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Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board is Finished board unit-OptiX OSN 3500-SSN4SLD6401-2xSTM-64 optical interface board (Saya-64.1, LC)
Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board Product Overview
Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board is Finished board unit-OptiX OSN 3500-SSN4SLD6401-2xSTM-64 optical interface board (Saya-64.1, LC) for OSN3500 OSN7500 SDH equipment
OSN7500 is mainly applied to the service scheduling node of the backbone layer of the metropolitan area network, namely the OCS (Optical Core Switching) equipment type. As an intelligent optical switching platform and a core optical switching system, OSN7500 is positioned at the backbone layer of the metropolitan area network to complete multiple types and different granular service scheduling and transmission.
Under the packet switching technology, it can form a packet data transmission network with OSN7500II/OSN3500/OSN1 500/OSN500/PTN910/PTN950/PTN1900/PTN3900/RTN900 and other equipment to meet the needs of network IP services.
Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board Product Pictures
Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board Product Specifications
Merek | Huawei |
Nomor Bagian | 3053052 |
Model | SSND0SLD6401 |
Keterangan | 2xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board(I-64.1,LC) |
Kategori Diskon | Papan Bersama Seri OptiX OSN |
Lini Produk | Jaringan |
Sub Keluarga Produk | MSTP |
Seri Produk | OSN 7500 OSN3500 |
UOM | buah |
Dimensi Bersih(D*W*T mm) | 262*25*265 |
Kekuatan Khas(W) | 19 |
Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board Product Features
- OAM hierarkis, deteksi kesalahan cepat: OSN7500 mendukung OAM hierarkis, yang mewujudkan deteksi dan lokasi kesalahan cepat hierarkis, meningkatkan keandalan jaringan, dan mendukung OAM terdistribusi dan OAM terpusat.
- The packet TP assistant solution simplifies the operation and maintenance of the packet service: melalui solusi TP-Assist, perangkat ini memiliki kemampuan pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan arsitektur berlapis seperti SDH- -, which simplifies the operation and maintenance of the packet service and realizes End-to-end packet service configuration, commissioning dan lokasi kesalahan.
- Teknologi pembagian panjang gelombang bawaan, jaringan yang fleksibel: Peralatan OSN7500 mendukung teknologi WDM bawaan untuk mewujudkan transmisi berbagai panjang gelombang dalam satu serat optik, and can realize a flexible networking solution for docking with wavelength division equipment.
- Solusi transmisi paket lengkap: Berdasarkan “peralihan terpadu” Arsitektur, the device can be used as a packetized transmission product compatible with TDM services to realize the unified bearing of 2G, 3G, and VIP customer dedicated lines and reduce network overlap; With the “switching” architecture, operator dapat membangun jaringan paket ujung ke ujung, jaringan hybrid paket dan SDH, or co-organize networks with routers to achieve L2+L3 unified bearer, membangun solusi transmisi paket yang lengkap, and realize the bearer network from TDM to The harmonious evolution of ALL-IP.
Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board and More Related Boards
SSND0SLD6401 | unit papan selesai-papan antarmuka optik OptiX OSN 3500-SSN4SLD6401-2xSTM-64 (Saya-64.1, LC) |
SSN1SLD64(I-64.1,LC) | Unit papan jadi-papan antarmuka optik OptiX OSN 3500-SSN1SLD6401-2xSTM-64 (Saya-64.1, LC) |
SSN1SLD64(S-64.2b,LC) | Unit papan jadi-papan antarmuka optik OptiX OSN 3500-SSN1SLD6402-2xSTM-64 (S-64.2b, LC) |
SSN1SLD16(Saya-16,LC) | Unit papan jadi-papan antarmuka optik OptiX OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1601-2xSTM-16 (Saya-16, LC) |
SSN1SLD16(S-16.1,LC) | Unit papan jadi-papan antarmuka optik OptiX OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1602-2xSTM-16 (S-16.1, LC) |
SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) | Unit papan jadi-papan antarmuka optik OptiX OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1603-2xSTM-16 (L-16.1, LC) |
SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) | Unit papan jadi-papan antarmuka optik OptiX OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1604-2xSTM-16 (L-16.2, LC) |
Huawei SSND0SLD6401 Board product Applications
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