dll..
Huawei SSQ2CXL16 Board Product Pictures
Huawei SSQ2CXL16 Board Product Specifications
Merek | Huawei |
Model | SSQ2CXL16 |
Keterangan | Main control cross optical interface board |
Kecepatan bit nominal | 2488320 kbit/dtk |
Pola kode baris | tidak |
Kode aplikasi | L-16.1 |
Jarak transmisi (km) | 25 ke 40 |
Jenis serat | LC mode tunggal |
Rentang panjang gelombang operasi (nm) | 12680 ke 1335 |
Meluncurkan rentang daya optik (dBm) | -2 ke 3 |
Sensitivitas penerima (dBm) | -27 |
Minimal kelebihan beban (dBm) | -9 |
Rasio kepunahan minimum (dB) | 8.2 |
Maksimum -20 lebar spektral dB (nm) | 1 |
Rasio penekanan mode samping minimum (dB) | 30 |
Ukuran (mm) | 25.4 (W) X 220 (D) X 254.1 (H) |
Berat (kg) | 1.1 |
Huawei SSQ2CXL16 Board Product Features
- Menerima dan mengirim 1 STM-16 optical signal.
- |-16, S-16.1, L-16.1 and L-16.2 standard optical modules.
- Q2CXL16 single board supports CWDM color light interface, and CWDM color light interface supports 80km transmission distance. Q2CXL16 single board
- supports DWDM color light interface, DWDM color light interface supports 120km transmission distance.
- Support optical module information detection and query.
- Supports laser turn-on and turn-off settings and automatic laser turn-off functions.
- Q2CXL16 supports single-fiber bidirectional optical modules, and single-fiber bidirectional optical modules do not support the use of pigtails for optical interface loopback.
- Support VC-12/VC-3NC-4 business and VC-4-4c, VC-4-8c, VC-4-16c cascade service.
- Support section overhead processing of STM-16 signal.
- Mendukung pemrosesan overhead saluran (transmisi dan penghentian yang transparan). Mendukung pengaturan dan kueri byte J0/J1/C2.
- Mendukung 1 komunikasi ECC.
- Mendukung fungsi loopback dalam dan loopback luar pada tingkat port optik.
- Mendukung pengaturan ulang lunak dan pengaturan ulang keras, soft reset does not affect service. Mendukung fungsi kueri informasi pembuatan papan.
- Mendukung fungsi pemuatan online FPGA.
- Mendukung peningkatan yang lancar pada perangkat lunak papan tunggal.
Huawei SSQ2CXL16 Board relation with optical interface type and optical interface
Papan | Kode Fitur | Jenis antarmuka optik | Keterangan |
SSQ3CXL1601、SSQ2CXL1601 | 01 | |-16 | 2km STM-16 dual fiber bidirectional optical interface |
SSQ3CXL 1602、 SSQ2CXL1602 | 02 | S-16.1 | 150km STM-16 dual fiber bidirectional optical interface |
SSQ3CXL1603、 SSQ2CXL 1603 | 03 | L-16.1 | 40km STM-16 dual fiber bidirectional optical interface |
SSQ3CXL 1604、 SSQ2CXL1604 | 04 | L-16.2 | 80km STM-16 dual fiber bidirectional optical interface |
Huawei SSQ2CXL16 Board Product Applications
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